صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



Dray, s. a cart,

Drawl, v. n. to utter slowly,

Dread, s. fear, v. a. to fear,

Dream, s. a phantasm of sleep v.

n. to imagine,

Dredge, s. a kind of net,

Dunce, s. a thick-skull,
Dung, s. excrement,

Dupe, s. a credulous person, v

a. to cheat,

Dure, v. n. to last,
Dusk, a. dark,

Dregs, s. the sediments of li- Dwarf, s. a man below, the


Drain, v. n. to empty,
Drench, s. a draught,

Dress, s. clothes, v. a, to clothe,
Drift, s impulse,

Drill, v. a. to train to arms,
Drip, v. a. to let fall in drops,
Drive, v. a. to force along,
Droll, s. jester, v. n. to jest,
Drone, s. a bee, a sluggard,
Droop, v. n. to languish.
v. a. to let fall,



S v. n. to fall,

Dross, s. refuse, rust,

common size of men,

Dwell, v. a. to inhabit,


Each, pron: either of two,
Far, s. organ of hearing,
Earth, s. & v. a. to hide in the


Ease, s. quiet, v. a. to relieve,
East, s. sunrising,
Eave, s. the edge of the roof,
Ebb, s. the reflux of the tide
Edge, s. the cutting part of a
knife, &c.

Edge, v. a. to sharpen,

Drove, s. a collection of ani- Egg, s. that which is laid by

[blocks in formation]

fowls, from which ther

[blocks in formation]

Face, s. the visage,

Face, v. n. to come in front,

Fact, s. a thing done,

Fade, v. a. to wear aw
Fade, v. n. to decoy,
Fail v. n. to fall short,
Fail, v. a. to desert,
Fain, a. glad,

Fain, ad. gladly.

l'ain, v. n. to wish,

Fair, a. beauumul,

Faith, s. belief,

Fall, v. a. & n. to let drop, Far, ad. at a great distance, Farce, v. n. to stuff,

Farce, s. a representation,

[blocks in formation]

s. offence,

v. a. to accuse.

Faun, s. a rural deity,

Fawn, s. a young deer,

Fawn, v. n. to court servilely,



3. dread,

v. a. to fright,
v. n. to be afraid

Feast, s. banquet, v. a. to feed,
Feast, v. n. to eat sumptuously
Fee, s. reward, v. a. to bribe,
Feed, v. a. to nourish, v. n. to
take food,

Feel, v. a. to perceive by the

Feign, v. n. to dissemble,

Feint, s. a false appearance,

Fen, s. a marsh.

Fence, s. guard, v. a. to enclose

Few, a. not many,

Fib, s. a falsehood,

Field, s. a tract of ground,

Fiend, s. an enemy,

Fifth, s the ordinal of five,

[blocks in formation]

Flap, s. any thing hanging loose
Flap, v. n, to fly the wings,
Flash, s. a sudden blaze,

Flask, s. a bottle,

Flat, a. smooth,
Flat, s. a level,

Flaw, s. a crack in any thing,
Fleak, s. small lock,
Fleam, s. an instrument to bleed

[blocks in formation]

Fig, s. a fruit,

Flock, s. a company of birds or

Fight, }

v. a. to war against,

s. a combat,

Filch, v. a. to steal,

File, s. a thread,

Fill, v. a. to make full,
Filth, s. nastiness,

Fin, s. the wing of a fish,

Find, v. a. to meet with,

Fine, a. not coarse, s. a forfeit,

Fine, v. a. to punish by a fine,
Firm, a. strong,

First }

[blocks in formation]

Flute, s, amusical, pipe,
Flux, s. the act of flowing,
Foam, s. spume,

a. the ordinal of one, Foe, s. an enemy,
ad. earliest,

Foil, v. a. to defeat,


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Frame, f



Js. order,

a. liberal,

[blocks in formation]

