صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Lim pid ness, s. clearness

Li ne al, a. of a direct line

Li ni ment, s. balsom

Li o ness, s. a she lion

Li qui fy, v a. to melt

Li qui date, v a, to clear
List less ly, ad. without thought

Li ta ny, s. prayer

Literal, a. according to the letter Li ti gant, s. one engaged in a law-suit

Liti gate, va. & n. to manage.in a law-suit

Li tur gy, s. a form of prayer
Live li hood, s. means of living

Live li ness, s. vivacity

Liv er grown, a. having a great


Li ve ry, trimmed clothes given to


Lof ti ly, ad. on high

Lof ti ness, s. height

Lo gi cal, a, according to logick Lo gi cian, s. a teacher of logick

Lone li ness, s. solitude

Lot te ry, s. chance

Mu nu script, s. a written book
Ma ple tree, s. a sugar-tree

Ma ra time, a. relating to the sea
Mar ma lade, s. a conserve of quinz

ces and sugar

Mar ma lade, s. made of the pulph

of quinces and sugar
Mar shal sea, s. a royal prison

Mar shal ship, s. the office of mar


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Men di cant, s. a beggar

Men stru al, a. monthly

Lout ish ly, ad. with the air of a Me ni al, a. like a servant


Loy al ty, s. fidelity

Lub ber ly, ad. awkwardly

Lu cra tive, a. gainful

Lu di crous, a. sportive

Luke warm ness, s. indifference

Lu na tic, s. a mad-man

Lus ti ness, s. stoutness


Ma ce rate, v. a. to make lean

Men tally, ad. belonging to the


Mer can tile; a. trading

* Mer ci ful, a. tender, kird

Ma chi nal, a. relating to a machine

Ma chi nate, va. to plan

Mac ke ral, s. a sea fish

Ma cu late, v a. to stain

Ma gis trate, s. a justice of peace

Mag ni fy, va. to extol

Mag ni tude, s. greatness

Ma la dy, s. a disease

Ma la pert, a. saucy

Merci less, a without mercy
Mer ri ment, s, gayety, mirth
Me ta phor, s, a word turned from.

its original meaning

Me tho dise, v a. to regulate

Me tho dist, s, a physician by theo

ry, a very religicus sect

Met tle some, a. lively

Mi croscope, s. an instrument by

which small objects are viewed

Mid ship man, s. a sea officer

Migh ti ly, ad. powerfully

Mil liner, s. one who sells ladies


Ma na cles, s. a chain to tie the Mine ral, s, fossel

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Mi se ry, s. wretchedness

Mi ti gate, v a. to soften

Mit ti mus, s, a warrant

Neg a tive, a. denying, s. a particle

Mo de rate, a. temperate v a. to re- Neigh bour ly, a. kind, civil ad. with


Mo des ty, s. chastity, decency

Mo di cum, s. a small portion

Mo di fy, v a. to shape

Mo du late, v a. to form sounds to Night en gale, s. a bird

of denial

Neg li gent, a. heedless


Ne o phyte, s. a convert

Ne science, s, ignorance

Ne ther most, a. lowest

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Nim ble ness, s. activity
No ble ness, s. greatness
Noi some ness, s. offensiveness.
No mi nate, v a. to appoint
No ta ble, a. remarkable


No ta bly, a. remarkably

Mo ra list, s. one who teaches the No ta ry, s. one who protests bills duties of life

[gage Notify, va. to make known

Mort ga ger,s. he that gives a mort. Notion al, a. ideal

Mor ti fy, v a. to destroy vital qual

ities v n. to corrupt

Mo ther ly, a. like a mother, ad. as
a mother

Move a ble, a. that may be moved
Moun tai nous, a. full of mountains
Mud di ness, s. foulness

Mul ber ry, s. a tree and fruit
Mul ti form, a. of many shapes

Mul ti ply. v a. to increase in num-

Mur der ous, a. cruel, bloody
Mus ca dine, s, a sweet grape
Mus cu lous, a. full of muscles
Mu si cal, a. harmonious

Mus sul man, s. a Mahometon:
Mus ter roll, s. a register of forces
Mu ta ble, a. subject to change

Mu ti late, v a. to deprive of essen

tial parts

Mu'ti nous, a. seditious, turbulent
Mu tiny, s. sedition

Mu tu al, a. reciprocal

No ve list, s. innovator
No vel ty, s. newness

Now a days, ad. the present time.
Nox ious ness, s. hurtfulness
Nu bi late, v a. to cloud

Nucle us, s. kernal
Nu di ty, s. naked parts
Nul li fy, v a. to make void
Num ber less, a. without number
Nu me ral, a. relating to number
Nu me rous, a. containing many
Nun cio, s the Pope's embassador
Nun ne ry, s. a house for nuns
Nur se ry, s. a place for children

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Oaf ish ness, s. dullness
Ob du rate, a. hard of heart
Ob e lisk, s. a piece of marble with
four faces, and lessening up-
wards like a pyramid

Ob li gate, v a. to bind by contract
Ob li quy, s. slander

Mys te ry, s. something above rea- Ob sti nate, a. contumacious



Nar ra tive, s. a relation.

Nar row ly, ad. closely

Na tion al, a. publick

Nas ti ness, s. filth, dirt

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Na tu ral, a, according to nature, s. Ochre ous, a, consisting of ochre

a. fool, idiot

Naugh ti ness, s. wickedness

Nà vi gate, v a. to sail

Nau ti cal, a. belonging to sailors

Nec ta, rine, s. a fruit

Neg li gence, s. heedlessness

Oc cu list, s. who professes to cure

distempers of the eyes

O di ous, a. hateful
O do rous, a. fragrant..

