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النشر الإلكتروني

they could for the glory of God and the good of | praying societies, theological schools, education men. They dare not transfer to a missionary societies, missionary societies, Sunday schools, society, or bible society, or education society, a and in raising large sums of money by every cent or a prayer, lest in so doing they should rob way that ingenuity can devise, for propagating the church of its glory, and exalt the inventions the gospel. of men above the wisdom of God. In their church capacity alone they moved. The church they considered "the pillar and ground of the truth;" they viewed it as the temple of the Holy Spirit; as the house of the living God. They considered if they did all they could in this capacity, they had nothing left for any other object of a religious nature. In this capacity, wide as its sphere extended, they exhibited the truth in word and deed. Their good works, which accompanied salvation, were the labors of love, in ministering to the necessities of saints, to the poor of the brotherhood. They did good to all men, but especially to the household of faith. They practiced that pure and undefiled religion, which, in overt acts, consists in "taking care of orphans and widows in their affliction, and in keeping one's self unspotted by (the vices of) the world."

Our zeal burns brightest in contending for orthodox tenets, and a sort of technical language rendered sacred, and of imposing influence by long prescription. Such as the covenant of works, the covenant of grace; the active and passive obedience of Christ; legal repentance; the terms and conditions of the gospel; the gospel offer; the holy sacraments; ministerial, sacramental and catholic communion; the mediatorial kingdom of Christ; the millennium; historic faith, temporary faith, the faith of miracles, justifying faith, the faith of devils, the faith of assurance, and the assurance of faith; the direct act of faith, the reflex act of faith; baptismal vows; kirk sessions; fencing the tables; metallic tokens; &c. &c. Thus to speak in clerical dignity, anagogically, more than half the language of Ashdod is mingled with less than half the language of Canaan; and the people are generally zealous about such confounding, misleading and arrogant distinctions, which all result in divesting christianity of its glorious simplicity, which adapts it to boys and girls, as well as to philosophers, and which distort it into a mystery fit to employ linguists, philosophers, doctors of divinity, all their leisure hours, at a handsome per annum, in studying and then in giving publicity to their own discoveries, or in retailing those

of others.

In their church capacity they attended upon every thing that was of a social character, that did not belong to the closet or fireside. In the church, in all their meetings, they offered up their joint petitions for all things lawful, commanded or promised. They left nothing for a missionary prayer meeting, for seasons of unusual solemnity or interest. They did not at one time abate their zeal, their devotion, their gratitude or their liberality, that they might have an opportunity of showing forth to advantage or of But into how diverse and opposite extremes doing something of great consequence at ano- and absurdities have many run, in their wild, ther. Such things they condemned in Jews and superstitious, and chimerical views of the chrisPagans. No, gentle reader, in the primitive tian religion. Inquisitive reader, turn your eyes church they had no Easter Sunday, Thanksgiv- to yonder monastery, built in that solitary desert, ing Monday, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, filled with a religious order of monks, and an Holy Thursday, Good Friday, nor Preparation abbot at their head. Why have they shut themSaturday. All days were alike good-alike pre-selves out from the world in that solitary reparation-alike thanksgiving. As soon as some cluse? It is for the purpose of becoming more Pharisees that believed began to observe days abstemious, more devout, more devoted to the and months, and times, and years; so soon did study of mystic theology. Hear them contendthe apostle begin to stand in doubt of them. ing whether the Solitaires, the Cœnabites or the Having taken a cursory view of some of the Sarabaites have chosen the course most congenial leading features of the christian religion, ex- to the gospel. See these poor, gloomy, lazy set hibited in prospective, and in actual existence at of mortals, habited in their awful black, their its first institution, we shall in the last place ad- innocent white, or their spiritual grey, accordvert to its present appearance. But alas! "howing to their order, forsaking all the business and is the fine gold become dim!" Instead of the enjoyments of society, spending their days in apostles' doctrine, simply and plainly exhibited penury and affliction for the sake of sublimer in the New Testament, we have got the sublime contemplations of God and of the heavenly science of theology, subdivided into scholastic, world; and say have they ever seen a bible! polemic, dogmatic and practical divinity. In- Again, see this sacred gloom, this holy melanstead of the form of sound words given by the choly, this pious indolence, becoming so popu Spirit to be held fast, we have countless creeds, lar as to affect all the seminaries of christendom composed of terms and phrases, dogmas and for a time! See it command the respect of speculations, invented by whimsical metaphysi- the highest dignitaries of the church; and hear cians, christian philosophers, rabbinical doctors, them call those haunts of gloom and superstiand enthusiastic preachers. Instead of the tion, as some of the reformed orders of modern divinely established order of bishops and dea- times call our colleges, "fountains and streams cons, or as they are sometimes called, elders that make glad the city of God" by qualifying and deacons, which remained when the age of pious divines! Yes, these monasteries became "spiritual gifts" and "spiritual men" passed so famous for piety and solemnity, that the away, we have popes, cardinals, archbishops, church looked to them for her most useful minmetropolitan bishops, diocesan bishops, rectors, isters. And, indeed, much of the gloomy as prebendaries, deans, priests, arch deacons, pre-pect, dejected appearance, and holy sighing of siding elders, ruling elders, circuit preachers, local preachers, licentiates, class leaders, abbots, monks, friars, &c. &c.

