became an indifpenfible duty upon the pastors thereof to defend it. To this purpofe he very appofitely quoted that law at Athens, which in case of any dangerous commotions and disturbances in the ftate, excufed those who had efpoufed the party in oppofition to that which finally prevailed, as having engaged therein honeftly, though with a mistaken zeal ; whilst a fevere penalty was inflicted upon those who contented themselves quietly under their vines at home without engagiug on either fide; which indifference or neutrality was condemned as proceeding from a refolution to risk nothing for the public good. It is remarkable, that Hoadley, in his anfwer, declares he was more concerned on account of this adverfary than any other; and no doubt he had more to apprehend from bifhop Potter's character at that time, than that of all his other antagonists put together. He Some time after this controverfy, our prelate obtained the particular friendship of the princess of Wales, afterwards queen Caroline, and upon the acceffion of George II. to the throne, he preached the coronation fermon, which was printed: and the chief direction of the public affairs, with regard to the church, was tendered to him, but he declined the offer, thinking it would involve him too much in state affairs. then retired to discharge the duties of his bishopric and profefforfhip; and there continued till, by the death of archbishop Wake in 1736, he was called to the metropolitan chair. This high ftation he filled during the space of ten years with great reputation, wholly attentive to the duties of his ecclefiaftical function, without engaging too highly in the fecular affairs incident to that great office. Thus employed, he fell into a lingering diforder, which put a period to his life in 1747, leaving behind him the character of a prelate of diftinguished piety and learning, ftrictly orthodox with regard to the doctrines of the Church of England, and a zealous and vigilant guardian thereof, against all the attempts that were made to fubvert and undermine the establishment during his presidency. This brought upon him the illiberal cenfures of that weak and conceited old man William Whif. ton, who, in the memoirs of his own life, tells a foolish tale respecting his recommending Dr. Potter to queen Caroline for the archbishopric of Canterbury, though the fact is indif. putable that the bifhop was in the confidence and favour of that princess long before the came to the throne. The concluding remark of Whiston refpecting this great prelate is very curious. "I am forry, very forry to fay it, that archbifhop Potter feemed to me almoft as unwilling to open his eyes eyes to fee the grievous errors of Athanafianifm, which are now fo fully detected as to be finking out of the learned world, as any of the Papifts were to fee the other grofs errors of Popery at the Proteftant reformation." Here we fee that the ground of Whifton's enmity to the archbishop was the firm nefs of the latter in maintaining the orthodox faith, of which the former was through life the furious but weak affailant. Another person who bore the archbishop no good-will, was Dr. Conyers Middleton, who ascribed the lofs of the mafterfhip of the Charter-Houfe to the prelate's interference. The archbishop more than fufpected that Middleton was a deift, and on that account he confcientiously oppofed his appointment to that ftation. Middleton's rival was Mr. Mann, author of a "Harmony of the Gofpels," and "Critical Notes on particu lar paffages of Scripture." He was a perfon of confiderable learning, but not very found in his theological principles, and when he waited upon the archbishop to thank him for his vote, he had the impertinence to fay, "I fuppofe your grace knows that you have made choice of an Arian." The archbishop was ftartled, but foon recollecting himself, made anfwer "An Arian perhaps may be better than a Deift."In 1758, was published in three volumes octavo, "The Theological Works of Dr. John Potter, late archbishop of Canterbury, containing his Sermons, Charges and Difcourfe of Church Government and Divinity Lectures," a collection which ought to be in every clergyman's library. His grace had a large family, but was furvived only by three daughters and two fons, of whom the eldeft, John Potter, was prefented to the rectory of Wrotham, and the vicarage of Lydd, both in Kent, by his father, who likewife gave him a handsome portion, but being offended with him for marrying indifcreetIv, he left the bulk of his fortune to his younger fon Thomas Potter, efq. register of Canterbury. [s] Mifcellanies. An ORIGINAL LETTER from BISHOP BERKELEY, DEAR ARCHDEACON, Rhode Island, July 20, 1730, T is now, I believe, a full twelvemonth fince I heard from you, though you are indebted feveral letters to me. I have been long informed by the public news, of Dr. Clay, ton's being made bishop of Kilalla, but have not heard from himself, though he owes me a letter. Since we are not likely to fee him in America, I wifh him all fuccefs in Ireland. * Dear Archdeacon, I must intreat you at this juncture to take up your old character of agent for the college, which (if you do not exert yourfelf) is in a very hopeless way. The bishop of Kilalla will at your defire put, or (if gone to his diocese) order to be put into your hands, the patents and papers, and college feals, which I left with him. And you will, I doubt not, do whatfoever fhall feem proper to be done, in order to retrieve and further our affairs, at least to bring them to fome conclufion, that I may know what I am to depend on, and what course I am to take. I * Dr. Berkeley soon after his being made dean of Derry, offered to resign that valuable preferment, and to devote the remainder of his life to the instruction of youth, in a college to be founded in the island of Bermuda. Three junior fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, and