صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Disturbances in the manufacturing districts,
remarks on, I. 223. Brought before Par-
liament, 232. Disturbed districts, II.
338. Disturbances at Glasgow, 381.
Donoughmore, Lord, his motion relative to
the Catholics, I. 192.

Douglas, Mr F., his speech recommending

to Mr Tierney on the affairs of the Bank,


Excise duties, bill respecting the, before Par-
liament, 1. 100.



Finances, state of the, I. 36. Financial ar-
rangements, 42. Sinking fund, 44.
mount of the proposed taxes, 45. Army
estimates, 70. Navy estimates, 81. Ord-
nance estimates, 85. Budget, 87. Ex.
cise duties bill, 100. Army extraordina-
ries, 102. Sinking fund loan bill, 105.
Sir H. Parnell's financial resolutions ne-
gatived, 111.

the abolition of the office of the two Lay
Lords of the Admiralty, I. 85.
Duel, a murderous one in America, II.
295. Duels at Gibraltar, 314.
Dundas, Lord Chief-Baron, biographical ac-
count of, I. 306. Birth, b. Enters as
advocate, ib. Rise, ib. Public and pri-
vate character, 307. Death, ib. Eulogy,
Dunfermline, re interment of the body of Fine Arts, II. 252.
King Robert Bruce at, II. 393.


Earthquake, shock of, felt at Rome, II. 304.
East Indies, state of, I. 298. Admirable
policy of the Marquis of Hastings, ib.
Consolidation of the British power in, ib.
Setoo, the chief of the Pindarries, devour-
ed by a tiger, ib. Expedition against the
pirates of the Persian Gulf, 298.
Ecclesiastical Court, Doctors Commons,
curious case pending in, respecting patent
coffins, II. 302.

Eden, John, Wolfe, James, and Wolfe,
George, trial of, for the murder of Isabella
Young, II. 83. Eden and J. Wolfe
guiky, 91. G. Wolfe acquitted, ib.
Edinburgh, Musical Festival at, II. 586.
Meeting of the County Gentlemen of, for
the purpose of voting an address to the
Prince Regent on the present state of the
country, II. 395. Rising state of the U-
niversity of, 313.

Egypt, geographical discoveries in, by Lieut.-
Colonel Fitzclarence, I. 347.
Ellenborough, the late Lord, his will proved
in Doctors Commons, II. 275.
Ellice, Mr, his motion on the subject of the

Bank restriction, I. 146.
Etna, Mount, terrible eruption of, II. 318.
Exchequer, the Chancellor of the, his reply to
Mr Tierney, I. 42. Motion on the finan-
ces, 43. Opposes Sir J. Newport's amend-
ment, 70. Plan for the year's expenditure,
I. 87. Reply to Mr Ricardo, 105. Re-
ply to Mr Tierney, on his motion respect-
ing the state of the circulating medium,
122. Motion on the expediency of the re-
sumption of cash payments, 125. Reply

Fitzclarence, Lieut.-Colonel, his journey
overland from India, I. 330.

Fitzwilliam, Earl, dismissed from his situs-
tion of Lord Lieutenant of the West Ri-
ding of Yorkshire, II. 389.

Foreign enlistment, debates with regard to,
in Parliament, I. 209.

Forces, military, of India, an account of, II.


Foster, Mr Leslie, his speech on the Catholic
question, f. 190.

Francis, Sir Philip, his will proved, II. 285.
Fraud, punishment of, II. 280.
France, debt of, I. 65. Sinking fund of, ib.

State of parties in, 256. Meeting of the
Legislative Body, 258. Resolutions on
the law of elections in the Chamber of
Peers, 258. Debate on, ib. carried,
261. Presented to the Chamber of De-
puties, ib. Rejected, 263. Laws relative
to the Press, ib. Debates on, ib. Pass-
ed in both Chambers, 266. The Budget,
ib. State of the Finances, 267. State of
parties at the close of the session, 969.
Disturbances at Nismes, ib. New Minis-
try organized, II. 263. Fortresses to be
put in a state of defence, 295.
Fualdès, a second trial relative to the assas-
sination of, II. 276.

