laid open fufficiently, both in point of guilt, which the foul fees it can by no means remove, and in point of utter natural corruption, which the foul fees it cannot help; and withal the foul is brought to Chrift both for righteoufnefs and fanctification, to close with him, and depend on him for both; there the Spirit has applied Chritt's redemption (1 Cor. i. 30.), laying the plaifier to in the full breadth of the fore. Mark 2. Where there is a begun delivery from the power of fin, the reign of it is broken, it has not the foul at its beck, as before, Rom. vi. 14. It is true, fin may prevail because the power of it is not entirely broken, the application not being yet perfect. But the heart is habitually loofed from fin, longing to be rid of it, and endeavouring to be freed of the bonds, as the captive cafting off his chains when he is coming forth of the prifon, and Lazarus raised leaving his dead cloaths, Rom. vii. 24. USE III. of exhortation, in two branches. First, Be deeply concerned for the application of Chrift's redemption unto yourselves. Seek it, and be not fatisfied without it. Make it your greatest care to be partakers of the redemption purchased by Christ, To prefs this, I offer the following motives. Mot.. 1. Confider what a great redemption it is, Heb. ii. 3. It is a redemption from the greatest evils, fin, and the wrath of God;-of the greatest benefits, peace with God, pardon, and eternal life ;-performed by the greatest of perfons, the Son of God; and could be performed by no leffer one, being above the reach of angels and men ;-purchased by the paying of the greatest ranfom, the blood of God. 2. Some are made partakers of it. So fays the text. The door of the treafure-houfe is opened to fome, and they are brought in, and do partake of it. There have been before you, who have been dying of their wounds, as ye are now, and by the application of it they have been recovered, 1 Cor. vi. 11. Up then, and put in for a share in this glorious redemption. 3. Ye need it as well as others, Eph. ii. 3. Are not ye as well as others naturally juftice's prifoners, Satan's aptives, and fin's flaves? Ye cannot deliver yourselves nore than others could; ye muft perish in the pit, if ye be not partakers of this redemption. And ye are lot able to bear the weight of wrath more than ohers. O, let your need prompt you on to it. 4. It is in your offer this day. Our Lord is crying o you by the gospel, Turn ye to the strong hold, ye prioners of hope; even to-day do I declare that I will render louble unto thee, Zech. ix. 12. The Phyfician is come o your bedfides, offering you his never failing mediines, All the benefits of Chrift's purchase are offered to you. They coft him dear, but he offers them freely, though the price of blood to him; If, lv. 1. Ho, every one that thirfteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy wine and milk without money, and without price, 5. You will have no faving benefit by it, if it be not applied to you, John viii. 24. What will it avail you, that Chrift died for the fins of his people, if ye have no intereft in his death? ye muft die for your own fins, and bear your own burden for evermore, There is a phyfician indeed; but what will ye be the better, if ye do not employ him? What though ye get his directions in the gofpel? if ye do not make ufe of the remedy, ye will die of your difeafe. 6. Nay, it will be worfe for you, than if there had been no redemption purchased, Heb. ii. 3. How shall we escape if we neglect fo great falvation? Matth. xi, 24. It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, fays Chrift to Capernaum, in the day of judgement than for thee, It will aggravate your condemnation, that there was a ranfom paid, and it was in your power, but ye flighted it. O how fearful is the flight given to the price of blood, the blood of the Son of God! The Mediator's vengeance will purfue fuch. And it will gnaw the confciences of fuch as a thoufand worms at laft, that they flighted the fame. 7. Lastly, It will not always be in your offer, Luke xvi, 24. 25. Behold, now is the day of falvation. The time comes when the market of free grace will be over, and if one would ever fo fain have it, they fhall not get it. Therefore delay not. Ye know not but it may be out of your reach to-morrow; for ye have no reason to boaft of to-morrow, as ye know not what a day may bring forth. Secondly, As ever ye would have the redemption purchased by Chrift applied to you, and would not mar that application, 1. Beware of that treatment of the Spirit which has a tendency thereto, yea and leads the way to the great tranfgreffion. And beware of, ift, Refifting the Spirit, Acts vii. 51. but rather fall in with him in his operations. To ftave off convictions, and guard against awakenings out of a state of fin, to fin over the belly of light, and inward checks, and to go on obftinately in fin in oppofition to calls to repentance, is to refift the Spirit. And that is most dangerous, as dangerous as for the fick man to refift the physician that would apply healing plaisters to his fores, and fo fight against his own welfare. 