Offering, s. a sacrifice

Of fi cer, s. a man in command

Of ten times, ad. many times

O mi nous, a. foreshowing ill

On e rate, v. a. to load, to burden,

O pen ing, s. an aperture

• O pen ly, ad. publickly

O pen ness, s. plainness

O pera, s. a poetical

O pe rate, v. n. to act


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Pa ri ty, s. equality

O pi ate, s. a medicine to cause sleep Par lia ment, s. the court of Great

O pi um, s. a medicine

Op po site, a. placed in front


Par so nage, s. the benefice of a pa

Op ta tive, a. expressive of desire



O rally, ad. by word of mouth

Or a tor, s. a publick speaker

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Or de al, s. a trial by fire or water
Or der ly, a. regular, ad. methodi-


Or di nance, s. rule, prescript
Or di nate, v a. to appoint

Or ga nist, s. one who plays on the


Or ga nize, v a. to unite all the parts
Orient, s. the East

Qri fice, s. an opening

Origin, s. beginning
O ri sons, s. prayers

Or na ment, s. embellishment
Or re ry, s. an instrument which re-

presents the heavenly bodies

Or tho dox, a. sound in doctrine
Os tra cism, s. voting by shells
O va ry, s, the seat of impregnation
Out law ry, s. one deprived of the

protection of the laws Out ward ly, ad. externally

Own er ship, s. rightful possession

Pa ci fy, v a. to appease

Pa ga nism, s. heathenism

Pa gan try, s. show, pomp

Pains tak ing, a. laborious

Parti san, s. an adherent to a party
Pas sa ble, a. allowable
Pas sen ger, s. a traveller

Pas si ble, a. susceptible of impres


Pas sive ly, ad. with a passive nature
Pass o ver, s. a jewish feast
Pas to ral, a. rural like

Pas tu rage, s. grazing land
Pa tro nage, s. support, protection
Pa tro nize, va. to protect
Pau ci ty, s. fewness in number
Pawn bro ker, s. who gives money


on pledges
Pay a ble, a. due
Peace a ble, a. quiet
Peaceful ly, ad. mildly
Pea san try, s. the country people
Pe dan try, s. ostentation of learn.


Pe des tal, s. the lowest part of a pil.

Pe di gree, s. lineage.
Pee vish ness, s. fretfulness

Pen du lous, a, hanging

Pen du lum, s. a part of a clock

Pa la tine, a. possessing royal privi- Pe ne trate, v a. to pierce

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Per ju ry, s. false swearing

Per se cute, v a. to punish

Per son age, s. a person of eminence

Per so nal, a. belonging to a person

Per so nate, v a. to represent

Per ti nence, s, propriety

Per vi ous. a. admitting passage

Pes te rous, a. troublesome

Pes ti lence, s. a plague

Pes ti lent, a. malignant

Pe tri fy, v a. to change to a stone

Pet ti ness, s. smallness

Pe tu lance, s. pevishness

Phar ma cy, s. the art of preparing


Phi lo mel, s. the nightingale

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shameless wretch

Pro pa gate, va. to spread

Phleg ma tick, a. abounding in Pro per ty, s. peculiar quality


Pro phe cy, s. a prediction

Phy si cal, a. relating to nature

Pro phe sy, v a. to predict, v n. to

Pil fer er, s. one who steals


Pil gri mage, s. a journey of devo


Pro phe tess, s. a female prophet Pro se lite, s. a convert

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Pro so dy, s. a part of grammar Pros ti tute, v a. to sell to wicked

Pin money,s. a wife's pocket money


Pit e ous, a. mournful

Pros ti tute, a. vicious for hire, s. a

Piti less, a. wanting pity


Pla ca ble, a. willing to be appeased

Pro vi dent, a. cautious

Pla cid ly, ad. gently, mildly

Prox i mate, a. near, immediate

Plau si ble, a. specious

Puber ty, s. ripeness of age

Pleas ing ly, ad, in a pleasing man- Publish er, s. who makes publick

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Retro grade, a. going back, v n. to Satis fy, v a. to content

Re la tive, s. a relation

Re no vate, v a. to renew

Re pro bate, v a. to disallow

Sa tel lite, s. a small planet revolving

Re qui site, a. necessary

round a larger

Re si dence, s. place of abode

Sa ti ate, v a. to satisfy, to glut

Re si due, s. remainder

Sa ti rist, s. a writer of satire

Retinue, s. a train of attendants

Sa ti rize, v a. to censure in satire

go backwards

Sa tu rate, v a. to fill full

Sa tur day, s. the seventh and last

Ri vel ry, s. loose jollity

day of the week

Sa tur nine, a. gloomy

Re ve rence, s. respect

Sa vage ly, ad. cruelly

Sau ci ness, s. impudence

v a. to deride

Sav ing ly, ad. with parsemony

Re tros pect, s. a looking behind

Re ve nue, s. an income

Re di cule, s wit causing laughter

Righ te ous, a. just, equitable

Re gid ly, ad. stiffly

Rigo rous, a, strict, severe

Ring lead er, s head of a riotous

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Sa vo ry, s. a plant

Sa vour ry, a. pleasing to the smell or

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Ri tu al, a. ceremonious, s. a book of Scan ti ly, ad. sparingly

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Sce ne ry, s the representation of

the place in which an action

is performed

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