[blocks in formation]

Germany, deliberations of the diet, I. 278.
General state of affairs, 280. Assassina-
tion of Kotzebue, 281. Congress of Carls-
bad, ib. Resolutions of the diet, ib.
Gibb, James, trial of, for stabbing with in-
tent to murder, II. 60. Guilty, 62. Sen-
tenced to death, ib.
Generals, singular fact of some of the French
revolutionary, II. 284.

Geological Society, proceedings of, 11. 213.
Giarve, the most Rev. G. Peter, Archbishop
of Jerusalem, arrives at Oxford, II. 293.
Object of his journey, ib. Success, 297.
Glasgow, meeting of weavers at, II. 320.
Reform meeting at, 379.

at, 381.

Goulburn, Mr, his speech in reply to Mr J.
P. Grant, on the Army establishment, I.
79. Reply to Mr Hume, 80.
Gourgaud, General, resides at Hamburgh,
IL 279.

Grain, the prices of, II. 229.

Grampound, Barnstaple and Penryn, cor
ruption and bribery proved against, in the
House of Commons, I. 221.

Grant, Mr J. P. his speech on the Army es-
tablishment of the country, I. 79. Sug-
gests means for reducing the burdens of
the country, I. 94. Descants on the ex-
portation of gold, I. 47.

Grattan, Mr, his motion relative to the Catho-
lic claims, I. 183.

Greenfell, Mr, his speech in reply to Mr.
Vansittart, I. 91.

Grey, Earl, his speech on the Catholic ques-
tion, I. 195. Speech at the re-assembling
of Parliament, 229. Opposes Lord Sid-
mouth's bill for curbing the licentiousness
of the press, 232.

Grenville, Lord, his speech on the state of
the country, I. 236.


Hastings, Marquis of, his admirable policy
in the government of India, I. 298.
Harrowby, Lord, his motion on the Bank
restriction, I. 154.

Hamburgh, trade of, II. 289.
Hamilton, Lord A. his speech relative to
Aberdeen, 1. 250. Motion respecting the
petitions from the Royal Burghs of Scot-
land, 253. Motion on the new Jury Court
bill, 254. Brings up the Report of the
Committee on the Royal Burghs, 255,

Moves for the re-appointment of the Com-
mittee, 256.


Hamilton, the Duke of, his subscription to
the Manchester sufferers, II. 384.
ter to the Committee, ib.
Hesse-Darmstadt, disturbances in, I. 286.
Allayed, 287.

Highland Society of Scotland, proceedings
of, II. 219.

Hoax on the foreign virtuosi, resident in
the " Eternal City," II. 285.
Hoax, Philosophical, II. 290.
Hobhouse, Mr J. Cam, committed to New-
gate for libel and breach of privilege, I.
248. Circumstances attending the arrest
of, II. 403.

the publisher of his history
of the Hundred Days at Paris, condemn-
ed by the Court of Assize, II. 389.
Holland, Lord, his speech on the cash pay-
ments bill, I. 155.-On the nature of pu-
nishment, 161.

the Ex-King of, lives in retirement
at Rome, II. 289. His sister's splendour,
Hope, Sir A. his motion on the Windsor es-
tablishment, I. 34. Reply to Mr Bennet,


Horrible circumstance, II. 276.

Hunt, Henry, the notorious, addresses a let-
ter to the Commander-in-Chief, II. 277.
Conduct at the Smithfield meeting, 339.-
At Manchester, 362.

Johnston, Moorehouse and others,
confined on a charge of high treason, 370.
Hume, Mr, his speech on the Army estimates,
I. 72. On the Staff, 80.

Hunslet Moor, meeting on, II. 321,
Huskisson, Mr, his speech on the finances,
I. 65. On the malt tax, 97.
Hyposulphurous acid, and its combinations,
I. 335. Formation of hyposulphite of
lime. 336. Of potash, ib.-Of soda, ib.
-Of ammonia, 557.-Of barytes, ib.-
Of strontian, ib. Of magnesia, ib.f-
Of lead, ib. Of silver, ib.
· Of mer-
cury, 538.-Discovery of byposulphuric
acid, ib.



