صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Adam Elzheimer was born at Francfort on the Main in 1554. His father who was a tailor, placed him with an artist of note, and whom he soon surpassed in talent. No longer able to find improvement in his own country, he visited the whole of Germany, and afterwards arrived in Italy, where he made rapid progress, and was known by the names of Adam the German, and Adam of Francfort. He soon made himself remarkable for his good style of drawing, his harmonious colouring, and correct finishing; this however occupying so great a portion of time, his works were never sufficiently paid for, to extricate him from the poverty in which he lived, and which a numerous family he was encumbered with, served to augment.

Elzheimer was principally admired for his landscapes ; as also for his moonlight scenes, and effect by night.

He died at Rome in 1620, at the age of 46.



François-Henri Fuger naquit Heilbronn en 1751; son père était menuisier, mais voyant les dispositions qu'il manifestait pour les arts il le laissa libre de suivre celte carrière. Un de ses parens l'ayant emmené à Stuttgard, il étudia pendant une année sous la direction de Guibal. Mais sa timidité, le manque de confiance en lui, et la crainte de ne pouvoir jamais égaler les grands artistes, changèrent pour lors sa résolution, et, malgré les encouragemens de son maître, il retourna à Heilbronn, puis à Halle pour étudier le droit. Son ami Klotz parvint alors à le faire changer de résolution, et il reprit l'étude de la peinture, d'abord sous la direction de Segner, ensuite, à Leipsig sous celle d'Oeser; puis enfin il vint à Dresde où il trouva dans la galerie les meilleurs modèles à suivre.

Lorsque Fuger vint à Vienne en 1774, le conseiller Birkenstock obtint de Marie-Thérèse une pension, afin qu'il pût aller à Rome, où il resta sept ans. En 1782, Fuger alla à Naples où il travailla pendant deux ans pour le comte de Lamberg, ambassadeur d'Autriche, puis retourna à Vienne où il fut nommé vice-directeur de l'Académie, en 1784.

En 1806, il fut nommé directeur de la galerie du Belvédère, et mourut en 1818 âgé de 67 ans.



Francis Henry Fuger, was born at Heilbron in 1751, his father was a carpenter, but observing the disposition which he manifested for the arts, he left him at liberty to follow that career. One of his relations having conducted him to Stuttgard, he studied for a year under the direction of Guibal, but his timidity, the want of confidence in himself, and the fear of not being able to equal the celebrated artists, changed at that time his determination, and notwithstanding the encouragement of his master, he returned to Heilbron, afterwards to Halle, to study law.

His friend Klotz, then prevailed upon him to change his resolution, and he recommenced the study of painting, at first under the direction of Segner, afterwards at Leipsick under that of Oeser; he at length came to Dresden, where he found in the gallery of that City, the best models to follow.

When Fuger came to Vienna in 1774, the Counseller Birkenstoek, obtained a pension for him of Maria Theresa, that he might be enabled to go to Rome, in which place he remained 7 years. In 1782 Fuger went to Naples, where he was employed two years for Count Vamberg, the Austrian ambassador, he then returned to Vienna, where he was nominated vice director of the Academy in 1784.

In 1806 he was appointed director of the Belvedere Gallery, and died in 1818 at the age of 67.




Paul Potter naquit à Enkhuissen en 1625. Descendant du malheureux comte d'Egmont, son père Pierre Potter, peintre médiocre, lui donna les premières leçons de son art; il fut dès l'âge de 15 ans regardé comme très-habile, et jouissait déjà d'une grande considération à Amsterdam, lorsqu'il se rendit à la Haye où il épousa la fille aînée de l'architecte N. Balkenende mais son mariage ne fut pas heureux. En 1652, il revint à Amsterdam où il fut parfaitement accueilli par le Bourgmestre Tulp. Il a fait quelques grands tableaux, mais ceux de petite dimension sont plus recherchés. Sa touche est fine, son pinceau moelleux,sa couleur très-brillante; ses fonds sont agréables, et ses ouvrages sont rendus piquans par une intelligence parfaite du clair-obscur; ses figures d'animaux, enfin, sont ce que l'on peut voir de plus parfait et de plus vrai sous le rapport de l'expression, de la couleur et du dessin.

Paul Potter a gravé à l'eau-forte des pièces très-estimées ; elles sont au nombre de 18 dont une est presqu'introuvable Les 17 autres ont été vendues ensemble 1547 francs.

Il mourut en 1654, âgé seulement de 29 ans.




Paul Potter born at Enkhuissen in 1625, was the offspring of the unfortunate count d'Egmont; his father, Peter Potter, an indifferent painter gave him the first lessons of his art; at fifteen he was looked upon as being very skilful, and was already highly considered at Amsterdam, when he went to La Haye where he married the eldest daughter of the architect N. Balknende, but his marriage did not prove happy. He returned to Amsterdam in 1652, where he was kindly received by the Bourgmestre Tulp. He made some large pictures, but those of the smaller size are much more esteemed. He had a style of the most delicate touch, a very lively coJouring, his grounds are agreeable, and his works alluring by a plain intelligence of a clear-dark; his portraits of animals in short all that can be seen the most perfect and the truest as to the expression, colouring, and drawing. Paul Potter has etched eighteen very valuable pieces, of which is hardly to be met with. The other 17 were sold together 1547 franks.


He died in 1654, being but

29 years old.


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