صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Laftly, CONCERNING the Honour SERM.

peculiarly due to the person of the Spirit, that which the Scripture declares, is; that we acknowledge him to be the divine Inspirer of the Prophets, both of the old and new Testament; and the immediate ☐ Worker of all those Signs and Wonders in - proof of the Christian Dispensation, which



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Gal.v. 22.



are properly stiled the Witness and Testimony, the Power and Demonftration of the Spirit; that he is also the Sanctifier of all Hearts, and the immediate Distributer of all the Gifts of God, for the Edification of his Church; that therefore we re- Eph: v. 9. ceive and believe his Testimony, as deli- v. 16. vered in the inspired Writings; obey his Joh. ii. good Motions; be sollicitous to obtain his Eph.iv. 30. gifts and graces; and infinitely careful not Heb.x 19. to grieve and quench and drive him from us, lest we be found to do despite unto the Spirit of grace; which is in Scripture represented as a more unpardonable fault, than offending against the Person even of our Saviour himself. But the Time allows me only to hint these things barely, and propose them to your Meditations; the inlarging upon which, would be to VOL. VI. lay



SER M. lay down the whole System of Divinity. God grant that every one of Us, may fo give Honour to the Father of all things, through the Mediation and Interceffion of his Son our Saviour, and by the Afsistance and Operation of his Holy Spirit; that by the communion and fellowship of the same Holy Spirit, and through the Merits and Death of the Son of God making our Repentance available, we may be presented faultless before the Throne of the Father of inacceffible Majesty, in the great Day.


Of the Defire of Knowledge.

[Preached on Trinity-Sunday.]


The Secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed, belong unto us and to our children, for ever, that we may do all the words of this Law.




HE Book of Deuteronomy SERM. contains a brief Summary, or Recapitulation of the Law; To which are added by Mofes, several earnest and most affectionate Exhortations to the people of Ifrael, to perfwade


SERM.swade them to the Obedience and ObferVI. vation of that Law. He tells them that he bath fet before them Life and Death, Bleffing and Curfing, Good and Evil; and he perswades them to chuse their Duty, and cleave to it as their Life, and to refuse the Evil and flee from it as from Death. He invites them to Obedience by the most affectionate promises of the love, and favour, and protection of God; and he deters them from Disobedience by the most severe threatnings of utter deftruction. He proposes to them the Law of God, as the proper subject of their constant Meditation; exhorting them to bind it for a Sign upon their hand, and as frontlets between their eyes; to write it upon the posts of their houses, and upon their gates; to teach it diligently unto their children, and to talk of it when they fit in their houses, and when they walk by the way, and when they lie down, and when they rise up; Deut. vi. 7, 8. He tells them that the commandments of God are the things revealed to them, to be studied by them and by their children for ever;

that the knowledge of other things, is in


comparison either unnecessary, or more SERM. difficult at least, and less needful to be VI. attained; and that therefore nothing could be more unreasonable, than to pursue the knowledge of those things which were either wholly unnecessary, or at least far less needful to be known; by neglecting the study and the knowledge of that, in which alone consisted their Happiness and their Life. The Secret things belong unto the Lord our Gad; but those things which are revealed, belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. The ultimate design and defire of Man, is Happiness; and as the only way to this Happiness is Religion, so the Knowledge of that Religion ought to be at least our principal and first study. Religion is the doing all the Words of the Law, i. e. the obeying of the Commandments of God; the Knowledge therefore of Religion, is the knowing particularly what are the Commands of God, and the knowing our obligation to obey those Commands. He that hath gained so much Knowledge, as to understand the Commandments of God; and to convince him

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