The Book of PsalmsAlexander Francis Kirkpatrick Universty Press, 1951 - 852 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 69
الصفحة xxvi
... chief musician ( I Chr . xvi . 41 ) . In the title of Ps . xxxix Jeduthun appears to be named as the chief musician intended . A series of obscure titles probably indicate the melody to which the Psalm was to be sung by a reference ...
... chief musician ( I Chr . xvi . 41 ) . In the title of Ps . xxxix Jeduthun appears to be named as the chief musician intended . A series of obscure titles probably indicate the melody to which the Psalm was to be sung by a reference ...
الصفحة 37
Alexander Francis Kirkpatrick. To the chief Musician upon Gittith , A Psalm of David . O Lord our Lord , How excellent is thy name in all the earth ! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens . On the title , For the Chief Musician ; set ...
Alexander Francis Kirkpatrick. To the chief Musician upon Gittith , A Psalm of David . O Lord our Lord , How excellent is thy name in all the earth ! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens . On the title , For the Chief Musician ; set ...
الصفحة 228
... Chief Musician ; Maschil of the sons of Korah , see Introd . pp . xix , xxi , xxxiii , and p . 223 . 1 , 2. The yearning of the Psalmist's soul for communion with God . 1 . As a hind which panteth for water - brooks , So panteth my soul ...
... Chief Musician ; Maschil of the sons of Korah , see Introd . pp . xix , xxi , xxxiii , and p . 223 . 1 , 2. The yearning of the Psalmist's soul for communion with God . 1 . As a hind which panteth for water - brooks , So panteth my soul ...
Divisions of the Psalter xiiixviii | xiii |
and the English Versions lxvlxxv | lxv |
The Messianic Hope lxxvilxxxv | lxxvi |
حقوق النشر | |
3 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Ancient Versions Aramaic Babylon blessing Book of Proverbs chief Musician clause Comp connexion contrast David Delitzsch deliverance denotes Deut divine earth Edom Elohim Elohistic enemies evil exile expression Ezek faith favour glory God's hand hath heart heathen heaven Hebrew holy iniquity Introd Israel Israelites Jehovah Jerusalem judge judgement king Korah Korahite land language LORD lovingkindness lxxxix Maccabaean Massoretic meaning mercy nations natural parallel phrase praise prayer probably promise prophets Prov Psalm Psalm of Asaph Psalmist Psalter R.V. marg reading reference rejoice rendering restoration righteous salvation Selah sense servant Sheol shew song soul speak stanzas Targum Temple thanksgiving thine thou hast thought truth unto thee verb verse viii Vulg wicked word xliv xvii xviii xxii xxiv xxix xxvi xxvii xxxi xxxiii xxxv Zion