to leave it out, then fome others fince, to keepe it in. It is plainely void and fupernumerary, and an escape not fit to be accounted upon the fageneffe of that tranflation. Review of New Publications. The Water of Bethesda, a Sermon, preached in the Parish Church of St. John, Margate, in the Ile of Thanet, on Sunday, Auguft the 30th, 1807, for the General Sea-bathing Infirmary at Margate. By the Rev. JAMES PLUMPTRE, M. A. Fellow of Clare-Hall, Cambridge. 8vo. pp. 19. (for the Charity), 1s. Rivingtons. THI HIS is an eloquent and pathetic address in behalf of a very excellent charity. The text is happily chosen, (John v. 6.) and the miracle at Bethesda is admirably illuftrated, and applied to the benevolent object for which the preacher is an advocate. As a specimen we select the following: "Whatever were the qualities of the water of Bethesda at Jerusalem, which, at the time of our Saviour's coming, produced such extraordinary effects, we are not to look for such in these days, but must have recourse to those ordinary means, which God, who 66 giveth medicine to heal our sickness," hath, in his mercy, vouchsafed to mankind. That vast body of water, which covers so large a portion of the surface of the globe, surrounding some countries and running up into the midst of others, it hath pleased the Almighty dispenser of every blessing, to endue with a healing quality for many diseases. It is not, indeed, like the water of the holy Bethesda, a certain cure, under particular circumstances, for "whatsoever disease" a person may labour under; but it is, in the ordinary course of God's mercy, a very probable mean of cure, or an almost certain mean of relief in many disorders. It awaits not a supernatural agency to give it this healing quality at particular times, but the return of Summer gives it a seasonable efficacy, and "a great number of impotent folk, of blind, halt and withered," from inland parts, flock to the coasts to to "step in and be made whole." How should we wonder, and how, I trust, should we adore the divine benevolence, should God open amongst us, as he did amongst the Jews, a Bethesda, endued with miraculous powers of healing! But, does it less bespeak a divine agency to apportion the waters of the earth, to give them their constant circulations, and to make their ebbings and flowings as punctual as the rising and setting of the sun and of the moon? to have impregnated the sea with salt, which, together with its un-ceasing motion, preserve it from putrefaction, and thence becoming a plague instead of a blessing? and to endue it with qualities which give strength to the impotent, and restore halesomeness to the corrupt? What would have been our feelings, had we stood at the pool of Bethesda, seen the angel come down and trouble the water, and beheld the sick plunge in and come out whole? How should we have glorified God, and set forth all his wondrous works! But, if it be less a cause of wonder, it is not less a proof of the mercy of God, when we behold the objects which throng to these places to partake of the constant and salutary influences of these waters; when we see the sick day by day improving in health and comeliness, the lame day by day encreasing in strength, and the blind recovering their sight. Here, who can forbear to break forth with the Psalmist," Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul; and forget not all his benefits; who forgiveth all thy sin, and healeth all thine infirmities; who saveth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with mercy and loving kindness; who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, making thee young and lusty as an eagle." This charitable inftitution has powerful claims to fupport, 1300 patients having already received the benefit of it, and many hundreds having applied for admiffion which was unwillingly denied on account of the circumfcribed means of accommodation. It is therefore intended to enlarge the building, to erect yer other " porches" to this Bethesda, for the reception of fome few more of the "great multitude" who wish to be "made whole." To carry this benevolent defign into execution an appeal is made to the liberality of the public; and we trust that it will not be made in vain. A Collection of Evidences for the Divinity of our Lord Jefus Christ. By the Rev. A. FRESTON, A. M. Rector of Edgeworth, Gloucester. 8vo. pp. 86. 25. Cadell and Davies. HIS collection of evidences in fupport of a fundamental article of the Chriftian faith is fyftematically arranged, and with great judgement, as follows:-" the defcription of the the Meffiah in the Old Teftament; -Our Saviour's affertions refpecting himself;-the Opinions of his Friends concerning him;-the Conceffions of his Enemies;-Answer to objections; and a brief recapitulation of the Argument." This plan is good, and the execution does great credit to the author's abilities, piety, and industry: The proofs are placed in a forcible and convincing order, and the arguments are managed with ftrength. In the first fection however, we were furprised to fee no mention made of the excellent treatife of the learned Allix, entituled the Judgment of the antient Jewish Church against the Unitarians," a book which unanfwerably proves that the divinity of the Meffiah, was the conftant belief of the Jews before the propagation of Chriftianity. Selection from fuch a work as this "Collection of Evidences" is not very eafy, we fhall therefore content ourfelves with giving the tract our hearty recommendation, and with extracting a paffage from the author's conclufion, which is written in an amiable spirit of Chriftian candour, as well as a becoming confidence in the truth of his caufe. If "If the reader find in this work" says Mr. Freston "neither genius nor originality, let him not blame the author; the subject does not require it; he presumes not to be wise beyond what is written. Let some praise however be allowed him for his labour and attention, and may others reap the benefit of them. He flatters himself he has collected a considerable mass of evidence on this important subject, the fruit of many years reflection. some remain still unconvinced, as such no doubt there may be, let them pursue their researches with a humble and a candid mind, as becomes not only a Christian, but every true philosopher. No