modern times, and especially of the leaders of devotion, sprang from those monasteries.

Next, consider for a moment, yon sobbing anOur devotion exhibits itself in prayers, in the chorite, with his amulet round his neck, his set phrase of pompous oratory; in singing beads solemnly moving through his fingers, choirs; in long sermons, modelled after Grecian bent upon his naked knees in yon miserable and Roman orations, logical themes and meta-cell, muttering his "Ave Maria," and invoking physical essays; in revivals, camp-meetings, St. Andrew to intercede in his behalf; and say

has he a bible? O yes! It lies mouldering and | lovers, money-lovers, boasters, proud, blasphemoth eaten on his shelves. mers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, without natural affection, covenant-breakers, slanderers, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it. Now FROM THESE TURN AWAY." Christian reader, remember this command-and "from such turn away.”

From this scene of infatuation turn your eyes to yonder dismal edifice, with iron gates and massy bars. Within its merciless apartments view the "minister of religion," the "ambassador of Christ," attired in his sacred robes, with holy aspect and flaming zeal for "divine honor" and that of his church, exhorting the vile heretic on pain of the most excruciating torments here, and eternal damnation hereafter, to abjure his heresy. As an argument to enforce his pious exhortations, observe the red hot pincers in hand, pointing to the boiling lead, the piles of fagots, the torturing wheels, and all the various engines of horrid vengeance. Do you ask who is he? answer, It is the Reverend Inquisitor. On the most solemn AUTO DA FE, see this incorrigible heretic brought forward, arrayed in his santo benito, or sleeveless yellow coat, flowered to the border with the resemblance of flames, of red serge, decorated with his own picture, surrounded with devils, as doomed to destruction for the good of his soul. Then declare of what use is reason or revelation to many called christians!


But leaving the dungeon and that quarter of the globe, visit the group of reformed christians, and see another order of "teachers of the christian faith," "ministers of religion," having prepared themselves by the study of Grecian and Roman languages, laws, history, fables, gods, goddesses, debaucheries, wars, and suicides; having studied triangles, squares, circles, and ellipses, algebra and fluxions, the mechanical powers, chemistry, natural philosophy, &c. &c. for the purpose of becoming teachers of the christian religion; and then going forth with their saddlebags full of scholastic divinity in quest of a call to some eligible living; then ask again, Where is the bible?

