صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

How may the imagination be best regulated?

What is the meaning of the words, God will judge every man according to his works?"

How shall a man most effectually guard against his besetting sin?

What are the nature, source, and cure of scandal?

What opinion are we to form of Dr. Johnson's religious character?

What is covetousness; and the limit between it and a proper regard to our interest ?

How should Christians behave themselves towards men of the world? With what views should we regard the present spread of infidelity? What is the best method of dividing time?

How far may popularity properly encourage a minister of the Gospel? Is any holy disposition in the heart of a sinner previously necessary to warrant his believing in Jesus Christ?

What does our Lord mean when he says, "My kingdom is not of this world?"

The nature, error, and danger of the mystic scheme.

What lessons may we derive from the unexpected death of the Rev. Mr. Cadogan? (1797.) [Similar questions occur on the decease of other clergymen and members of the society; but we forbear copying them. We only notice this, the first that occurs, for the sake of observing that such questions often furnish much solace and instruction.]

What is religious ostentation? What is the best method of dealing with young people, under first serious impressions?

What regard should be paid to the scruples of religious people in things indifferent?

The different dangers to which the Calvinistic and Arminian schemes are liable.

In what respects are Establishments favourable to the great interests of Christianity?

What is it for a minister" to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ?"

What influence has the parental character on the rising generation ? The advantages and disadvantages of Methodism.

In what way shall we best approve ourselves to God and our country in the event of a revolution? (1797.)

The ground of the diversity of character among real Christians?

In what cases does error become criminal?

What is the best plan of conducting studies preparatory for the pulpit? What opportunities of usefulness should a minister endeavour to seize upon in a journey?

How far may a minister encourage animadversion upon himself in his hearers?

What is the difference between a real and pretended conscientiousness?

What are the nature, benefits, ob-ligations, and subjects of the Lord's. Supper?

How may we discover and counteract the defects of our own character? In what sense are we all the children of wrath by nature?

Is the word the seed of regeneration; or is regeneration a work of the Spirit previous to the operation of the word on the heart? or is the matter so undetermined in Scripture that we can say nothing with certainty concerning it?

What is the Scripture idea of that "holiness without which no man shall see the Lord?”

The advantages and disadvantages of evening lectures. [They were then scarcely known, and generally discountenanced.]

The advantages and disadvantages of a considerable variety of preachers.

What is the nature and evil of schism, and the best method of preventing it?

What may be done towards the best interests of the children of a congregation?

In what sense are we" not without the law to God, but under the law to Christ?"

What can be done at the present moment to counteract the designs of infidels against Christianity? (1798.)

What constitutes what is termed effect in preaching?

What constitutes an external call to the ministry, and how far is it indispensible?

In what sense are we to understand the temptations of our Lord? What is the obligation of the Christian Sabbath?

What are the objections brought against the literal sense of the Mosaic history, and what are the proper answers to them?

To what extent does Scripture authorise typical explanations?

What is meant by the wedding garment, in the parable of the Marriage of the King's Son?

Is there a moral sense; and what is it?

What are the real causes of enmity against the Gospel?

of different preachers? and what instruction can be derived from the consideration of the subject?

How far may a periodical publication be made subservient to the interests of religion? [There was at that period a great want of such publications.]

How far is fasting a Christian duty?

What methods can we use the most effectually to promote the knowledge of the Gospel among the heathen?

What is the obligation, and what is the most effectual method of administering and receiving brotherly reproof?

The sin and danger of embracing false doctrine.

What rules should govern a Christian in designating a son to the mi

What is emulation? and what are nistry? the evils arising from it?

What tends to enliven or depress devotion in a congregation?

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What is the meaning of that passage, Sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence, for without the law sin was dead?"

What are the first and most prominent discoveries of depravity in children, and the best method of counteracting them?

What lessons may we learn from the dispensations of Divine Providence?

What are we to understand by doctrinal, experimental, and practical preaching?

What are the criteria of Divine truth, and how may it be distinguished from plausible errors ?