virtuous heathen that stood by could arraign the purity of our religion, or prove that its founder and first promoters sought honour, the gratification of ambition, wealth or power, by its establishment. Its only motives must be clearly seen; the pure worship of God, the harmonizing and civilization of mankind, in this life, and a restoration to divine favour in a state of future existence. An attentive examination of its doctrines, will, I trust, convince him, that Christianity is no "cunningly devised fable:" it has nothing to fear from the discoveries of learning, or the cavils of ignorance; "for this thing was not done in a corner." The more thoroughly it is inspected, the more clearly its real hårmony will appear, the more its apparent incongruities will vanish. "The religion which declines an appeal to the tribunal of reaon is always to be suspected." But, at the same time, we are ever ready to acknowledge that "great is the mystery of godli VOL. XIV. Ckm. Mag. Feb. 1808. great ness." The conjunction of the divine and human nature in Christ, the union of the Godhead in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are great mysteries, far above the reach of the human un derstanding, but not therefore contrary to it. "Is any thing too hard for the Lord?" "With God all things are possible." "Who can find out the Almighty to perfection?" Do not I fill heaven and earth, saith the Lord?" Passages of great difficulty will occur, but these may be reconciled by a proper consideration of the divine and human nature of Christ, and of his assumed office. Buif they never can be explained, shall faith be rejected as useless? "Faith (says St. Paul) is the evidence of things not seen." A clear conviction and acknowledgment of truths we cannot comprehend. If they were demonstrable by human reason, they would be points of faith no longer. To attempt to explain them all, is vain and presumptuous; to deny them, is to disbelieve the Scriptures. Are there no other difficulties to conceive but the Godhead of Christ? What shall we think of the resurrection of the dead? "How are they raised up?" "With what bodies do they come? Does not the mind of man sink under the very conception of eternity, and of the nature of spirit? Does he clearly understand how God fills all space? How the stupendous acts of his power operate at the same time in different places, wide as the poles asunder? Does not the human eye perceive that the wind acts as a material substance? Has it not the same effect upon bodies, as other material bodies would have? Does it not throw down the tallest trees, in the same manner that other trees, greater, much larger, falling upon them would do? Yet no one can tell whence it cometh, or whither it goeth; it is invisible to the human sight. If then we do not clearly comprehend earthly things, shall we wonder that we cannot fully understand heavenly things? Religious doubts seldom arise from too much learning; but oftentimes from presumption, from an imperfect view of the question." A Sermon preached before the Mayor and Corporation of Stamford, in St. Mary's Church in that place, on Sunday 25th October, 1807; being the Anniversary of his Majefty's Acceffion to the Throne. Ry the Rev. ROBERT LASCELLES CARR, Chaplain to Lord Mendip, and Curate of the Parishes of St. Mary and St. George, in Stamford. 4to. pp. 21, 1s. 6d. White. IN N this ingenious Sermon the preacher enters upon high argument, even the nature of civil government and the duty of obedience; however he has managed his fubject with of considerable power of reafoning, and in vigorous language. He combats the peftilential doctrine of refiftance with great ftrength, not only on Chriftian principles, but by arguments drawn from the law of reason, or as it is ufually called, the law of nature. The conclufion of the difcourfe gave us particular pleasure, and therefore we shall here extract it entire. "We have a constitution, above all praise.-Of which, more than a century since, an excellent bishop of our church, well said, "We live under that excellent constitution, under the gentle influences whereof, we enjoy more liberty, more plenty, and more security from all manner of injury and oppression, than any nation this day on the face of the earth."-And notwithstanding our proneness to murmur, I will confidently assert, that we, at this day, may with the most sacred truth apply the good prelate's words to ourselves. But it is the misfortune of some men, to have jaundiced eyes." Our constitution is destroyed," say some.-Do they know what that constitution is, and if it actually were de stroyed, could they furnish a plan for rebuilding it ?-Our_national credit is sinking, our trade is declining, plots are hatching against our rights and liberties, and all this petulant grumbling, all these stupid lies told, in the face of Heaven,-whilst every man is sitting unmolested under his own vine, or under his own fig-tree, or is going on his way, as pleasure or business calls him, whilst every market is filled with buyers and sellers,-every expensive place of amusement is crowded, all are sumptuously apparelled. and the palates of all are daily more and more consulted. Such are some men's notions of slavery and destitution !-But all men have not a sense of shame. And I cannot help here observing, that upon two subjects, which of all others require the greatest knowledge and utmost comprehension of mind, Religion and Politics, the shallow and ignorant are always most ready to give their opinions. "But we have another motive for obedience. And duty and in clination both loudly call upon me to state it, inadequate as I feel myself to such an undertaking. "We have a monarch, whose virtues are so conspicuous, and his goodness so notorious, that disaffection or disobedience to him, can originate in nothing but the malice of an evil heart.-We have a sovereign endued with every requisite which nature and education can bestow, to captivate the hearts and retain the affections of a brave and generous people. He has shewn himself amiable and exemplary in domestic life.-He has declared the most affectionate attachment to the interests and fatherly concern for the welfare of his people. And has proved himself really and truly a defender of the faith,-He valiantly fought the battle of that Church, |