And, stranger still, see that christian general, with his ten thousand soldiers, and his chaplain at his elbow, preaching, as he says, the gospel of good will among men; and hear him exhort his general and his christian warriors to go forth with the bible in one hand and the sword in the other, to fight the battles of God and their country; praying that the Lord would cause them to fight valiantly, and render their efforts successful in making as many widows and orphans as will afford sufficient opportunity for others to manifest the purity of their religion by taking care of them!!! If any thing is wanting to finish a picture of the most glaring inconsistencies, add to this those christians who are daily extolling the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and at the same time, by a system of the most cruel oppression, separating the wife from the embraces of her husband, and the mother from her tender offspring; violating every principle, and rending every tie that endears life and reconciles man to his lot; and that, forsooth, because "might gives right," and a man is held guilty because his skin is a shade darker than the standard color of the times. Adverting to these signs of the times, and many others to which these reflections necessarily lead, will you not say that this prophecy is now fulfilled-2 Tim. iv. 3, 4-"There will be a time when they will not endure wholesome teaching; but having itching ears, they will, according to their own lusts, heap up to themselves teachers. And from the truth, indeed, they will turn away their ears and be turned aside to fables." Chap. iii. 1-5. "This also know, that in latter days

The Origin of the "Christian Clergy," splendid Meeting Houses, and Fixed Salaries, exhibited from Ecclesiastical History.

Nota Bene.-IN our remarks upon the "Christian Clergy," we never include the Elders or Deacons of a Christian Assembly, or those in the New Testament called the overseers and servants of the Christian Church. These we consider as in some future number. very different offices, and shall distinguish them

Mosheim, vol. i. p. 73, Charlestown edition. "Another circumstance that irritated the Romans against the christians, was the simplicity of their worship, which resembled in nothing the sacred rites of any other people. The Christians had neither sacrifices, nor temples, nor images, nor oracles, nor sacerdotal robes; and this was sufficient to bring upon them the reproaches of an ignorant multitude, who imagined that there could be no religion without these. Thus they were looked upon as a sort of Atheists; and by the Roman laws, those who were chargeable with Atheism, were declared the pest of human society. But this was not all. The sordid interests of a multitude of lazy and selfish priests were immediately connected with the ruin and oppression of the christian cause. public worship of such an immense number of deities was a source of subsistence, and even of riches, to the whole rabble of priests and augurs, and also to a multitude of merchants and artists. And the progress of the gospel threatened the ruin of this religious traffic and the profits it produced. This raised up new enemies to the christians, and armed the rage of mercenary superstition against their lives and their cause."


"The places in which the first christians assembled to celebrate divine worship, were, no doubt, the houses of private persons." p. 124.

"In these assemblies the holy scriptures were publicly read, and for that purpose were divided into certain portions or lessons. This part of divine service was followed by a brief exhortation to the people, in which eloquence and art gave place to the natural and fervent expressions of zeal and charity." p. 124, 125.

Haweis' Church History, volume i. p. 150. "Nothing could be more unadorned than the primitive worship. A plain man, chosen from among his fellows, in his common garb, stood up to speak, or sat down to read the Scriptures to as many as chose to assemble in the house appointed. A back room, and that probably often a mean one, or a garret, to be out of the way of observation, was their temple."

"As pride and worldly mindedness must go hand in hand, assumed pomp and dignity require a sort of maintenance very different from the state when the pastor wrought with his own hands to minister to his necessities, and labored by day that he might serve the church by night. The idea of priesthood had yet scarcely entered into the christian sanctuary, as there remained no more sacrifice for sin, and but one high-priest of our profession, Jesus Christ. But, on the dissolution of the whole Jewish economy under Adrian, when the power of the associated clergy

designing suggested, what many of the rest received in their simplicity, that the succession to these honors now devolved upon them, and that the bishop stood in the place of the highpriest; the presbyters were priests; and the deacons, Levites: and so a train of consequences followed. Thus a new tribe arose, completely separated from their brethren, of clergy distinct from laity-men sacred by office, exclusive of a divine call and real worth. The altar, indeed, was not yet erected, nor the unbloody sacrifice of the eucharist perfected; but it approached by hasty strides to add greater sanctity to the priesthood, and the not unpleasant adjunct of the divine right of tithes, attached to the divine right of episcopacy." p. 181, 182.

the power invested with general councils, made the church appear great and splendid, but I discern not a trace in Constantine of the religion of the Son of God." p. 248.

