صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Covenant: The Oath which he fwar to our Father Abraham that he woul give us; that being delivered out the Hands of our Enemies, we migl ferve him without Fear, in Holine. and Justice before him all the Days our Life. And thou Child fhalt b called the Prophet of the Higheft; fi thou fhalt go before the Face of o Lord to prepare his Ways: To gi Knowledge of Salvation to his Peop for Remiffion of their Sins; through t Bowels of the Mercy of our God, which the Orient from on High has vi ted us; to illuminate them who fit Darkness and in the Shadow of Deat and to direct our Feet into the Way Peace: And the Child grew, and w ftrengthened in Spirit, and remained. the Defarts till the Day of his Manifeff tion to Ifrael.


Refp. O bleffed Canticle of Joy and Prai Divinely inspired by the Holy Ghost, a folemnly pronounced by the Prieft, and dayly Sung over all Church; O may thy very Words bei ten in my Mouth, and the Thoughts thee dwell always in my Memory! I Expreffions thou ufeft are the Comfort

my Life, and the Subject thou treateft, the
Hope of all the World. O may thy-

Lesson 16.

And the Generation of Chrift was thus: When his Mother Mary was efpoufed to Jofeph, before they came together, fhe was found with Child of the Holy Ghoft: Then Jofeph her Husband being a juft Man, and not willing to put her to open Shame, was minded fecretly to difmifs her. But while he thought hold, the Angel of our Lord appeared to on thefe Things, behim in his Sleep, faying, Jofeph, Son of David, fear not to take Mary thy Wife: For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghoft. And fhe fhall bring forth a Son, and thou fhalt call his Name JESUS, for he fhall fave his People from their Sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which our Lord

pake by the Prophet, faying, Behold a Virgin fhall be with Child, and bring forth a Son, and they fhall call his Name is God with us.) Then Jofeph_rifing up EMANUEL (which being interpreted, had commanded him, and took his Wife, and knew her not till fhe brought


is Chrift our Lord. And this fhall be Sign to you; you fhall find the Infar wrapt in Swadling-cloaths, and laid in Manger; and fuddenly there was wit the Angel a Multitude of the Heavenl Hoft praifing God, and faying, Glory the Highest to God, and on Earth Peace t Men of good Will.

Refp. And, may we learn of you, bless'd Ar gels! to celebrate this great Solemnity May we learn of you to glorify our God f his free and infinite Mercies, and with o Hearts and with our Voices fing Allelu jab! Glory in the Higheft to God, and Earth Peace to Men of good Will, Alleluj We have our Part in this Day's great Jo let us hear our Part in the Praifes of t Author: We are alone concerned in th miraculous Grace; at least let us joyni that triumphant Song, * Allelujal


Lesson 19.

And it came to pafs, as the Angels de parted from them into Heaven, the Shep herds faid one to another, let us go overt Bethlehem, and fee this Work that is done which our Lord has fhewed us; and they came with haft, and found Mary and J


feb, and the Infant laid in the Manger. And when they had feen it, they made known abroad the faying which was told them, concerning this Child. And all they that heard it wondered at thofe Things which were told them by the Shepherds. But Mary kept all these Things, and pondered them in her Heart; and the Shepherds returned, glorifying and praifing God for all the Things they had heard and feen, as it was faid to them.

Refp. Oftrange Direction, to seek out him that was born King of the Jews, and Saviour of the World, and eternal Son of the living God, by this mean, contemptibe Sign, You shall find the Infant wrapt Swadling-cloaths, and laid in a Man8. Wonder O my Soul, and be amazed, to Extafy at the ftrange Humility, and Condefcendence of thy great Redeemer ; are not like our Ways, nor his Thoughts like our Thoughts. * You fball



His Ways

Lesson 20.

And after eight Days were expired, that the Child fhould be Circumcifed, his Name was called JESUS, which was fo called by the Angel before he was conceived in the Womb. Refp.

Refp. Early, O my dear Redeemer, tho begin'ft to fuffer for us, but all th Wounds, at least all ours, are heal'd by th precious Blafom of thy Holy Name. *. fweet and amiable Name! blefs'd be th Tongue that first pronounced thee, an the Lips that often repeat thee. In th Name of JESUS let every knee bow, ! Things in Heaven, and Things on Earth and Things under the Earth; and hi every Tongue confefs that thou, O Lore art most high in the Glory of God th Father. * O fweet and

Leffon 21.

When JESUS therefore was born Bethlehem of Judah, in the Days Herod the King, behold, there came & ges from the East to Jerusalem, fayin Where is he that is born King of th Jews? For, we have feen his Star in th Eaft, and are come to adore him. An Herod the King, hearing this, was trout bled, and all Jerufalem with him. Anc affembling together all the chief Prieft and Scribes of the People, he inquire of them where Chrift fhould be born and they faid to him, in Bethlehem d Judah; for thus it is written by the Pro phet, and thou Bethlehem, the Land o


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