صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


other words, give praise and glory to the SERM. ever blessed Trinity, in the same form as we have done frequently before in other parts of the service, particularly after the Psalms; and after several short ejaculations, expressing our entreaties to God for protection and mercy, we conclude with a more continued form of prayer to the same purpose:-" We humbly beseech thee, O


Father, mercifully to look upon our in"firmities, and for the glory of thy name "turn from us all those evils that we "most righteously have deserved:"-the word. righteously' here means-justly, that we most justly have deserved; what remains of this prayer is sufficiently clear. The conclusion of the Litany being the same as the conclusion of the morning service, it is not necessary that I should repeat what I have already said on it.


And thus I have brought my discourses on our church service to a period; in

SERM. which I have endcavoured to avoid the two


opposite extremes of too great or too little particularity, either of hazarding to weary you by dwelling too minutely on the subject, or omitting to explain things which really require it. Would to God that I may have succeeded in any degree in rendering it more intelligible to you! Would to God that I may have succeeded in rendering it more delightful in your eyes!

Let me prevail on you to shew your delight in it by a more constant attendance at its celebration. It is with no small concern that I am compelled to say that I have too much reason to admonish you on this head. Surely once a week, for one short hour, to meet with your brethren to offer your prayers and thanksgivings to your Creator, Preserver, and Redeemer, is no hard service! Can we possibly do less for that beneficent Being, who hath


done so much for us? Whatever causes


of dissatisfaction you may have with the manner of the service being performed, you cannot complain that it is not performed constantly and at the appointed hours. Would to God you would give your minister a decisive proof that you are not dissatisfied with it on other accounts, by meeting him constantly as the Sabbath } returns! He can have but little reason, till he sees you do this, to congratulate himself on the success of his labours. But it is not enough that you attend regularly at divine service; you must be attentive and devout, whilst you are there, and if your thoughts will sometimes wander to earthly subjects (as they too often will) you must anxiously and speedily recall them. You will do well to be minutely exact in repeating all which the congrégation is ordered to repeat, and in joining, in your hearts, in each of the prayers as




SERM. they are read by the minister, and saying


Amen aloud at the conclusion. You will likewise do well in observing the di rections of your prayer-books, when you are to stand or kneel, and in complying exactly with them, as it shews decency of behaviour, and Christian submission to the orders of your superiors. To conclude, come as frequently to church, and behave, when you are here, with that reverence and devotion, which, when the tremendous hour of death approaches, and much more at the awful day of judgment, you will most sincerely and ardently wish that you had done! Now to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed all might, majesty, and dominion, now and for ever. Amen.




ST. JOHN iii. 16.

God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


WHEN the Almighty first created man, SERM. he endued him with a capacity of knowing his duty, and with a strong inclination to practise it: in defiance, however, of this knowledge, and in contradiction to this inclination, Adam fell from his obedience, and, by his transgression, brought, not only on himself, but also on his posterity, misery and death. Wickedness, which was


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