May it, Sire, please the Supreme Disposer of events to grant that Your Majesty's reign may be prolonged, and that it may continue to be peaceable, prosperous, and happy; and may it accord with the wisdom and benevolence of His divine government of the world, shortly to put an end to all war and bloodshed. and incline the hearts of men to deeds of mercy and philanthropy; and may Your Majesty, and the highly-favoured nation you govern, be made the glorious instruments of spreading through the world pure and unadulterated Christianity, or that "knowledge of the Lord," which can alone produce and secure the peace and civilization of the world. Thus highly honoured, Britain may indulge in the hope that not only her existence as a nation, but also her tranquillity will endure; and that she will not be consigned, by the great Ruler of the universe, to the lot uniformly recorded in history of other great and warlike nations, who, having been raised by the sword, have also perished by the sword. Though, Sire, I have, for the reasons I have stated, withdrawn myself from Your Majesty's Naval Service, it will ever be my most earnest wish, as it will also be my constant endeavour, as a Christian and as a subject, to approve myself, with unfeigned deference and respect, Sire, Your Majesty's most faithful, Most dutiful, and devoted Servant, Sutton, near Thirsk, 14th Jan. 1825. "Whatever renders religion more rational, renders it more credible; and he who by a diligent and faithful examination of the original records, dismisses from the system one article which contradicts the apprehension, the experience, or the reasoning, of mankind, does more towards recommending the belief, and with the belief the influence of Christianity, to the understandings and onsciences of serious inquirers, and through them to universal reception and authority, than can be effected by a thousand contenders for creeds and ordinances of human establishment." PRINTED BY THOMAS THRUSH, OF HARROGATE; SOLD BY SMALLfield & Son, 69, NEWCATE STREET, LONDON, 1839. |