صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Estate, and Old Age, all which degrees, we bring into that narrow compafs (of our Life) if we do not watch, we lose our opportunities.--What greater Folly can be in the World, than the Lofs of Time, the Future being fo uncertain! We fhould therefore first prepare our felves by a vertuous Life against the dread of an inevitable Death; and it is not for us to put off being good, 'till fuch or fuch a Business is over;---the Confcience of a good Life puts a Man into a fecure Poffeffion of Felicity; but he that leads a wicked Life, is afraid of his own Memory, and in the review of himself.

Time is Precious to him that well fpendeth it.

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Containing a Century of Divine and Moral (but short and weighty) Sayings or Sentences, chiefly collected from the moft noted Authors before named, and put into an Alphabetical Order.



Good Man is the Similitude of

2. A Slave to Paffion hath no Power to Rule his own Will..

3. A Man that is Obedient to the Dictates of Right Reason, cannot injure his Neighbour.

4. A quiet Man joyneth Wisdom with his Simplicity.

5. An Evil Tongue is fharper than a Sword.

6. Affirm nothing before thou know'ft the Truth.

7. A Man ought rather to embellish his Mind with honest Arts, than deck his Body with fine Apparel.

8. Anger is the Caufe of Enmity. and Hatred.

9. An Upright Man, and an Happy Man are all one.

10. All the World is the Temple of God. 11. Be

11. Be careful of fuch things, as appertain to God,

12. Be not earnest in thy Defires after any Visible Thing.

13. Be the felf-fame as thou pre-tendeft.

14. Be not high-minded.

15. Be not hafty to speak, nor flow to hear.

16. Be fatisfied with little, and covet not other Men's.

17. Be Sober in thy living, and replenish thy Heart with Wisdom. 18. Chastity is the Beauty of Man's Life.

19. Constant Love is a Principal Vertue.

20. Custom, without Truth, is but an old Error.

21. Cuftom is as it were another Nature.

22. Do that whereof thou should't not Repent.

29. Do that which is Juft, and abftain from Evil.

24. Dread God, and keep thy felf from vain Glory.

25. Drunkennefs is an abominable Vice in a Teacher.

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26. Eat rather for Hunger, than for Pleasure or Delight.

27. Enfue the Vertues of thy Godly Ancestors.

28. Fix thy Mind to do Juftly; and fee thou Swear not.

29. Fear dependeth on Love; and without Love it is foon had in Contempt.

30. Fly from Filthinefs of Life. 31. Fly the Company of a Lyar, or beware thou believe him not.

32. Give Place to thy Betters, and Elders.

33. God is feen of the Vertuous Mind.

$4. God is all Goodnefs and Love. 35. God is Careful for all, both Small and Great.

36. God is the Law of Wife and Sober Men.

37. Good Education is the way to good Manners.

38. Hate Pride and Vain Glory. 39. He that helpeth the Evil, hurteth the Good.

40. Hope of Reward maketh Pain feem eafie.

41. He is in great danger, that looketh not to his Soul.


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42. Hafte often caufeth Repentance, and a Froward Heart findeth no good.

43. It is a point of Flattery to praise a Man to his Face.

44. If thou haft done well, thank God; if not, repent and ask him Forgiveness.

45. Infamy always enfueth Arro→ gancy.

46. In Profperity beware, and in Adverfity hope for better things. 47. Judge according to Equity. 48. Law is the Tryer, and Finder out of Truth.

49. Let not thy Tongue run before thy Wit.

So. Let thy Mind rule thy Tongue. 51. Labour not: much for that which will perish.

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52. Love, if thou would'st be loved. 53. Let not thy Thoughts depart from Truth...

54. Let no Man perfwade thee by Flattery to do any Evil.

55: Learn to bear hard things, that thou may'ft bear eafie things the better.

56. Love thy Neighbour

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57. Let

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