"I am persuaded that his establishment of christianity, and of those bishops whom particularly at last he most espoused and favored, contributed beyond any thing to the awful debasement and declension of true religion, and from him and his son Constantius evangelical truth suffered in the spirit of christian professors, as much as their persons had undergone from Dioclesian or Galerius." p. 249.

"The church now in esteem of some, was exalted to the highest pinnacle of prosperity, invested with vast authority, and the episcopal order collected in synods and councils, with almost sovereign dominion. The churches vied in magnificence with palaces; and the robes and pomp of service, imitating imperial splendor, eclipsed paganism itself, with mitres, tiaras, tapers, crosiers, and processions. If outward appearances could form a glorious church, here she would present herself; but these meretricious

of the world-pride, luxury, covetousness, contention, malignity, and every evil word and work. Heresy and schism abounded, and wickedness of every kind, like a flood, deluged the christian world; whilst the heads of the church more engaged in controversy, and a thousand times more jealous about securing and increasing their own wealth and pre-eminence, than presenting examples of humility, patience, deadness to the world and heavenly mindedness, were, like gladiators, armed in all their councils, and affected imperial power and pomp in the greater dioceses." p. 261.

"The simplicity of the primitive worship, contrasted with the pomp of paganism, was striking. It was concluded by the heathen, that they who had neither altar, victim, priest, or sacrifice, must be Atheists, and without God in the world. Those who were now rising into self-created eminence, had therefore little difficulty to persuade that it would be for the interest and honor of christianity to remove these objec-ornaments concealed beneath them all the spirit tions of the Gentiles, by very harmless but useful alterations. Though magnificent temples had not yet risen, the names of things began to change. There were already priests; and oblations were easily rendered sacrifices. The separation of the clergy, as a body, became more discriminated by their habits. High-Priests must have more splendid robes than the simple tunic of linen. A variety of new ceremonies were invented to add dignity to the mysteries of christianity and obviate the objections to its meanness and simplicity. And as the populace were particularly attached to their idolatry by the festivals in honor of their heroes and their gods, and delighted with the games and pastimes on these occasions, the great Gregory Thaumaturgus shortly afterward contrived to bilk the devil, by granting the people the indulgence of all the same pleasures of feasting, sporting, and dancing at the tombs, and on the anniversary of the martyrs, as they had been accustomed to in the temples of their gods; very wisely and christianly supposing that thus, sua sponte ad honestiorem et accuratiorem vitæ rationem transirent of their own accord they would quit their idolatry, and return to a more virtuous and regular course of life. I must be exceedingly hard drove for a christian, before I can put such men as Gregory Thaumaturgus into the number." p. 182, 183.

"Constantine having become the conqueror of Maxentius, and, as it seems, chiefly by the support of christians, his favor to them increased in great munificence to build them churches, and in abounding liberality to their poor. Their bishops were honored by him and caressed, and their synods held and supported by his authority." p. 246, 247.

"Having now no longer a competitor, Constantine resolved to take the most decided part with the christians. He prohibited the heathen sacrifices and shut up the temples, or converted them to the purposes of christian worship. He universally established christianity, and tolerated no other religion openly throughout the bounds of the empire; the justice of which I doubt, and even the policy. I see no right to compel even an idolater, contrary to his conscience." p. 247.

The statements made by these two historians, we are able to confirm from a great variety of documents. If there be a fact, more clear than any other established upon the page of ecclesiastical history, it is the following, viz: that the confounding of the Jews' religion with the christian religion, or the viewing of the latter as an improvement of the former, has been the fountain of error which has, since the apostolic age, corrupted the doctrine, changed the order, and adulterated the worship of the christian church. This, together with the influence of pagan priests and pagan philosophers, proselyted to the christian religion, has been the Pandora's box to the professing christian community. We happened upon the truth, when we published as our opinion, about seven years ago, that "the present popular exhibition of the christian religion is a compound of judaism, heathen philosophy and christianity." From this unhallowed commixture sprang all political ecclesiastical establishments, a distinct order of men called clergy or priests, magnificent edifices as places of worship, tithes or fixed salaries, religious festivals, holy places and times, the christian circumcision, the christian passover, the christian Sabbaths, &c. &c. These things we hope to exhibit at full length in due time.