two gentlemen of fortune, whose names were James and Dalton, engaged with him in this project. Dr. Berkeley obtained some private subscriptions to his scheme, and by considerable research he ascertained the value of certain lands in the island of St. Christopher's, ceded by France at the treaty of Utrecht, by the sale of which he undertook to raise a large sum, proposing that part of the purchase money should be applied to the erection of the college. He then found means to convey his proposal to Geo.I. who commanded Sir Robert Walpole to carry it through the house of commons; the king also granted a charter for the erection of I formerly told you I had no profpe&t of fettling any where but at Bermuda. The chief advantage proposed by fettling a college on the continent, was the convenience of procuring young Americans to be educated in it, but that advantage is not to be found here, there being within this government but a handful of the old natives, and thofe fervants or labourers for the English. That race of men are ftrangely confumed fince the English fettlements in these parts, which I fuppofe hath been owing to their excess in fpirituous liquors more than to their wars with our colonies. The fact is, that for feveral hundred miles from the fea-coaft here are no fettlements of them at prefent. Besides, labour is very dear in these parts, not to mention fome other circumstances, in which I take Bermuda to have the advantage. But the chief point is, that Bermuda was marked out by the patents and the parliamentary addrefs. I muft therefore once more intreat you to use your utmost endeavours to procure the money, and to fay and do every thing that you shall think proper, and moft likely to conduce to that end. I do moft fincerely and heartily wish you a bishop, and that you had the Queen's ear, which would enable you to do a great deal of good. You have feveral apertures or avenues to court, which few have; and I really think it your duty to improve them, and to be at least as industrious to put yourself in the way of doing good, as the generality are for obtaining pre ferment of a college by the name of St. Paul's college in Bermuda, to consist of a president and nine fellows, who were obliged to maintain and educate Indian scholars at the rate of ten pounds per annum for each. An address was accordingly presented from the house of commons to his majesty, praying that he would grant for the use of the president and fellows of the college, such sums out of the produce of the lands for sale in St. Christopher's, as his majesty should think proper. The sum of 10,000l. was immediately promised by the minister for the purpose, though with no sincerity of intention to fulfill the engagement. Relying however upon this pledge, dean Berkeley embarked with his lady and some friends, in September 1728, and sailed for Rhode Island, which lay nearest to Bermuda, intending to wait there for the remittance from government. In this, however, he was disappointed. The money never came, and after remaining in America two years, he had the mortification to find that Sir Robert Walpole did not intend to perform his promise. On this the dean returned to Europe, and restored all the private subscriptions which he had received for the promo tion of this benevolent project, by which he was himself à considerable loser, ferment for other ends. I have wrote long fince to the bishop of Bangor* to use his intereft with the Queen, but have not yet received any answer. I have fpent seven years of the prime of my life in conflant toil and uneafinefs; I have neglected my own affairs much to my lofs, and been at great expence to pursue a fcheme countenanced and approved in the most public manner by the court, the miniftry, and the parliament, and in the end I am laughed at for being bubbled; but furely it ought to be apprehended that fome part of the dishonour may alight upon fomebody else. I relied on a royal charter, and a wiser man than I would have thought he walked fecurely on fuch a foundation. My own fufferings and labour, and loffes, I fhould count as nothing if the defign fucceeds, but if it be knocked on the head, I fhall not be the only perfon difappointed: many worthy perfons of all ranks, who wifhed it fuccefs, and zealously encouraged it, will share in the uneafiness of seeing it miscarry; to prevent which, I know you will do all that is poffible to be done. My hopes, dear Archdeacon, are altogether in you, whofe friendship and goodness I have fo often experienced, which will not faffer me to doubt that all your industry, interest, and skill, will be exerted in the prefent critical juncture. For if the money be not paid now, it had as well be abfolutely denied: the patent ordering its payment out of the first and readiest monies returned into the treasury from St. Christopher's, we had a right to demand it long fince, and Dr. Clayton preffed for it to no purpose. This hath difheartened my affociates, who I cannot hope will hold out much longer, and some, I fear, have given over all thoughts of it. The companions of my voyage are fill at Bofton. I had a letter lately from Mr. Dalton, that informs me he is going for England, and that his things are packing up to be put on fhip-board: but I hear fince from another hand, that he is fmitten with a young lady, which may probably alter his refolution. Keep this to yourself, poffibly there may thing in it. But this corner affords little news, fo you muff take fuch as I have. I had like to have forgot that Sinibert is to be married in a few daies to a young woman at Boston. I do not hear what her fortune is. be no Long fince, you gave me a hint that fome people fufpected me of dangerous defigns, and that I was privy to the great numbers of Irish that come over to New England, and settle near Boston. Now though I fhall make no apology to you, *Bishop Sherlock. who |