SERM. Saviour, that is, a Rock; and upon this IV. Rock will I build my Church, and the gates ✓ of Hell, i. e. Perfecution and even Death itself, (for so the words properly fignify,) shall not be able to prevail against it; Matt. xvi. 18. And what is meant by St Peter's being a Rock, or Stone, upon which the Church is built, is explained, Eph. ii. 20; where the Church is compared to a Building, the Apostles to Foundation-stones, and our Saviour himself to the Head of the Building: Ye are built, faith St Paul, upon the Foundation of the Apostles and Frophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner-stone; In whom all the Building fitly framed together, groweth unto a Holy Temple in the Lord; In whom you also are builded together, for an habitation of God through the Spirit. SERMON SERMON V. Of the different Gifts of the Spirit. [Preached on Trinity-Sunday.] 1 Cor. xii. 4, 5, 6. Now there are Diversities of Gifts, but the Same Spirit; And there are differences of Administrations, but the fame Lord; And there are diversities of Operations, but it is the fame God, which worketh all in all. N these Words we have a dif-SERM tinct Account of three Divine V. Persons, concerned in bringing about the Salvation of Men ; and a brief Declaration of the nature of their several Offices, in accomplishing that great V. SERM.great and merciful Design. There are in the first place Gifts of Miracles, of Signs and Wonders, for the Conviction of Infidels; and there are Gifts of Grace, of virtuous and holy Dispositions, for the Sanctification and Improvement of Believers; and these are constantly ascribed in Scripture to the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost, the Comforter: There are diverfities of Gifts; but the fame Spirit. There is in the 2d place a wonderful Oeconomy in the establishment and Government of the Church: Mankind was to be redeemed from the Power of Satan, and the Repentance of Sinners made acceptable before God, and available to the obtaining of Pardon, confiftently with the Justice and Wisdom and Honour of the Laws of God; by the offering up of a fufficient Sacrifice, Oblation and Satisfaction, for the Sins of the Whole World: This Doctrine was to be revealed unto Men; and a Church gathered out of the whole World, of fuch as should embrace and obey this Revelation: An Order and Government was to be established, for the propagating this Church and conveying down V. this Doctrine by a perpetual Succeffion, SERM. even unto the End of the World: Perpetual Interceffion was to be made to God by a Sinless High Priest, to make the Prayers of frail and finful men acceptable in the Sight of Him, who is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity : A Refurrection of the Dead was to be appointed, a final Judgment passed, and a just and impartial Retribution made to every man according to his Works: And These things are all ascribed in Scripture to the Son of God, even our Lord Jesus Christ; who, before his Incarnation, was the Word of the Father, the Angel of his Prefence, the Brightness of his Glory, the express Image of his Person; and after his Incarnation, was the Redeemer and Saviour, the Mediator and Interceffor, the Lord and Judge of Mankind: There are Differences of Administrations, says the Apostle, but the fame Lord. There is in the 3d and last place a Supreme and Absolute, a self-original, underived and independent Authority, from whence all these things primarily and originally proceed, and to which the Glory of them must finally and ultimately be referred: SERM.referred: And this is in Scripture con V. Aantly afcribed to God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; who is the First and Supreme Author of every good Gift; by whose good pleafure, our Lord himself was fent forth to redeem us; and the Holy Spirit given, to fanctify us; There are Diverfities of Operations, but it is the fame God, which worketh all in all: Or,. as the fame Apostle elsewhere expresses it; Of bim and through him and to him are all things, to whom be Glory and Dominion for ever. This is the Account the Scripture gives us, of the several Offices of these three Divine Persons. There are Diversities of Gifts, but the fame Spirit; and there are differences of Administrations, but the fame Lord; and there are Diverfities of Operations, but 'tis the fame God, that worketh all in all. "Tis God, by whose Supreme Authority every thing in the Universe is directed; 'tis the Son of God, by whom the Government of the Church in particular is adminiftred; 'tis the Spirit of God, by whom all Gifts and Graces, for the conviction of Infidels, and for the Sanctification of Believers, are difpenfed. : |