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" For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to... "
The Republican - الصفحة 247
المحررون: - 1823
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Precious truth

عدد الصفحات: 310
...and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air ; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.' (1 Thess. iv. 14 — 18.) The New Testament abounds with allusions to this glorious hope of the Christian...

Specimens of Preaching

Robert Hawker - 1801 - عدد الصفحات: 276
...and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with, the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these. words. * * Thes. 4. 1S. From Philp's Press, Barracjc- Street, Dock. 255 "•I <£ ...

The works of... P. Doddridge [ed. by E. Williams and E. Parsons ..., المجلد 3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 712
...being changed, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we , ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words*. And surely no words can be more full of consolation. Our pious friends departed, have gained- the victory,...

The Works of the Rev. P. Doddridge, المجلد 3

Philip Doddridge - 1803 - عدد الصفحات: 680
...being changed, shall be caught up together with. them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words*. And surely no words can be more full of consolation. Our pious friends departed, have gained the victory,...

The Portrait of Saint Paul: Or, The True Model for Christians and Pastors ...

John Fletcher - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 444
...consolation. " We, who remain," saith the Apostle, " shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given U9...

An Account of the Life and Character of Alexander Adam, LL.D., Rector of the ...

Alexander Henderson - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 382
...from Heaven, with a shout, with " the voice of the archangel, and with the trump " of God, we shall ever be with the Lord. " Wherefore comfort one another with these " words !" It may be supposed that a man of such extensive benevolence, and whom Providence had greatly blessed...

The Christian Entirely the Property of Christ, in Life and Death: Exhibited ...

Johannes van der Kemp - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 544
...Thess. iv. 17, 18. " We shall be Uken up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air i and so we shall ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." Amen. v . ' THE KNOWLEDGE OF MISERY OUT OF THE LAW. II LORD'S DAY. Rom. iii. 20. By the law is the...

The Christian's defence against the fears of death, tr. by M. D'Assigny ...

Charles Drelincourt - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 580
...remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and we shall ever be with the Lord; wherefore comfort one another with these words." I know very well, that St. Paul tells the Hebrews," that it is appointed unto all men once to die ;...

Letters, and Sketches of Sermons, المجلد 3

John Murray - 1813 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the LORD in the air : and so shall we ever be with the LORD. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words." SKETCH XX. i NUMBERS xxxv. 32. First, THE city of refuge. What was it ? A sanctuary for individuals,...

Sermons, and Other Discourses ...

Samuel Lavington - 1815 - عدد الصفحات: 640
...and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words." (1 Thess. iv. 15.) . i . J ..'.•, • • • • ; i> i' , b ••i .•)).i.' ghaH we^now nwke...

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