صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

unto thy Servant, who is

devoted to thy Fear. I have (t) LONGED after thy Pre

(t) Matt. v. 6. Bleffed are they which do hunger and thirst after cepts, O quicken thou me in RIGHTEOUSNESS, for they shall thy Righteoufnefs. Let thy be filled. MERCIES Come alfo unto me, O Lord, even thy SALVATION, for I trust in thy Word. Take not the () WORD of TRUTH utterly out of my Mouth, for therein have I hoped: So fhall I keep thy Laws (x) continually, for ever and ever. I will DELIGHT my felf in thy Commandments, which I have loved; my Hands alfo will I lift up unto thy (9) Commandments, and will MEDITATE in thy Statutes.

(u) Matt. iv. 4. Man fhall not live by Bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God.

O remember the Word unto thy Servant, upon which thou haft made me (2) to HOPE. This is my CoмFORT in mine Affliction, for thy WORD hath quickned


The Proud have had me greatly in Derifion, yet have I not declined from thy Law. I remember thy Judg ments of old, O Lord, and have (4) COMFORTED my felf. Horror hath taken hold upon me, because of the Wicked that forfake thy Law. But thy Statutes have been my Songs in the House of my (b) PILGRIMAGE. I have remembered thy Name, O Lord, in the Night, for thou art my Portion: I entreat thy Favour with my whole Heart, be

(x) John xv. 7. If ye abide in me, and my Words abide in you, ye fhall ask what you will, and it fhall be done unto you.

(y) Matt. v. 19. Whofoever hal Do and TEACH them, the fame fhall be called GREAT in the Kingdom of Heaven.

(2) Rom. VIII. 24. For we are Heb. VI. 19. SAVED by HOPE. Which HOPE we have as an Anchor of the Soul, both furejand stedfaft, and which entereth into that within the Vail; whither the Fore

runner is for us entered, even Jefus, made an High Prieft for ever.

(a) John xiv. 16. And I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you another COMFORTER, that he may abide with you for ever. Matt. v. 4. Bleffed are they that MOURN, for

they fhall be COMFORTED.

(b) Heb. XI. 13. These all-confeffed that they were STRANGERS and PILGRIMS on the Earth.


(c) Luke xv. 17, 18. When he came to himself, -he faid,-I

will arife, and go to my FATHER.

(d) Acts xx11. 16. Why TARRIEST thou? Arife, and be baptized, and wash away thy: SINS, calling on the Name of the Lord.

there was a Cry made, Behold the BRIDEGROOM cometh, go ye out Virgins arofe, &c. See also Acts to meet him. ver. 7. Then all those XII. 6,-18.

merciful unto me according to thy Word. I have thought on my Ways, and have (c) turned my Feet unto thy Teftimonies. I will make (4) HASTE, and not delay to keep thy Commandments. (e) Matt. xxv. 6. At MIDNIGHT At (e) Midnight I will rife to give Thanks unto thee, becaufe of thy righteous Judgments. The Earth, O Lord, is full of thy Mercy, teach me thy Statutes. Before I was afflicted I went aftray, but now have I kept thy Word. It is good for me that I have been AFFLICTED, (f) for now have I kept thy Statutes.

I know, O Lord, that thy Judgments are RIGHT, and that thou in (g) FAITHFULNESS haft afflicted me. Let, I pray thee, thy merciful Kindnefs be for (h) my CoмFORT, according to thy Word. Let thy tender MERCIES come unto me, that I may (i) LIVE; for thy Law is my Delight. My Soul (k) fainteth for thy SALVATION, but I hope in thy Word. Mine Eyes fail for thy Word, faying, When wilt thou comFORT me? For I am become (like a Bottle in the Smoak, yet do I not FORGET thy Statutes. The Proud have digged Pits for me; HELP thou me, O Lord: Quicken thou me after thy loving Kindness, fo fhall I keep the Teftimony of thy Mouth.

