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الكتب الكتب
" Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel : therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die ; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked... "
A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional and ... - الصفحة 15
بواسطة Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1806
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, المجلد 2

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 666
...therefore hear thou the word from my mouth, and give them 'earning from me ; — and if thou speakest not to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his...man, shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will 1 require at thine hand^. If ever you read this passage with attention, you must own it is exceedingly...

The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, المجلد 3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 680
...house of Israel ; therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me : When I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die ; and thou givest...warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his evil way to save his life ; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but HIS BLOOD WILL i REQUIRE...

The works of... P. Doddridge [ed. by E. Williams and E. Parsons ..., المجلد 3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 712
...therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me : When I say to the wicked, Thou shall surely die ; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his evil way to save his life ; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but HIS BLOOD WILL i REQUIRE...

Theological Works: Published at Different Times, and Now Collected ..., المجلد 1

Thomas Scott - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 568
...wicked man, thou '*' shalt surely die : if thou dost not speak to " warn the wicked from his way, that wicked " man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood " will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, " if thou warn the wicked of his way, to turn " from it : if he do not turn from his...

A Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians: Consisting of ...

Hugh Gaston - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 548
...the word at my mouth, and give them warning. Ezek. iii. 18. When I say unto the wicked, thou shall surely die, and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest...the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, he shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thy hand. Ver. 19. If thou warn the wicked...

The works of ... Joseph Hall, with some account of his life and ..., المجلد 5

Joseph Hall (bp. of Norwich.) - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 632
...O wicked man, tfiou shall surely die; If thou dost iiof speak to warn (he wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand. A sleeping centinel is the loss of a whole city. The forfeiture of his own life, is the least piece...

The works of the rev. John Newton, المجلد 2

John Newton - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 624
...wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost " not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that " wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood " will I require at thine hand ; " Ezek. xxxiii. Let this awful passage plead our excuse, if, at any time, we seem too urgent, or...

A treatise on the conduct of God to the human species, and on the divine ...

James Hare - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 412
...from " me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt " surely die; and thou givest him not warn" ingj nor speakest to warn the wicked from his " wicked...iniquity; but his blood will " I require at thine hand." Now this supposes so clearly and unequivocally a power in every wicked man to repent, that under any...

A treatise on the conduct of God to the human species, and on the divine ...

James Hare - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 474
...unto the house of Israel : " therefore hear the word at my mouth, and " give them warning from me. When I say " unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die;...warning, nor " speakest to warn the wicked from his to the Human Species, $c. 65 ** wicked way, to save his life ; the same " wicked man shall die in his...

The works of ... Ezekiel Hopkins, arranged and revised, with a ..., المجلد 1

Ezekiel Hopkins (bp. of Derry.) - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 676
...'watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die...givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked of his evil way, to save his life ; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity : but his blood will...

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