صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

to bear fuch exceffive heat on which account they gave thofe climates the name of the Torrid or Scorching Zone, and have represented them to us as countries uncultivated and uninhabited, Nature not be ing able, according to them, to form any productions but what the great heat of the fun would înftantly confume and devour.

SUCH was formerly the ignorance of thofe good people, and fuch would ours, even at prefent, be, had not navigation and commerce taught us that this Torrid Zone is not only a habitable country, but alfo very well inhabited, and extremely fertile, as it is very easy to be proved, by the accounts we gather from fuch of our Europeans as are going thither every day, and many of whom are often found to fettle in thofe countries, and fix there their own habitation and that of their families. Is is alfo known, beyond all manner of doubt, by the accounts we are conftantly receiving from thence, that these people enjoy there a very good state of health; that they live as long as we do in thefe countries; and that they are very little troubled with fickness, which must certainly proceed from the drynefs and purity of the air; for good air will give good health. Now the air of Hell being still much hotter than that of the Torrid Zone, and, confequently much dryer and purer, it neceffarily follows, that the inhabitants of the former must enjoy infinitely a better state of health than thofe of the latter.

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MOREOVER, as we obferve, that here on earth the temperature of the air is not in every place alike, but varies according to the different climates, fo is it alfo with respect to that of hell. If there are certain places wherein it is prodigiously hot, and to which we may, with great propriety, give the name of the Torrid Zone, there are others again where you may breathe a much more temperate air; a circumstance which must be very convenient to its inhabitants for by this means, if they are too cold, they have no more to do but to go into the quarter of the Torrid Zone, where they will find heat more than fufficient. Are they too hot, let them, to cool themfelves, take a turn to those other parts, where, as I have faid above, they fometimes feel a cold as fharp and piercing as any to be met with in the most diftant countries of our Frigid Zone.

IN fhort, the moft convincing proof of the goodness and purity of the air which is breathed in hell, is the furprizing effect which it produces on the inhabitants. It is a conftant observation on earth, that the countries in which the air is drieft, the pureft, and the most refpirable, are alfo thofe whofe inhabitants are the most healthful, the most robuft, and live the longeft. Yet, however free from fickness we may continue, however perfect the health we may enjoy, how long foever the life bestowed on us may laft, though even it fometimes ftretches to an hundred years, nay, fometimes, beyond it, yet there is


no climate fo healthful, no air fo pure, as to bestow immortality on those who live in it. An advantage, no doubt, truly wonderful, and which is peculiar to that which is breathed in hell. This air is so pure, that all the drugs, all the medicines, on earth, tho they could be compounded even of the quinteffence of that so inestimable philosopher's stone, which has been fought for fo many ages, is ftill, and will, for many ages more, be fought for, could produce effects, that can, in any degree, come near to it. Those who breathe this air, are no longer fubject to any infirmities, to any diseases, nor even to death itself. And from whence does this proceed? Why, from that purity and clearnefs in it, that dries up and confumes all the peccant and vicious humours, which here on earth caufe all thofe changes.



Of the pleasures and recreations to be met with in



HERE are a greater variety of pleasures and diverfions here, than there is to be met with in any other place. Are you fond of eating and of good cheer? You have but to pay a visit to Tanta

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lus, who will take it extremely well of you, and receive a very fenfible pleasure from your favouring him with your company: you will even do him a very great piece of fervice, by relieving him from fome part of the embarraflment which he continually finds himself incumbered with.

ARE you thirsty? The Styx, the Cocytus, and Phlegethon + offer their waves to you; of which you drink your fill. Do you love to do nothing, a very favourite paffion with many people in the world ?



A king of Phrygia and Paphlagonia.

The poets

tell us, that one day having invited Jupiter, and the reft of the gods to his table, in order to put their divinity and omnifcience to a trial, he caufed his fon Pelops to be killed, and served up amongst the other dainties. The gods however were not deceived; but knowing this execrable murder, Jupiter collected together the limbs of Pelops,, and brought him to life. As to Tantalus, as a punishment for his abominable crime, he was condemned to Hell, to be tormented with a perpetual hunger and thirst, yet always in fight, and even within reach of the greatest dainties, which however fled from him the inftant he attempted to touch them.

The three rivers of Hell. The two first are full of muddy, stinking, and peftilential waters; the laft, instead of water, flows with torrents of fire, into which the fouls of criminals are faid to be plunged.

Go but to Thefeus §, who has been condemned to continue eternally unemployed, and he will readily refign his feat to you.

IN fhort, if you are fond of idleness," you cannot come to any place more fuited to your taste than to this kingdom, where you will abfolutely find there is nothing to do. There is nobody knows what it is to till the ground, to dig ditches, or raise dams. As there are, in this country, no woods or forefts, and as, befides, there is no cold, there is, confequently, no occafion for felling, lopping, or cutting down trees, to furnish firing. As the inhabitants are fupported and maintained there wholly at free coft, there is, consequently, no need of fowing, plowing, harrowing, reaping, or gathering in any fort of grain. As they have no want, either of gold or filver, of cloaths or furniture, of inftruments or tools for labour, they confequently have no bufinefs with exploring of mines, (although there are many, and those extremely rich, in this country,) nor with the carrying on any kind of manufactures. As learning is


§ He was fon of Egeus king of Athens. The fabulous hiftory of him is, that he and his friend Pirithous descending into Hell with a defign to have carried away Proferpine, their plot was difcovered; on which Pirithous was given to Cerberus, who tore him to pieces, and Thefeus was condemned to fit ftill to all eternity.

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