Jamaica, a curious contest between the House
of Assembly and the Chief-Justice of, II.

Jean d'Angely, Count Regnault de St, death
and character of, II, 289,

Jews, persecution of the, at Copenhagen, II.


Jewels, the King's, discovered, II. 270.
Insolvent debtors act, I. 201.

India House, court of proprietors held on
the late military affairs in, II. 279.
Thanks voted to the Marquis of Hastings,
ib. Terrible earthquake at Kutch in In-
dia, 325.

Improvements, II. 259. Southwark bridge
opened to the public, ib. Wire bridge
thrown over the river Kelvin, ib. Propo.
sed National Monument of Scotland, ib.
Menai bridge, 260. New Bridewell, Glas-
gow, ib.
Donations to the College Mu-
seum Edinburgh, 261. Project for erect-
ing buildings on the Earthen Mound, Ed-
inburgh, 261. Statements by Mr Owen,
ib. Glasgow and Carlisle road, ib. Bridge
over the Esk founded, 262.
Canal, ib.



Lansdown, Marquis of, speech at the open-
ing of Parliament, I. 9. Motion respect-
ing the state of the country, 236.
Landlord, Tales of my, communication re-
specting, II. 389.

Lamb, the Hon. G. elected member of Par-
liament for Westminster, I. 282. Riot
occasioned thereby, ib.

Lauderdale, his speech on the opening of
Parliament, I. 13. Opposes Lord Har-
rowby's motion on the subject of the Bank,
I. 135.

Leeds, discovery of a human being at, in-
carcerated in chains in the house of his
parents fifteen years, II, 406.
Libel, trials for, II. 6.
phemous, 15.

Light and heat, I. 334.

Private, 13. Blas-

Infirmary, Royal, discussion at a court of Literary intelligence, II. 243.

[blocks in formation]

Kotzebue, Augustus von, biographical ac-
count of, I.307. Early indications of
genius, 308. Sent to the college of Jena,
ib. Progress in learning, ib. Applies to
the study of law, ib. Private secretary to
General Baur, ib. Marriage, ib. Ap-
pointed president of Revel, ib. Death of
his wife, ib. Superintendent of the Im-
perial Theatre of Vienna, 309. Return to
Russia, ib. Arrested and sent to Siberia,
ib. Leaves Russia on Alexander's ac-
cession, ib. Named a Russian counsellor
of state, ib. Leaves Russia, ib. Accre-
dited political reporter to the Russian go-
vernment, ib. Assassinated, ib. Leaves
fourteen children, ib. Character of, ib. De-
tails of the assassination of, II, 292.

Moritz von, travels through Per-

sia, I. 348.
King, the state of the, II. 280 and 295.
Kinloch, George, of Kinloch, trial of, for se-
dition. II. 405.
pearance, ib.

Is outlawed for non-ap-

France, 3.
Spain, 246. Germany, 247. Prussia, 249.
Sweden, 250. Denmark, ib. Italy, ib.
Greece, 251.

Liverpool, Earl of, speech at the opening of
Parliament, I. 11. Bill for vesting the
care of the King's person in his Royal
Highness the Duke of York, 17. Speech
on the Earl of Harrowby's motion respect-
ing the Bank, 155. Opinion on the in-
crease of crimes, 161.


Riots at, II. 326.
Lists of new publications, II. 497.
517. Marriages, 521. Deaths, 528.
Long, Mr C. his reply to Sir H. Parnell, in
the debate on his financial resolutions, I.

Louis 16th, the anniversary of his death ce-
lebrated at St Dennis, II. 276.
Lees, coroner's inquest on, II. 585,


Maberly, Mr, his speech on the subject of
the Bank, I. 124.

Macdonald's, Mr, speech at the opening of
Parliament, I. 14.

