صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Sterne, author of the Sentimental Journey,
Triftram Shandy, and 45 fermons.

1770 Died the Rev. Dr. Jortin, author of the Life of Erafmus, Ecclefiaftical History, and fer

mons; as alfo Dr. Mark Akenfide, of Newcaftle upon Tyne, author of poems. Dr. Tobias Smollett, of Dumbartonshire, who wrote a History of England, novels, and tranflations, died the fame year.

1771 Dr. Solander and Mr. Banks, in his Majefty's fhip the Endeavour, lieutenant Cook, returned from a voyage round the world, having made feveral important difcoveries in the South Seas.

Thomas Gray, profeffor of modern history, Cambridge, author of the beautiful Elegy in a Country Church-Yard, and other poems, died this year.

1772 The king of Sweden changed the constitution of that kingdom.

The Pretender married a princefs of Germany, grand-daughter of Thomas, late earl of Aylesbury.

The emperor of Germany, emprefs of Ruffia, and the king of Pruffia, ftripped the king of Poland of great part of his dominions, which



which they divided among themselves, in violation of the moft folemn treaties.

1773 Captain Phipps (the late lord Mulgrave) was fent to explore the North Pole; but having made eighty-one degrees, was in danger of being locked up by the ice, and his attempt to discover a paffage in that quarter proved fruitlefs.

1773 Died Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of Chefterfield, author of Letters; as alfo George lord Lyttelton, of Worcestershire, who wrote a Hiftory of England.

The Jefuits were expelled from the pope's dominions, and fuppreffed by his bull, on the 25th of Auguft.

1774 The British parliament having paffed an act, laying a duty of three-pence a pound upon all teas imported into America, the colonifts, confidering this as a grievance, denied the right of the British parliament to tax them.

Oliver Goldsmith, who wrote poems, effays, and feveral hiftories, died this year; as alfo Zachary Pearce, bishop of Rochester, author of Annotations on the New Teftament.

1775 The


1775 The first action happened in America between the king's troops and the provincials at Lexington, on the 19th of April. On the 17th of June, there was a bloody


Dr. John Hawkefworth died this year. He
was the author of the Adventurer, a perio-
dical publication of great merit.

1776 The congrefs declared the American colo-
nies free and independent states.

David Hume, author of the Hiftory of Eng-
land, and effays, died this year; as also
James Ferguson, of Aberdeenshire, the
famous aftronomer.

1777 Lieutenant-general Burgoyne was obliged to
furrender his army at Saratoga, in Canada,
by convention, to the American army un-
der the command of the generals Gates and

Samuel Foote, of Cornwall, the celebrated wit and comedian, died this year. He wrote fome humorous dramatic pieces. 778 A treaty of alliance was concluded at Paris, between the French king and the thirteen united American colonies, in which their independence was acknowledged by the Court of France.

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1778 An engagement was fought off Breft between

the English fleet under the coramand of

admiral Keppel, and the French fleet under the command of the count d'Orvilliers, on the 27th of July.

1779 Died David Garrick, of Hereford, one of the first actors that ever appeared on any

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ftage. He wrote feveral dramatic and poetical pieces.

The fame year died William Warburton, bishop of Gloucefter, author of the Divine Legation of Mofes, and various other works.




N the year 1780, torture in courts of justice was abolished in France; and the Inquifition was abolished in the duke of Modena's dominions.

On the 9th of June, the Proteftant Association, to the number of 50,000, went up to the house of


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commons, with their petition for the repeal of an act paffed in favour of the Papifts.

That event was followed by the most daring riots in the city of London and Southwark, for feveral fucceffive days, in which fome Popish chapels were destroyed, together with the prifons of Newgate, the King's Bench, the Fleet, feveral private houses, &c. These alarming riots were at length fuppreffed by the interpofition of the military, and, many of the rioters were tried and executed for felony.

On the 24th of September, general Arnold deferted the service of the congrefs, efcaped to New York, and was made a brigadier-general in the royal fervice.

Major André, adjutant-general to the British army, was hanged as a spy at Toppan, in the province of New York.・・

About the beginning of October, there were dreadful hurricanes in the Weft Indies, by which great devaftation was made in Jamaica, Barbadoes, St. Lucia, Dominica, and other islands.

Sir William Blackftone, judge of the court of Common Pleas, London, died this year. He wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England.

Much about the fame time died Dr. John Fothergill, of Yorkshire, who wrote on medicine and

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