صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and according to the measure of faith, is the measure of Chrift in us.

2. To be much in prayer. For the prayer of the fpirit, increases the Spirit. The more we have the Spirit, the more we pray, and the more we pray, the more we receive the Spirit. So that when we have the Spirit in truth, we fhall have daily a greater and greater increafe of it, till we be filled with the Spirit. For the Spirit comes from Chrift, in whom is the fulnefs of the Spirit, and carries us back again to Chrift, that we may receive ftill more of the Spirit. And fo by the fpirit that is in our hearts, we lay hold on the Spirit that is in Chrift, and receive more and more of it.

3. To turn ourselves daily from the creature to God. For the more we enlarge our hearts towards the creature, the lefs capable are we of the Spirit of God. For to live múch upon the creature, is to live much according to the Hefh, and this quenches and ftraitens the Spirit in us. And therefore we muft live abftractedly from the crea tures: and fo use them, as if we did not use them: and fo mind them, as if we did not mind them: and abandon the contents and fatisfactions of flesh and blood, and wean ourselves from all things but the neceffities of nature. And the more free and loofe we are from the creature, the more capable are we of God's Spirit, and the operations of it. He that lives at greatest distance from the world, and hath leaft communion with the things of it, hath always the greatest proportion of God's Spirit. For as the apostle faith, If any man love the world, the love of the Father (that ́ is, the holy Spirit) is not in him: fo, if any man love the Father, the love of the world is not in him: now the more any one loves the Father, the lefs he loves the world: and the lefs he loves the world, the more the Spirit dwells in him.

4. To ceafe daily from our own works. The more we

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act ourselves, the lefs doth the Spirit act in us. And therefore we must from day to day, ceafe from our own works, from the operations of our own minds, and understandings, and wills, and affections, and must not be the authors of our own actions. For we being flesh ourfelves, whatever we do is flefhly, feeing the effect cannot be better than the caufe. And if we mingle the works of our flesh, with the works of God's Spirit, he will cease from working in us. But the lefs we act in ourselves, according to the principles of our corrupt nature, the more will the Spirit act in us, according to the principles of the divine nature. But our own works, are always a mighty impediment to the operations of the Spirit.

5. To increase the Spirit in us, we muft give up ourfelves to the Spirit, that he only may work in us, without the least oppofition and resistance from us. That, as the foul acts all in the body, and the body doth nothing of itfelf, but is fubject to the foul in all things: fo the Spirit may do all in us, and we may do nothing of ourselves without the Spirit, but be fubject to the Spirit in all its operations. For the Spirit of God cannot work excellently in us, except it work all in all in us. And in fuch aman, in whom the Spirit hath full power, the Spirit works many wonderful things, that he according to human fenfe is ignorant of. For as the foul doth fecretly nourish, and cherish, and refresh the body, and difperfes life and fpirits through it, even when the body is afleep, and neither feels it, nor knows it: fo the holy Spirit dwelling in the foul, by a fecret kind of operation, works many things in it, for the quickening and renewing it, whilft it oftentimes, for the prefent, is not fo much as fenfible of. it.

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6. The fixth means to increase the Spirit, is to attribute the works of the Spirit to the Spirit, and not to ourfelves. For if we attribute to the flesh, the works of the


Spirit; and take from the Spirit the glory of its own works, he will work no longer in us. Wherefore we muft afcribe unto the Spirit the whole glory of his own works, and acknowledge that we ourselves are nothing, and can do nothing: and that it is He only, that is all in all, and works all in all: and we ourselves, among all the excellent works of the Spirit in us, muft fo remain, as if we were, and wrought nothing at all; that fo, all that is of flesh and blood may be laid low in us, and the Spirit alone may be exalted: first to do all in us; and then, to have all the glory of all that is done.

And thus you fee the means to increase the Spirit, and fo confequently strength, as well as to get it. And by the daily use and improvement of these means, we may attain to a great degree of fpiritual ftrength, that we may walk and not be weary, and may run and not faint, and may mount up as eagles, yea, and may walk as angels among men, and as the powers of heaven upon earth; to His praise and honour, who firft communicates to us his own strength, and then by that strength of his own works all our works in us: and thus is He glorified in his faints, and admired in all them that believe.

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Whether it be found in the



In the PRACTICE of the Churches




Minister of the Gospel.

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