Mackintosh, Sir James, motion for certain
returns of forgeries on the Bank of Eng-
land, I. 161. Motion on the criminal laws,
164. Speech on the question of neutrality,


Macglashan the Duke of Atholl, II. 161.
Macgregor, General, his defeat by the Spa-

niards, II. 338. Fails in another expedi-
tion, 406.

Malt tax, I. 47.

Manvers, Earl, moves the address in the
House of Lords on the re-assembling of
Parliament, I. 229.
Manchester, training to a great extent prac-
tised at, II. 356. Reform meeting at,
dispersed by a military force, II. 361.
Particulars with regard to the state of, 365.
Sir F. Burdett's letter on the proceedings
at, 369. Meeting in Palace yard relative
to, 379. Meeting at York in regard to,


Martin's, Sir J. B., motion in opposition to Sir
H. Parnell, on the finances, I. 100.
Marquis D'Aoust v. Elmore, II. 119, 124.
Maura, Santa, insurrection in, II. 599.
Marriages, II. 521.

Meadley, George Wilson, biographical ac-
count of, I. 312. Unitarian in principle,
ib. Biographer of Dr Paley, ib. Writes
the life of Mrs Jebb, 543. Publishes the
memoirs of Algernon Sidney, ib. Death

and character, ib.

Mellish, Mr, replies to Mr Grenfell, I. 93.
Meyer, Kinnear, Mosely and others, pro-
ceedings against, in the King's Bench, for
extensive conspiracy, II. 137.
Medical report, II. 235. Treatment of in-
sanity, ib. Prevalence of scarlatina epi-
demically in London and its vicinity, ib.
Small-pox prevalent in Edinburgh, 236.
Antidotes to poisons, ib. Various diseases,


Moore, Thomas, Esq., serious calamity be-
falls, II. 529.

Mount-Charles, Lord, his speech in favour
of the Catholic question, I. 192.
Monck, Sir Charles, his motion relative to
Parga, I. 204.

Mountains, the height of the Himalaya, I.


Monge, Gaspard, biographical notice of, I.
332. Mathematical talents, ib. Created
French minister of marine, ib. Plans the
Polytechnic school, ib. Appointments,
travels and discoveries, 533, Created Count
Pelusia, ib. Expelled the French Insti-
tute on the abdication of Napoleon, ib.
Depression and death occasioned thereby,
ib. Character, ib.

Monroe, James, President of the United
States, an account of, II. 278.
Musgrave, Sir Richard, biographical account

of, I. 303. A member of the Irish Par-
liament, ib. Is knighted, ib. By the de-
campment of the hangman is obliged to exe-

cute a prisoner with his own hand, I. 303.
A furious enemy to the Catholic religion,
ib. General view of his history of the
Irish rebellion, ib. His death, ib.
Mysterious occurrence, II. 320.


Nation, the state of the, I. 203.
Navy estimates, I. 81. Ships building and
ordered to be built, II. 401.

Newport, Sir John, his speech on the finances,
I. 69. On the malt-tax, 95.

New Holland, geographical discoveries in, by
Mr Oxley, I. 352.

Newstead Abbey, II. 503. Notices of Lord
Byron, 304.

Newfoundland, a destructive fire at St John's,
II. 360.

New publications, list of, II. 497.
Nismes, disturbances at, II. 286.

Two of

[blocks in formation]

tween different parts of the country, ib.
Memorial to the Lords of Treasury, b. Suc-
cess of bis scheme. ib. Rise of the annual
revenue under his management, ib.
tempts to deprive him of the reward of his
labours, ib. He appeals to Parliamen',
305. Resolution of, in his favour, ib.
Represents his native city in Parliament,
ib. Rise of his family, ib. His death, 305.
Palmerston, Lord, moves the Army estimates,
I. 70. Replies to the speeches of several
members, 73. Speech on the Army supply,


Parnell, reply to Sir H., 107.



