صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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(Being Bacchanalian Ballads for the use of all Professions, Trades, Crafts and Callings, and Convivial Carols for the Classes, the Masses, and the Lasses. By Tom Moore, Junior.)

THE DOCTOR'S DITTY. AIR-"Here's to the Maiden of bashful fifteen!"

HERE's to the patient of hectic fifteen!
Here's to asthmatical fifty!


Let the dose pass!
Drink, lad or lass.



["Mr. DARLING, of Deptford, considers it his mission to chastise the HOME SECRETARY."-Illustrated News.]

AIR-" Charlie is my Darling." DEPTFORD hath its DARLING, its DARLING, its DABLING!

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, the
great Ca-vil-ler!

If ASQUITH needs stern warning,
Or MORLEY wants the spur,
They'll find it in our DARLING,
The great Ca-vil-ler!

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, &c.
As he comes striding up the House,
GLADSTONE shrinks like a cur;
He knows his fluency must fail
To foil the Ca-vil-ler!

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, &c. "With Liberty Caps upon their heads Shall Anarchists confer

On treason in Trafalgar Square ?"
Demands the Ca-vil-ler I

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, &c.

"Now stand aside, you Liberal loon!
I'm going to raise a stir;
I'll harry you-at Question time!"
Quoth the great Ca-vil-ler!

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, &c.
And it's by the Square's damp fountains,
Tr-r-raitors daren't sputter treason,
And it's in their Press, with pen,
For DARLING, best of men!
Deptford hath its DARLING, its DAR-

O! Deptford hath its DARLING, the
great Cav-il-ler!



(An Imaginary Name of a Child Friend.)

I warrant I'll prove there's some use in my DEAR little maid, who in the Circle train

For let 'em be gamesome or let 'em be grim,
Ill or hearty, I care not a feather;
Fill 'em-with physic-bang up to the brim,
And let us all dose 'em together!
Howe'er they be,
Send 'em to me!

Here's to the port-soaked dyspeptic old dean! I warrant I'll find some excuse for a fee!
And here's to the slop-swigger thrifty!

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A FINE OLD GIRL AND UNCOMMONLY WELL PRESERVED is The Bohemian Girl by the BALFE and BUNN family, whose Jubilee, November 27th, was celebrated by the chivalrous Sir DRURIOLANUS at the Good Old House from which he takes his Latinised

Here's to the charmer whom wrinkles sur- title, conferred upon him some years since as prise!

Now to the maid who has none, Sir! Here's to the girl with two lungs of full size, And here's to the nymph with but one,

Sir !

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a reward of merit (not PAUL MERRITT, dram-
atist, and once upon a time collaborateur
with PETTITT) by Mr. Punch. The fair
Bohemian seemed "going strong," and as
lively as ever. Ad multos annos.

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Sat so demurely, daintily arrayed
In sweet old-fashioned garment of delane--
Dear little maid.

Your merry smile, your laugh all unafraid
Made me forget the daily stress and strain.
To earth your childish prattle quickly laid
The phantoms that to middle age bring pain,
And life seemed more attractive, not so staid.
Oh! some day soon ride with me once again,
Dear little maid.

"HOW ARE YOU OFF FOR — -?"-Messrs. A. and F. P-RS, a name which rhymes to the first and final word of the line, Tears, idle Tears" (by the way, what a delightful song for a Radical to sing, "Peers, idle Peers!"), write to Mr. Punch, informing him of the supreme excellence of the P-RS' Christmas Number, asking him to notice it, as he probably would do, in his pages, and adding that it is already out of print." Then what is the use of drawing attention to it? Of course, if being out of print makes it the more valuable, then lucky are the possessors of original specimens, and well indeed are they off for the material for which the Upper House or House of P-RS is famed.

THE SILK INDUSTRY (not from the Board of Trade Returns)-Mr. J. F. LEESE, Q.C., M.P., appointed Recorder of Manchester. Mr. Punch wishes this capital cricketer a long innings, and may Manchester have a LEESE that will run for any number of years without expiring.

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