2dly, Quenching the Spirit, 1 Theff. v. 19. Sometimes this holy fire begins to burn, and ye may find the heat of it: O then take heed, as one who is up. on the point of cure, that ye do not mar it. Do not caft water on this fire to drown it out, by finning against light, putting out your convictions out of your hearts and heads, by finning with a strong hand, or filling up your thoughts with worldly business, drowning them by finful pleafures, &c. Withdraw not fewel from this fire, by neglecting the motions and operations of the Spirit. Do not fmother it, by not giving them vent in prayer, and fupplication, and confeffion before God, or in confulting with his fervants in cafes wherein ye need particular direction. O, why will ye ruin yourselves, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life? 3dly, Grieving the Spirit, Eph. iv. 30. Even believers themselves have need of the Spirit for carrying on this work of application of Chrift's redemption. And they are in hazard of retarding and interrupting it, by their grieving the Spirit by grofs fins, which in a fpecial manner defile the confcience, or by fins tho' fmaller in their nature, yet attended with great aggravations, or by not valuing and efteeming the Spirit's graces, comforts, influences, and ordinances. Thefe things provoke the Spirit to withdraw; and fo the work lies behind, the application of the redemp. tion is not advanced. 4thly, Vexing the Spirit, If. lxiii. 10. It is true, the Spirit of the Lord is not fubject to paffions; for thefe are inconfiftent with the infinite happiness of God; and fo he cannot properly be grieved or vexed, nor disturbed. But men are faid to vex the Spirit, when they treat him fo as would vex one capable of vexation. This is done by often falling into the fame fins, Numb. xiv. 22. efpecially falling into them again after a perfon has been convinced of the evil of them, confeffed, mourned for them, and refolved against them; and much more when, befides all this, they have smarted for them. This is the great trial of the divine patience, a tempting of God, and puts men in great hazard of being given up of God, Num. xiv. 27. Laftiy, Blafpheming the Spirit in his operations. This is done by mocking at religion, or the work of the Spirit of the Lord, in others: A dangerous bufinefs, as these young blafphemers felt, 2 Kings ii. 23. 24. And Elisha went up from thence unto Beth-el: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and faid unto him, Go up, theu bald-bead, Go up, thou bald-head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and curfed them in the name of the Lord: and there came forth two The bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them. Or by fathering the operations of the Spirit in ourfelves or others, on fome other caufe, as when religion is counted folly, foul exercife melancholy or distraction, and communion with God delufion. Thus the Spirit, as the Spirit of regeneration and of prayer, is often blafphemed. 2. As ever ye would have the redemption purchased by Chrift applied to you, labour to get the Spirit; make it your bufinefs to get him to dwell in you, and work in you. Lay out yourselves to be his habitation. Confider, Mot. 1. Ye are by nature without the Spirit, Jude 19. therefore ye have need to feek him. The highcft principle of acting in you is your own fpirit, which is fo corrupted that it can do nothing truly good, John xv. 5. And being without the Spirit, ye are without God in the world, and therefore without hope, while ye are fo. Mot. 2. Ye can have no faving benefit by Chrift but by the Spirit. Ye can have no intereft in Christ without hin, Rom. viii. 9. and no access to God through Chrift, but by him, Eph. ii. 18. While ye have not the Spirit, the redemption is indeed purchased, but alas! it is not applied to you. Chrift has died, but you have no intereft in him, no faving benefit by him. There is a full treasure of grace in Christ, but alas! ye want the key to open it. The Bridegroom stands ready to receive you, but there is none to bring the bride to him, and fhe cannot go her alone. Mot. 3. Without the Spirit ye are spiritually dead in fin, John vi. 63. When the foul is away, the body is dead; and when the Spirit is away, the foul is dead. The man cannot move in God's way, cannot perform one duty acceptably; for nothing is fo but what is done in the Spirit, John iv. 24. Hence all ordinances and providences are loft on fuch an one; for he is like a dead tree, to which spring and winter are alike. Hence, Mot. 4. Without the Spirit ye are undone for ever; without the Spirit, without Chrift, Rom. viii. 9. without Chrift, without God, and without God, without |