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النشر الإلكتروني


"the rod of correction will drive it far from him,

Withhold "not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with a "rod, he fhall not die; thou fhalt beat him with a rod and "deliver his foul from hell. Chaften thy fon while there is

hope, and let not thy foul fpare for his crying." O that children could be induced to confider, that correction appointed by God. however painful to themfelves and parents, is for their highest use and benefit.

Sixthly, another branch of this dutifulness is, that children fhould only affociate, and make intimates and companions of thofe, who are agreeable to their parents choice. Bad company to youth is the greatest evil in fociety. All the confeffions of criminals brought to a shameful end, principally consist of three articles, difobedience to parents, wicked company, and fabbath breaking. Evil company is the deftruction of youth. Other things flay their thoufands, but this its ten thousands. Ruft corrodes the most polifhed fteel, fo evil communication Let not children enter into the corrupts good manners. fecrets of the wicked, and let not their honor be united with them. It is impoffible to detail all the duties of the filial relation; let this close the collection. Imitate your parents in all that is good, avoid every thing in them wrong, pray for them, pray for yourselves, dedicate yourselves to God in Christ, renounce fin, and engage to walk in faith and holiness, then you will be useful in the world and happy forever.

The fubject clofus with the laft advice of minifterial and the whole foul of parental counfel. "Be ye followers of God as "dear children, and walk in love, as Chrift hath alfo loved "you." Remember and imitate the character of the child Samuel, who grew up in favor with God and man.


Some Duties Incumbent upon Youth.

Ecclefi. xii. 1. 2.


Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy Youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt fay, I have no pleafure in them; while the fun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain.

NO addrefs in facred writ is more directly pointed, or more folemnly made to the rifing generation, than the words before It was the laft counfel of an old man, and this, and a few following difcourfes, are the laft perhaps, you will ever hear from your aged paftor. Allow me to take for my copy at prefent, the last addrefs of one of the oldeft and wifeft preachers. This counfel is directed to thofe in the morning and bloom of life, whose active and volitile fpirits bear them on to the gratification of every defire.

This addrefs in our text, burfts forth in a very abrupt form, delivers a ftrong interference with the views and pleasures of


youth. In this fudden impulfe, confifts much of its ftrength, beauty, and vigor. It feems intended to form the attention, and command the most thoughtless to take notice. Young people muft furely feel the fpirit and power of this addrefs. It is pointed like a dagger to the finful pleasures of the hearts of youth. It strikes death into their carnal delights, and raises their hearts, contrary to their native bent, from earth to heaven, sheds darkness on terrestrial things, and elevates their souls to God.

Solomon had defcribed every worldly wish and carnal desire of his, as fully gratified. He had enjoyed the full round of riches, pleasures and honors, as far as this narrow life could afford indulgence. He was the perfon fingled out and defignated by God, for this wonderful scene. No ma nmarked out for the full extenfion of earthly pleafures, but himself; none in this line ever preceded him, nor will there be fuch another instance to the end of time. Every thing that can be comprehended in the term pleasure, Solomon enjoyed in the utmost extent. Peace, health, riches, honors, and the utmoft gratification of human defires were all his own. No carnal man can poffibly with for more than Solomon poffeffed. When he became old, and was glutted with enjoyment, what was his account of the whole? A fum which he might have caft up long before. Hearken to the footing of his account. "Vanity of vanities Vanity and vexation,

all is vanity and vexation of fpirit." what can form a more bitter and detefta ble compofition for life than this? This was Solomon's portion, when he drunk in pleasure in all its fulness, what then must be the mifery of thofe who only fip at the rills, and never had a fingle draft of his delight. And all the pleasurable taking world may be affured they never will. A fermon could not develope the pleasures of Solomon in childhood, youth and riper age, and the miferies and torment of his Jaft days. If I fhould live, my young friends, I would wifh to lead you through this ex.

traordinary life of pleasure and fin, and of wisdom and folly of which there has been none like it, nor will there be another. Forgive me this excurfion and deviation from the fubject in view. You are ready to fay, that all old men will pass the fame reflections on life, and make a fimilar regret, that they have paffed through the world under a kind of enchantment, which the approaches of death diffolve, and they awake to think of God and religion when their heart ftrings. are breaking. I readily grant death is an awakening period, and I also affirm the whole life is little enough to prepare for it. The young and gay will laugh at every thing serious, and will fay, the religious language of the aged, is the refult of chagrin, disappointment, or furfeited repitition of enjoyments... To fuch, I can only fay, "Take the unhappy reins on your necks, range through the fields of pleasure, tafte of every forbidden tree, enjoy yourselves, abandon religion, banish death,. heaven, eternity, and hell from your thoughts, and forbid their intrufion to mar your pleasures; finish life in a thoughtless and. jovial fwing" but, O youth, be affured of this, "God will bring "you into judgment." This thought is excluded in the hours of mirth and lawless pleasures, but hereafter it will bite like an adder and fting like a ferpent. I wish this one idea could be impreffed on the hearts of youth, "Remember that all your conduct in life, and every period of its pleafures God will bring into judgment in the prefence of the whole universe.”

The great things enjoined upon youth in this fubject is the plain duty of remembrance of God and several reafons to en force their compliance with it.

The duty is to remember their Creator, and immediately to perform every matter and thing implied in this remembrance. The original word is Creators, ftrongly intimating a Trinity of perfons in the Godhead to which their attention fhould be turned; they should remember the Father their maker, the Son

their redeemer, and the Holy Ghoft their fanctifier, which comprehends in it the whole of religion. The reafons enforcing the duty of the text fhall be the principal object of your atten tion, and no more shall be faid about the duty itself, than mere ly to afcertain the nature of it in general. It most evidently involves in it the following particulars.

First, that you ever bear fully in your mind that there is a God, glorious in the perfons of Godhead and in all his attri butes. You muft furely feel he is your fupreme and rightful fovereign. You did not give yourselves existence by your own will or power. All the being and faculties you poffefs are from God. You must then be wholly God's. He has a more abfolute property in you, and a more unlimited claim upon you and your fervices, than it is poffible you should have upon any thing you call your own. Therefore he has an indifputable right to give you laws, and prescribe your duty towards himself, and towards all the creatures with which you stand connected.

Secondly, another thing involved in the remembrance of your Creator, is that you owe him duty and affection to the utmost of your power. This is a debt due to him, for what he is in himself, and from your relation to him. Is God yeur Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier? Can any love be denied, or any duty fuppreffed which he requires? Reafon, confcience, and all that is in man, especially the whole foul of youth mult acknowledge, that we are wholly the Lord's. Every young person in my audience, is filently faying in his heart, “I am his, I am wholly his, created by his power and preferved by his goodness."

Thirdly, this reflection implies in it a feeling fenfe of your abfolute dependence upon him for the life that now is and for that which is to come. The streams of this world wax into

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