Parliament, opened by commission, I. 7.
Prince Regent's speech, ib. Address
moved in both Houses, 8. Death of the
Queen deplored, ib. Address agreed to in
both Houses, 16. Bill for vesting the cus
tody of the King's person in his Royal
Highness the Duke of York, 17.
bate on Lord Holland's motion, ib.
bill ordered to be reported, ib. Message
from the Prince Regent, 18. Address of
thanks to the Prince Regent moved and
agreed to, ib. Windsor establishment, 25.
Lord Castlereagh's motion, 25. Debates
on, ib. Motion carried, 31. Report
brought up, ib. Discussion on the proposed
grant to the Duke of York, ib. Motion
that L. 10,000 be granted to his Royal
Highness the Duke of York as custos
persone carried, 34.
Motion relative to
the expences of the Windsor establish-
ment, ih. Lost, ib. Bill on the Windsor
establishment passed in the House of
Lords. 35. Motion in the House of Com-
mons for the appointment of a committee of
finance, ib. Debate on, ib. Carried, 42.
Committee of finance, 43. Finance reso-
lutions carried, 69. Report of the committee
brought up, ib. 1st and 2d resolutions
passed unanimously, ib. Sir J. Newport's
motion on the third, ib. negatived. Army
estimates, 70. Debate on, ib. Agreed to,
76. Report of the committee of supply
brought up, ib. Navy estimates, 81.
Ordnance estimates, 85. Plan for carry-
ing the resolutions for the year's expendi-
ture into effect, 87. Motion for raising
money by lottery, 96.

New duties, mo-
tions respecting, ib. Agreed to, 100. Ap-
pointment of a committee on the excise
duties bill, ib. Sums voted in the commit-
tee of supply, 101. Report of the com-
mittee of ways and means brought up, 102.
Report received, ib. Sinking fund loan
bill passes through the committees, 105.

Sir H. Parnell's motion, 105. Debate on
his financial resolutions, negatived without
a division, 111. Bank restriction, 119.
Mr Tierney's motion relative to the circu-
lating medium, 192. Mr Vansittart's a-
mendment, 123. Debate on, ib. Amend.
ment carried, 150. Bill for restraining
the issue of gold for notes under L.5, du-
ring the present session of Parliament,
130. Passed into a law, 191. Report of
the secret committee on the affairs of the
Bank brought up, 131. Earl of Harrowby
lays on the table of the House of Peers
the report of the secret committee of the
Lords appointed for the same purpose,
131. Earl of Harrowby's motion, 134.
Carried, 136. Mr Peel's motion on the
subject of the Bank in the House of Com-
mons, in a committee of the whole House,
ib. Debate on, 146. Resolutions car-
ried, ib. Bill founded on the resolutions
passed, ib. Petition of the Common Coun
cil of London presented to both Houses,
praying for a revision of the penal code,
160. Motion for certain returns of
forgeries on the Bank of England,
161. Agreed to, 162. Petition from
the Society of Friends with regard to
the criminal law, ib. Motion in the
House of Lords on the reported state of
gaols, prisons and crimes in the united
kingdom, ib. Agreed to, 164. Motion
in the House of Commons for a commit-
tee of inquiry into the state of prisons and
the prevention of crime, ib. Agreed to,
Motion for a select committee to consi-
der so much of the criminal law as or-
dained capital punishment, ib. Discus.
sion on, 175. Motion carried against Mi-
nisters, 182. Report of the committee
presented, ib. Laid on the table, ib. Mr
Grattan's motion on the Catholic claims,
183. Motion lost, 192. Lord Donough.
more's motion on, in the House of Lords,
ib. Discussion on, ib. Negatived, 199
Bill for abrogating the last act brought in-
to the Lords, ib. Thrown out, ib.
to abolish trial by wager of battle, brought
into both Houses, 200. Motion with re-
spect to insolvent debtors passed in both
Houses, ib. Bill for amending the bank-
ruptcy laws, 201. Motion on the poor
Jaws, 202. Motion on the state of the na-
tion, 203. Negatived, 204. Motion on
the cession of Parga, 204. Foreign in-
listment bill, 209. Passed in both Houses,
220. Charitable foundations bill. ib.
Passed, ib. Sir F. Burdett's motions on


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