(f) Heb. x11. 11. Now no chaften. ing for the prefent feemeth to be afterward it yieldeth the peaceable joyous, but grievous; nevertheless, Fruit of Righteoufnefs, unto them which are exercifed thereby. 1 Pet. though now for a Seafon, (if need 1.6. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, be) ye are in Heaviness, through manifold Temptations.

LOVE, I rebuke and CHASTEN.
(g) Rev. 111. 19. As many as I

(b) 2 Cor. 1. 5. As the Sufferings
of Chrift abound in us, fo our CON-
SOLATION alfo aboundeth by Chrift.
(i) 2 Cor. 1. 9, 10. God which
raifeth the Dead, delivered us from
great a DEATH, and doth deli-
ver; in whom we trust that he will
yet deliver.

(k) Phil. 1.23. I am in a STRAIT betwixt two, having a Defire to depart, and to be with Chrift, which

is far better.

(1) Fohn x1. 25, 26. He that believeth in me, tho' he were dead, yet fhall he live: And whofoever

liveth and believeth in me, fhall never die. Col. 111. 3, 4. Ye are dead, and your Life is hid with is our Life, fhall appear, then shall Chrift in God. When Chrift, who ye alfo appear with him in Glory.

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For ever, O Lord, thy (m)
WORD is fettled in Heaven.
Thy Faithfulness is unto all
Generations; thou haft (2)

(m) Matt. XXIV. 35. Heaven and Earth fhall pass away, but my Words fhall not pass away.

(n) Heb. 1. 3. And upholding all established the Earth, and things by the WORD of his Power. it abideth: They continue this Day according to thine Ordinances; for all are thy Servants. Unless thy Law had been my Delight, I fhould have perifhed in my AFFLICTION. I will (o) never FORGET thy Precepts, for with them thou haft quickned me. I am thine, fave me, for I have fought thy Precepts.

The Wicked have fought to deftroy me, but I will confider thy Teftimonies. I have feen an End of all (p) PERFECTION, but thy Commandment is exceeding broad.

(0) Gal. v1.9. And let us not be weary in WELL-DOING, for in due Season we fhall reap, if we faint


(P) Ecclef. 1.2. VANITY of VANITIES, all is VANITY. Phil.xır.

8. I count all Things but Lofs, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Chrift Jefus my Lord; for whom Things, and do count them but Dung, that I may win Chrift.

I have fuffered the Lofs of all

Grant this, O most merciful Father, for the infinite Merits of the Death and Paffion of Chrift Jefus our Redeemer, who is exalted as our High Priest to the right hand of the Majesty on high, to be a Prince and Saviour, to give Repentance and Remiffion of Sins. Amen.


A Profeffion of Love for God's Law, and of Confidence in its Promifes.

LORD, how (a) LOVE I thy LAW, it is my Meditation all the Day. Thou through thy Commandments haft made me (b) WISER than mine Enemies, for they are ever with me. I have reftrained my Feet from every (c) evil Way, that I might keep thy Word. (4) How SWEET are thy WORDS unto my Tafte; yea, fweeter than Honey to my Mouth; thy (e) WORD is a LAMP unto my Feet, and a LIGHT unto my Path. I have fworn, and I will (f) perform it, that I will keep thy righteous Judgments.

(a) 2 Cor. v. 14. For the LOVE of Chrift conftraineth us, because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead. John xv. Io. If ye keep my COMMANDMENTS, ye thall abide in my Love.

(b) 1 Cor. 1. 25, 27. The Foolishnefs of God is WISER than Men. God hath chofen the FOOLISH THINGS of the World to confound the WISE.

(c) Col. 111. 5. Mortify therefore

your Members which are upon the Earth, FORNICATION, UNCLEANNESS, INORDINATE AFFECTION, evil CONCUPISCENCE, and COVETOUSNESS, which is Idolatry.

(d) 1 Cor. 11.9. Eye hath not feen, nor Ear heard, neither have entered into the Heart of Man, the THINGS which God hath prepared

for them that LOVE him.

(e) John 1. 1,4. In the Beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God: In him was Life, and the Life was the LIGHT of Men. Col. 1. 13. Who hath delivered us from the PowWER of DARKNESS, and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son.