From the extracts already adduced from these eminent historians, it appears clear as the morning that the distinction betwixt clergy and laity, originated by degrees, and widened into all the extreme points of dissimilarity in the lapse of a few generations. But behold the mighty difference! and in it see the arrogance of the clergy and the abject servility of the laity "The bounties he bestowed, the zeal he-when the high-priest, the head of the clergy displayed, his liberal patronage of episcopal mounts his horse, the king (as layman) holds men, the pomp he introduced into worship, and his stirrup, and in obeisance, kisses his toe. A

has he a bible? O yes! It lies mouldering and moth eaten on his shelves.

From this scene of infatuation turn your eyes to yonder dismal edifice, with iron gates and massy bars. Within its merciless apartments view the "minister of religion," the "ambassador of Christ," attired in his sacred robes, with holy aspect and flaming zeal for "divine honor" and that of his church, exhorting the vile heretic on pain of the most excruciating torments here, and eternal damnation hereafter, to abjure his heresy. As an argument to enforce his pious exhortations, observe the red hot pincers in hand, pointing to the boiling lead, the piles of fagots, the torturing wheels, and all the various engines of horrid vengeance. Do you ask who is he? answer, It is the Reverend Inquisitor. On the most solemn AUTO DA FE, see this incorrigible heretic brought forward, arrayed in his santo benito, or sleeveless yellow coat, flowered to the border with the resemblance of flames, of red serge, decorated with his own picture, surrounded with devils, as doomed to destruction for the good of his soul. Then declare of what use is reason or revelation to many called christians!


But leaving the dungeon and that quarter of the globe, visit the group of reformed christians, and see another order of "teachers of the christian faith," "ministers of religion," having prepared themselves by the study of Grecian and Roman languages, laws, history, fables, gods, goddesses, debaucheries, wars, and suicides; having studied triangles, squares, circles, and ellipses, algebra and fluxions, the mechanical powers, chemistry, natural philosophy, &c. &c. for the purpose of becoming teachers of the christian religion; and then going forth with their saddlebags full of scholastic divinity in quest of a call to some eligible living; then ask again, Where is the bible?

And, stranger still, see that christian general, with his ten thousand soldiers, and his chaplain at his elbow, preaching, as he says, the gospel of good will among men; and hear him exhort his general and his christian warriors to go forth with the bible in one hand and the sword in the other, to fight the battles of God and their country; praying that the Lord would cause them to fight valiantly, and render their efforts successful in making as many widows and orphans as will afford sufficient opportunity for others to manifest the purity of their religion by taking care of them!!! If any thing is wanting to finish a picture of the most glaring inconsistencies, add to this those christians who are daily extolling the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and at the same time, by a system of the most cruel oppression, separating the wife from the embraces of her husband, and the mother from her tender offspring; violating every principle, and rending every tie that endears life and reconciles man to his lot; and that, forsooth, because "might gives right," and a man is held guilty because his skin is a shade darker than the standard color of the times. Adverting to these signs of the times, and many others to which these reflections necessarily lead, will you not say that this prophecy is now fulfilled-2 Tim. iv. 3, 4-"There will be a time when they will not endure wholesome teaching; but having itching ears, they will, according to their own lusts, heap up to themselves teachers. And from the truth, indeed, they will turn away their ears and be turned aside to fables." Chap. iii. 1-5. "This also know, that in latter days

lovers, money-lovers, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, without natural affection, covenant-breakers, slanderers, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it. NOW FROM THESE TURN AWAY." Christian reader, remember this command—and “from such turn away.”