How far is gravity binding upon the ministerial character?

What is the best preparation for the pulpit ?

What are the causes and signs of declension in religion?

The practical meaning of the Apostolic injunction, 2 Thess. iii. 6.

As different speakers are introduced in the Scriptures, by what rules are we to distinguish the sure testimony of God from the opinions of the speakers?

The account of the capture of the missionary ship Duff by a French What is the morality and use of privateer. It was agreed to consider dreams? the event as a providential dispensation, and how we might derive instruction from it. (1799.)

What is the nature, evil, and cure of Antinomianism?

The best way of improving the next thanksgiving day. [Similar questions elsewhere occur, which we omit.]

What evidence have we from fact of the intercourse of the invisible world with our system?

Is religion on the advance or decline in this country?

What circumstances have determined the popularity or unpopularity

What are the nature and effect of the fear of God?

What are the characteristics of a spiritual mind, and the means of growth therein ?

What is it to preach Christ? and how far should circumstances regulate the method of doing it?

What are the proper subjects and mode of Christian Baptism?

What is the use of prophecy, andTM

especially as it respects the present times?

What manner and measure should be observed in treating the doctrine of Election?

On what grounds has a man warrant to believe that he is in a state of acceptance with God? : What is the visible church of Christ? What was the Apostolic method of preaching? and how far is there any deviation from it in the race of Evangelical preachers?

How may we best improve the new year? (1800.)

What is the nature of the inspiration of the Scriptures?

The future glory of the church of Christ on earth.

What are the most general causes of a minister's popularity?

What is the most profitable method of studying the Scriptures in private, and of bringing them before the family?

How shall we distinguish between the Christian conflict and the workings of natural conscience?

Is there any foundation in Scripture for the distinction between common and special grace; and wherein does it consist?

On what grounds may the practice of family prayer be enforced?

What is the proper test of religious sincerity both in ourselves and others?

What was the degree of light enjoyed under the Old-Testament

What is it for a minister to mag- dispensation? nify his office?

What are the causes of the present contempt of the clergy?

On what grounds should a Christian minister discountenance theatrical amusements?

In what respects are ministers warranted to expect Divine influence in the exercise of their ministry?

Is redemption general or particular?

What are the main points of instruction to be derived from the Book of Job?

Is there any thing in Christian experience which a mere pretended experience cannot imitate without detection?

What kind of preaching is best calculated to guard our people against declension in religion?

Wherein consists the difference

What are the order and association between that knowledge which a of Christian graces ?

What is the practical application of that Scripture injunction, "Let "Let each of us please his neighbour for his good to edification?"

How shall we distinguish between true and counterfeit Christian experience?

Are known seals of a minister's labours necessary to evince the acceptableness of his ministry to the Lord, and how far?

How shall a minister best preserve his people from the influence of sectarian teachers?

How is the duty of abstaining from the reproof of sin to be distinguished from the temptation?

How far is it expedient to encourage religious societies? and what is the best method of conducting them?

What is the best method of comforting afflicted consciences?

natural man may receive from the Gospel and that which a spiritual man receives?

The nature and criminality of precipitation.

What is the Scriptural nature of the assurance of hope?

What should be the conduct of a minister towards persons who appear to be falling away from the Spirit of the Gospel?

Upon what grounds do we invite unconverted sinners to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?

The nature of that faith mentioned Heb. xi.

What is the nature of the striving of the Holy Spirit with unconverted persons?

What is it to glory in tribulation? What does the Scripture teach us concerning the duty of inter


What is the proper province of


Questions discussed by a Clerical Society.

reason in the reception of Christianity?

Wherein consists the evil of reading novels, plays, romances, &c. ? What are the nature and marks of hypocrisy in religion?

The use and abuse of impressions from passages of Scripture.

In what circumstances, and how far, are the threatenings and prophecies of Scripture to be considered as forming the rule of our conduct towards others?

What have been the signal interpositions of Divine Providence in favour of Britain during the late war?

The nature and sinfulness of spiritual pride and the best means of repressing it.

