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النشر الإلكتروني
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Of Vertue in general; and particularly of Wisdom, Understanding, Wit, Learning, Knowledge, Goodness, Faith, Truth, Humility, Love, or Charity, Patience, Diligence, Liberality, Speech, Temperance, Chastity, Liberty and Praife.


ERTUE is the proper Effect of our Regeneration, by the Spirit of God dwelling in us; whereby it appeareth fufficiently unto us, that the Foundation of all Vertue is that Divine Reason, which floweth into our Souls from the free Goodness of God. Fr. Ac.

Know, that in the Studies of Greece we learn, not to command, but first to obey; not to speak, but to keep flence; not to refift, but to humble our felves; not to get much, but to content our felves with a little; not to revenge our Harms, but to pardon; not to take from others, but to. give our own; not to take care to be honoured, but to labour to be vertuous. Anacharfis to Crafus. TOY Vertue

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Vertue is a strong Caftle, and can never be won; it is a River that needeth no rowing, a Sea that moveth not, a Fire that quencheth not, ^a Treasure without end, an Army never overcome, a Burthen that never wearieth, a Spy that ever returneth, a Sign that never deceiveth, a plain Way that never faileth, a Medicine that presently healeth, and a Renown that never perifheth. Mar. Aurel.

Vertue is the profitablest thing in the World, because it maketh all other things profitable, by causing Men to use them well. Thales.


Only Vertue attainęth to everlasting Bleffednefs. Ariftarted ducë qua Vertue principally, above all things, purchafeth to Man Good-will, FriendThip and Love. Socrates.

It is better to fuffer Shame for Ver tuons Dealing, than to win Honour by vicious Living. Hermese lõi ma

The lefs time that a Man hath to live, the more earnestly ought he to tudy and proceed in Vertue. Diogeness co

Prudence is the Guide of all other Vertues. Senecant

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So live with Men, as if God faw thee so converfe with God, as if Men heard thee. Seneca.

Sleep not before thou haft confider'd how thou haft spent the Day paft; if thou haft well done, thank God, if otherwife, repent and ask him forgiveness. Pythagoras.

To a vertuous and well-difpofed Man every Day is high and holy. Diogenes.

Nothing can easily corrupt a Mind that is wholly dedicated to Vertue. Aristippus.

-Labour and take Pains to spend thy Life in Vertue; the Pain is but fhort, but thy Vertue fhall-ever endure but if contrarily, thou shalt take Pleafure in doing that which is Evil, thy Pleasure ceafeth, but the Evil remaineth. Mufonius.

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It is a great Vertue to abitain from those things our felves, which we reprove in others. Plutarch.


He that liveth vertuously in this Life, his Spirit fhall have reft with God. Mar. Aurél, 9200; VOLTES

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Take no thought to live long, but to live well.

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A good City fhould care more for Vertue than for People. Pontanus. Silence in a Woman is a precious. Vertue, Hermes. stood tou gesla Vertue, fometime at the firft, feem eth to be dark, hard, and unpleasant, altho' at length it appeareth most bright, amiable, lovely, and comfortable. Plotinus...

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Refrain from Vice; for Vertue is a precious Garment. Plato. There is more Truft in Honefty, than in an Oath. Thales.

Wisdom is a right Understanding, a Faculty of difcerning Good from Evil; what is to be chofen, and what rejected; It fets a Watch over our Words and Deeds; it informs us in all the Duties of Life, as Piety to our: Parents, Faithfulness to our Friends, Charity to the Miferable, Judgment in Counfel: --- She fearches Nature, gives Laws to Life; and tells us, that it is not enough to know God (or his Will) unless we obey him. Seneca.

A wife Man is never fo bufie,' as in the folitary Contemplation of God, and the Works of Nature.

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Wisdom is the Knowledge of Divine Things, and the Head of all other Science. Ariftotle.

Wildom is the Knowledge of Things Divine and Humane; which confidereth the Caufes of every thing, by reafon whereof, that which is Divine fhe followeth, and that which is Humane the efteemeth very light. Tullius.


Sapience (or Wifdom) is the Foundation and Root of all Noble and Laudable Things; by her we may win the good End, and keep our felves from everlafting Pain. Ariftotle.

True Wisdom teacheth us as well to do as to fpeak. Idem.

The Fear of God is the beginning of Wifdóm.. Socrates..

What more becomes Wifdom, than to difcern what is worthy our Affection? What more confonant to Goodnefs, than to love it fo difcerned? and what to Magnanimity of Mind, than to be conftant in it once loved? Hermes

Honour Wisdom, and deny it not to them that would have it, but fhew it not to them that defpife it. Py shagoras.



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