The Origin of the "Christian Clergy," splendid Meeting Houses, and Fixed Salaries, exhibited from Ecclesiastical History.

tian Clergy," we never include the Elders or Nota Bene.-IN our remarks upon the "ChrisDeacons of a Christian Assembly, or those in the New Testament called the overseers and servants of the Christian Church. These we consider as in some future number. very different offices, and shall distinguish them

Mosheim, vol. i. p. 73, Charlestown edition. "Another circumstance that irritated the Romans against the christians, was the simplicity of their worship, which resembled in nothing the sacred rites of any other people. The Christians had neither sacrifices, nor temples, nor images, nor oracles, nor sacerdotal robes; and this was suffcient to bring upon them the reproaches of an ignorant multitude, who imagined that there could be no religion without these. Thus they were looked upon as a sort of Atheists; and by the Roman laws, those who were chargeable with Atheism, were declared the pest of human society. But this was not all. The sordid interests of a multitude of lazy and selfish priests were immediately connected with the ruin and oppression of the christian cause. The public worship of such an immense number of deities was a source of subsistence, and even of riches, to the whole rabble of priests and augurs, and also to a multitude of merchants and artists. And the progress of the gospel threatened the ruin of this religious traffic and the profits it produced. This raised up new enemies to the christians, and armed the rage of mercenary superstition against their lives and their cause."

"The places in which the first christians assembled to celebrate divine worship, were, no doubt, the houses of private persons." p. 124.

"In these assemblies the holy scriptures were publicly read, and for that purpose were divided into certain portions or lessons. This part of divine service was followed by a brief exhortation to the people, in which eloquence and art gave place to the natural and fervent expressions of zeal and charity." p. 124, 125.

Haweis' Church History, volume i. p. 150. "Nothing could be more unadorned than the primitive worship. A plain man, chosen from among his fellows, in his common garb, stood up to speak, or sat down to read the Scriptures to as many as chose to assemble in the house appointed." A back room, and that probably often a mean one, or a garret, to be out of the way of observation, was their temple."

"As pride and worldly mindedness must go hand in hand, assumed pomp and dignity require a sort of maintenance very different from the state when the pastor wrought with his own hands to minister to his necessities, and labored by day that he might serve the church by night. The idea of priesthood had yet scarcely entered into the christian sanctuary, as there remained no more sacrifice for sin, and but one high-priest of our profession, Jesus Christ. But, on the dissolution of the whole Jewish economy under Adrian, when the power of the associated clergy

designing suggested, what many of the rest received in their simplicity, that the succession to these honors now devolved upon them, and that the bishop stood in the place of the highpriest; the presbyters were priests; and the deacons, Levites: and so a train of consequences followed. Thus a new tribe arose, completely separated from their brethren, of clergy distinct from laity-men sacred by office, exclusive of a divine call and real worth. The altar, indeed, was not yet erected, nor the unbloody sacrifice of the eucharist perfected; but it approached by hasty strides to add greater sanctity to the priesthood, and the not unpleasant adjunct of the divine right of tithes, attached to the divine right of episcopacy." p. 181, 182.

"The simplicity of the primitive worship, contrasted with the pomp of paganism, was striking. It was concluded by the heathen, that they who had neither altar, victim, priest, or sacrifice, must be Atheists, and without God in the world. Those who were now rising into self-created eminence, had therefore little difficulty to persuade that it would be for the interest and honor of christianity to remove these objections of the Gentiles, by very harmless but useful alterations. Though magnificent temples had not yet risen, the names of things began to change. There were already priests; and oblations were easily rendered sacrifices. The separation of the clergy, as a body, became more discriminated by their habits. High-Priests must have more splendid robes than the simple tunic of linen. A variety of new ceremonies were invented to add dignity to the mysteries of christianity and obviate the objections to its meanness and simplicity. And as the populace were particularly attached to their idolatry by the festivals in honor of their heroes and their gods, and delighted with the games and pastimes on these occasions, the great Gregory Thaumaturgus shortly afterward contrived to bilk the devil, by granting the people the indulgence of all the same pleasures of feasting, sporting, and dancing at the tombs, and on the anniversary of the martyrs, as they had been accustomed to in the temples of their gods; very wisely and christianly supposing that thus, sua sponte ad honestiorem et accuratiorem vitæ rationem transirent of their own accord they would quit their idolatry, and return to a more virtuous and regular course of life. I must be exceedingly hard drove for a christian, before I can put such men as Gregory Thaumaturgus into the number." p. 182, 183.