How shall we best treat malignant opposers of the Gospel with whom we are constrained to have intercourse?

In what sense are we to understand those words of our Lord, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name I will do it?”

The expediency of accommodation of Scripture.

What are the principal errors of the Quakers; and what is the influence of those errors upon their general character?

In what respects does the influence of the Holy Spirit accompany the word of God?

The causes of not profiting by the word preached both as it respects ministers and hearers.

How shall we discover the impression which our characters make upon others, and how far is the inquiry important?

What were the influences of the Holy Spirit in the church, previous to the day of Pentecost?

How shall we best improve the event of public peace? (1802)

How shall we detect the enmity of heart against God in amiable moral characters ?

What judgment shall we form concerning the degree of sanctification possessed by the Old-Testament saints?

719 What is the best way of defending the truth?

What rules can be given for treating all subjects evangelically?

What foundation is there in Scripture for the doctrine of the Millennium; of what nature will it be; and to what use may it be applied?

What is the best method of forti fying the minds of youth in schools against infidelity?

What can be said respecting the salvation of infants and virtuous heathen?

How shall we distinguish between unbelieving fears and those doubts concerning our state which are salutary and scriptural?

What is the Scriptural idea of the term mystery?

What are the seasons in a Christian's experience which may be considered critical?

Will natural constitution in any degree extenuate guilt?

Where lies the specific difference between an Antinomian and a real Christian?

How does the Gospel establish the Law?

What is the meaning of that article in the Apostles' Creed, The Holy Catholic Church?

In what sense is the sin of a believer imputed to Christ, and the righteousness of Christ imputed to the believer >

What are the grounds and tendency of the opinion that Christians must lose their first love?

How may we with propriety imitate the example of St. Paul, in becoming all things to all men?

What is the difference between accuracy in stating Scripture doc, trine, and mere speculation?

What is the Scripture doctrine of the Trinity, and what are those deviations from it, which tend to heresy ?

What are the evidences of grace which bring with them the completest evidence that they are gracious? What is the Scripture account of the New Covenant?

What are the symptoms external

and internal which denote a man to be in a dangerous predicament? What is the distinction between Evangelical doctrine and enthusiasm? Does St. Paul in Rom. vii. speak in the person of a regenerate or unregenerate man?

Is there any ground for the distinction between baptismal and spiritual regeneration?

What are the duties which the present times particularly require of us? (1803.)

How shall we know whether our convictions are from natural conscience, or from the Spirit of God?

What are the leading points to which the attention of the public should be led on the approaching fast? (1803)

Is it in any case lawful to deviate from truth?

Is there any thing of appropriation in the nature of justifying faith?

How are we to understand our Lord's words, "Every idle word that a man shall speak he shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment?

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Is there an essential difference between the warfare of the flesh with the Spirit in believers, and those warrings of the conscience with the passions felt by sinners in general; and wherein does the difference consist?

By what arguments shall we plead with God to deliver us from the French? (1804.)

How far is it our duty to visit our people in private, and the best methods?

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What is the import and application of that passage Wisdom is justified of her children?"

What limits ought to be put by ministers to the indulgence of curiosity with regard to public exhibitions?

How far does the apparent state of many supposed to be real Christians consist with the Scriptural idea of the new birth?

In what sense did Christ learn obedience by the things which he suffered; and in what respect is He a fit example for us in suffering?

What is that love of the world which is inconsistent with the love of the Father dwelling in us?

The advantages and disadvantages of forms in the public worship of God.

How shall we know whether we are in the path of duty?

The use and expediency of anonymous letters.

What rules should a minister observe for his health in the discharge of his duty?

Is it Scriptural to say that repentance and faith are the means of justification?

What constitutes Christian unity? Whether any encouragement should be given to Popery by a Protestant government?

What is the best method of addressing a congregation from the pulpit?

The importance, use, and responsibility of personal influence ? Is it lawful to use artifice to promote a good end?

(To be concluded in the Appendix.)

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