I am afflicted very much, quicken me, O Lord, according to thy Word. Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will OFFERINGS of my (g) (f) 1 Cor. xv. 58. Be ye ftedfaft, MOUTH, and teach me thy unmoveable, always abounding in the Work of the Lord, forafmuch Judgments. My (b) Soul is as ye know that your LABOUR is continually in thy Hand, not in VAIN in the Lord. 2 Pet. yet do I not forget thy Law. 11. 21. It had been better for them not to have known the Way of Righteoufnefs, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy Commandment delivered unto them.

(g) Heb.x111. 15. By himlet us offer the SACRIFICE of PRAISE to God continually; that is, the Fruit of our Lips.

(b) 2 Cor. 1. 9. But we had the SENTENCE of DEATH in our felves, that we should not truft in our felves, but in God which raiseth the Dead.

• Pfalm CXIX. 97,98, 101, 103, 105, to 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 129, 132, to 136, 141, to 144.

I hate (i) vain Thoughts, but
thy Law do I love.

Thou art my hiding Place
and my Shield; I HOPE in
thy WORD. Uphold me ac-
cording to thy Word, that I
may live, and let me not be
(k) ASHAMED of my HOPE.
Hold thou me up, and I fhall
be fafe, and I will have re-
fpect to thy Statutes. My
Flesh (TREMBLETH for
fear of thee, and I am afraid
of thy Judgments. Mine
Eyes fail for thy Salvation,
(m) and for the Word of thy
with thy Servant according
to thy Mercy, and teach me
thy Statutes: Thy Teftimo-
nies are wonderful, therefore
doth my Soul keep them.
Look thou upon me, and be
merciful unto me, as thou
ufeft to do unto thofe that
(0) LOVE thy NAME. Order
my Steps in thy Word, and
let not any Iniquity have
(p) Dominion over me.

Deliver me from mine Oppreffors, fo will I keep thy Precepts. Make (4) thy Face to fhine upon thy Servant, and teach me thy Statutes. (r) Rivers of WATERS run down mine EYES, becaufe Men keep not thy Law. I am (5) SMALL and and DESPISED, yet do I not forget thy Precepts. Thy (1) Righteousness is an ever

(i) 2 Cor. x. 3,49 5. For tho' we walk in the Flefh, we do not war after the Flesh; for the Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the PUL

LING down of STRONG HOLDS, cafting down IMAGINATIONS, and every HIGH THING that exalteth it felf against the Knowledge of God, and bringing into Captivity every THOUGHT to the Obedience of Chrift.

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(k) Rom. v. 5. HOPE maketh not ASHAMED, because the Love of God is fhed abroad in our Hearts, by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.

(1) Phil. 11. 12, 13. Work out your own SALVATION with FEAR

and TREMBLING, for it is God
which worketh in us both to will
and to do, of his good Pleafure.
() 1 Pet. 1. 5. Who are kept by
the Power of God, through Faith
unto Salvation.

(n) Gal. v. 5. We through the Spirit wait for the Hope of RIGHTEOUSNESS by Faith.

(0) John XIV. 21. He that LOVETH me fhall be LOVED of my Father; and I will LOVE him, and will manifeft my self to him.

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(P) Rom. VI. 14. For SIN fhall not have DOMINION over you, for ye are not under the Law, but un

der GRACE.

(9), John XIV. 23. If a Man love me, he will keep my Words, and my Father will love him; and we will come unto him, and make our

Abode with him.

(r) John xv1.20. Ye fhall wEEP

and LAMENT, but the World shall rejoice; and ye fhall be SORROWFUL, but your SORROW fhall be turned into Joy. Matt. v. 4. Blef fed are they that MOURN, for they

fhall be COMFORTED.

(s) Matt. v. 3. Bleffed are the POOR in SPIRIT, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

I Cor. IV.

we 10, 13: We are DESPISED,are made as the FILTH of the

World, and are the OFFSCOURING of all Things unto this Day. (t) Tit. 111. 5. Not by Works of RIGHTEOUSNESS, which we have done, but according to his Mercy he faved us.


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