"Constantine having become the conqueror of Maxentius, and, as it seems, chiefly by the support of christians, his favor to them increased in great munificence to build them churches, and in abounding liberality to their poor. Their bishops were honored by him and caressed, and their synods held and supported by his authority." p. 246, 247.

"Having now no longer a competitor, Constantine resolved to take the most decided part with the christians. He prohibited the heathen sacrifices and shut up the temples, or converted them to the purposes of christian worship. He universally established christianity, and tolerated no other religion openly throughout the bounds of the empire; the justice of which I doubt, and even the policy. see no right to compel even an idolater, contrary to his conscience." P. 247.

the power invested with general councils, made the church appear great and splendid, but I discern not a trace in Constantine of the religion of the Son of God." p. 248.

"I am persuaded that his establishment of christianity, and of those bishops whom particularly at last he most espoused and favored, contributed beyond any thing to the awful debasement and declension of true religion, and from him and his son Constantius evangelical truth suffered in the spirit of christian professors, as much as their persons had undergone from Dioclesian or Galerius." p. 249.

"The church now in esteem of some, was exalted to the highest pinnacle of prosperity, invested with vast authority, and the episcopal order collected in synods and councils, with almost sovereign dominion. The churches vied in magnificence with palaces; and the robes and pomp of service, imitating imperial splendor, eclipsed paganism itself, with mitres, tiaras, tapers, crosiers, and processions. If outward appearances could form a glorious church, here she would present herself; but these meretricious ornaments concealed beneath them all the spirit of the world-pride, luxury, covetousness, contention, malignity, and every evil word and work. Heresy and schism abounded, and wickedness of every kind, like a flood, deluged the christian world; whilst the heads of the church more engaged in controversy, and a thousand times more jealous about securing and increasing their own wealth and pre-eminence, than presenting examples of humility, patience, deadness to the world and heavenly mindedness, were, like gladiators, armed in all their councils, and affected imperial power and pomp in the greater dioceses." p. 261.

The statements made by these two historians, we are able to confirm from a great variety of documents. If there be a fact, more clear than any other established upon the page of ecclesiastical history, it is the following, viz: that the confounding of the Jews' religion with the christian religion, or the viewing of the latter as an improvement of the former, has been the fountain of error which has, since the apostolic age, corrupted the doctrine, changed the order, and adulterated the worship of the christian church. This, together with the influence of pagan priests and pagan philosophers, proselyted to the christian religion, has been the Pandora's box to the professing christian community. We happened upon the truth, when we published as our opinion, about seven years ago, that "the present popular exhibition of the christian religion is a compound of judaism, heathen philosophy and christianity." From this unhallowed commixture sprang all political ecclesiastical establishments, a distinct order of men called clergy or priests, magnificent edifices as places of worship, tithes or fixed salaries, religious festivals, holy places and times, the christian circumcision, the christian passover, the christian Sabbaths, &c. &c. These things we hope to exhibit at full length in due time.

From the extracts already adduced from these eminent historians, it appears clear as the morning that the distinction betwixt clergy and laity, originated by degrees, and widened into all the extreme points of dissimilarity in the lapse of a few generations. But behold the mighty difference! and in it see the arrogance of the clergy and the abject servility of the laity "The bounties he bestowed, the zeal he-when the high-priest, the head of the clergy displayed, his liberal patronage of episcopal mounts his horse, the king (as layman) holds men, the pomp he introduced into worship, and his stirrup, and in obeisance, kisses his toe. A

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