Scul le ry, s. a place where kettles Sea far ing, a. travelling by sea Sec ta ry, s. one who divides from establishment Se cu lar, a. worldly Sim ple ton, s. a silly mortal Sin gu lar, a. single, not complex Si tu ate, a. placed, fixed Ske le ton, s. the bones of a body Se di ment, s. what settles at the preserved in their natural order bottom Se du lous, a. diligent Seem ing ly, ad. in appearance Seem li ness, s. decency Se gre gate, va. to set apart perceiving by the senses Sen si tive, a. having sense but reason Skil fully, ad. with skill Slan der er, s. one who belies ano ther Slan de rous, a. calumnious in an inelegant manner Slug ish ness, s. sloth Sol dier ly, a. martial like, s. a bo dy of military men Sol em nize, v a. to celebrate So li tude, s. a lonely life So phis ter, s. a subtle disputant So phis try s. fallacious argument not Sor cery, s. magick Se pul ture, s. interment Sor row ful, a. mournful, sad Se ra phim, s. angels of one of the So ve reign, a. supreme in power heavenly orders South er ly, a. towards the south Spe ci fy, v a. to mention Se ri ous, a. grave, solemn Ser pen tine, a. winding like a ser Spe cu late, v a. to consider atten Sphe ri cal, a. round Spi rit ed, a. lively Spi rit less, a. dejected Spiri tous, a, refined Spite fal ness, s. malignity • Spright li ness, s, liveliness body State li ness, s. grandeur Sta. tion er, s. a book-seller Ste rì lize, v a. to make barren Stig ma tize, v a. to mark with in St mo ny, s. the baying of church Stin gi ness, s. covetousness preferments Stran gu ry, s. difficulty of urine at- Tame a ble a, susceptive of taming tended with pain Strength en er, s. which makes Stu di ous, a. contemplative Stu pi fy, v a. to make stupid Stur di ness, s. stoutness Stut ter er, s. a stammerer Sty gi an, a. hellish Sua vi ty, s. sweetness Tan gi ble, a. perceptible by the touch Task mas ter, s. who imposes taske Te le graph, s. an instrument fo convey intelligence by signals Te le scope, s. a glass for viewing distant objects Sub ju gate, v a. to subdue by force Tem po ral, a. measured by time Sab se quent, a. following Sub si dy, s. aid in money Sub sti tute, s. one put in place of another Sub tle ty, s, artfulness Suc cu lent, a, juicy Sud den ly, ad, unexpectedly Suf fer ance, s. pain, patience Suf fer er, s. one who suffers Sui ta bie, a. fitting Sui ta bly, ad. agreeably Sul len ness, s. inóroseness Sul phur ry. a. like sulphur Sum ma ry, a. short Sump tu ous, a. costly Tem pe rance, s, moderation Tem pe rate, a. moderate Te na ble, a, that may be held Tem po rise, v n. to comply with the times Sun di al, s. a plate on which the Thanks giv ing, s, celebration of shadow points the hour mercy. Sup ple ment, s. an addition The o ry, s. speculation Sup pli cant, s. an humble petition There a bout, ad, near er Thiev e ry, s. practice of stealing Sup pli cate, v n. to implore Tho rough fare, s, a passage with C out stop manual operations Tho rough pace a. complete Thrif tiness, s. frugality Sur ge ry, s. the act of curing by Sur li ness, s. moroseness Sur ro gate, va. to put in the place Til la ble, a. arable Ta lis man, s. a magical character Trac ta ble, a. manageable Treach e ry, s. perfidy Tri an gle, s. a figure of three angles Tit nity, s. the union of the three persons Trou ble some, a, vexaticus Tru cu lent, a. barbarous Ven tu rous, a. bold Vic to ry, s. conquest Vi gi lance, s. watchfulness Trum peter, s. who sounds a trum- Vigilant, a. watchful Ig li ness, s. deformity Vi gor ous, a. forcible Vi li fv, v a. to defame Vil la ger, s. one living in a village Vil la nous, a, base Villa ny, s. baseness Vin ci ble, a. conquerable Vin di cate, v a. to justify Vi ne gar, s. an acid liquor Vi o late, v a. to injure Vi o lence, s. force Vi o let, s. a flower Virginal, a. pertaining to a virgin Vir tu ous, a. morally good Vir u lence, s. poison Viru lent, a. malignant Vi si bly, ad. plainly Ul ce rate, va. to disease with sores Vi si tant, s. one who goes to see Ul ti mate, a. the last Un der most, a. the lowest Un du late, v na to move as a wave Unity, s. concord U ni verses. the general system of things Up right ly, ad. honestly Ur gen cy, s. pressure of difficulty U su al, a. customary C U su ry, s. money paid for the use of money U ten sil, s. an instrument Ut ter ly, ad, fully V Va can cy, s. vacuity Va gran cy, s. wandering Va lo rous, a. brave Van quish er, s. a conqueror Va ri ance, s. disagreement Words of three Syllables accented upon the second Aban don, va. to resign Ab-er rance, s. an errour Ab er rant, a. wandering from the right way A bet ment, s. the act of abetting A bor tion, s. the act of bringing forth untimely Ac know lege, v a, to own Ac quit ment, s. act of acquitting Ad di tion, s. the act of adding: Ad just ment, s. regulation A dop tive, a. that may be adopted Ambition, s. desire of prefer- As sum tive, a. which is as ment Am bi tious, a. aspiring sumed As su rance, s. confidence A mend ment, s. change for As ton ish, v a. to confound the better with fear As ses sor, s. an assisting judge As sign er, s. he who assigns As sign ment, s. appointment As sis tance, s. help As sis tant, s. a helper Be fore hand, ad. previous Be hold er, s. a spectator Be tray er, s. a traitor Bi section, s. the cutting into two Bis sex tile, s. a leap year itations. As sump tion, s. the taking to Brown stu dy, s. gloomy med one's self |