Garb, s. dress, habit

s. a letter free from Gash, s. a deep wound,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

s. the face,

s. a measure,

Gauge, f v. a. to measure,

Gaunt, a slender,
Gauze, s. a thin silk, *
Gawk, s. a foolish fellow,
Gay, a. merry,

Gaze, v. n. to look earnestly,
Gaze, s. intent regard,
Geit, s. castrated animal
Gem, s. a jewel,

Ghost, s. the soul of man,
Gift, s. any thing given,

Gig, s. a two wheeled carriage

Gimp, s. silk twist,

Glad, a. cheerful,

Glade, s. a lawn,

Glance, s. a quick look,

Glare, v. n.. to dazzle,

ข. a. to stand face to Glaze, v. a. to put glass int




Seat, s. a chair

Seek, v a. to look for

Stem, v n. to appear

Slack, a. remiss, loose

Slap, s. a blow

Slate, s, a tile

Stave, s. a dependant

Search, v n. to make search

Sledge, s. a leavy hammer

Sleeve, s. what covers the arm

Seine, s. a met

Serve, v a. to attend

Sted, s. a carriage

Set, v n. to fall below the hor- Sleep, v 1. to take rest

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Shift, v a. & n. to change

Slide, v n. to pass along smooth


Slight, a. not important

Stight, s. neglect, v a. to diere


Slime, s. viscous mire

Slope, s. declevity

Sluce, s. a water gate


Shin, s. the fore part of the leg Stoth, s. laziness

Shoal, s. a crowd, a shallow

Sheet, s. linen for a bed

Shield, s, a buckler

Shift, v n. to change

Shock, s. violent concourse

Shop, s. a place where any thing

is sold

Short, ad. not long
Shout, s. a cry in triumph
Show, v a. to exhibit
Shrine, s. a sacred repository

Shrink, v n. to contract into less


Shroud, v a. to shelter, s. a coy


Shrub, s. a small tree

Sick, a. afflicted with disease
Side, v n. to engage in a party

Sight, s the sense of seeing
Sign, s. a token

Sire, s. a father

Size, s. bulk, v a. to adjust

Skein, s. koot of spread wound

Sketch, s. an out line

Skin, s. knowledge

Skip, v n. to bound lightly.
Skirt, s. the border

Skreça, v. to protect

Stab, s, a puddie

[blocks in formation]

Spring, v n. to arise, s. a season Swarm, vn. to rise as bees

Sprout, s. a shoot v n. to grow
Spur, s. apoint v a. to incite
Spy, s. one sent to watch others
Square, s. a figure, v a. to reg-


Squeeze, v a. to press
Squint, v n. to look obliquely
Squire, s. a title
Stab, v a. to wound

Stage, s. a theatre,

Stain, s. a spot


Stake, scapost, wager
Stall, s. a crib, a bench

Starve, v a. to kill with hunger
Stave, v a. to break in pieces

Steam, s. a vapour
Steel, s. iron

Steep, s. a precipice
"Sicer, s. a young bullock
Steer, v a. to guide

Stem, s. a stalk v a. to stop
Step, v n. to advance
Srew, v a. to boil gently
S. ff, a. rigid, harsh
Sull, a. silent

Sint, v a. to restrain
Stoop, v n. to bend down
Storm, s. a tempost

Stove, s. a hot house

Strait, a. rigorous, s a narrow

[blocks in formation]

Stuff, v a. to fill full

Sweat, v n. to emit moisture Sweep, v a. to clean with a broom


Swill, v a. to drink grossly
Swim, v n. to float on the wa-

[blocks in formation]

Taint, v a. to stain, infect
Taik, v n. to speak

Tare, s. a weed, weight allowed
Tea, s. a weil known plant
Teach, v a. to instruct
Tease, v a. to comb wool
Teint, s. a colour

Tond, v a. &. n. to watch
Tense, a. strted
Tent, s. a solour's lodging
Tenth, a. ordinal of ten

Text, s. the subject of a com


Thanks, s. acknowledgment
Thaw, se dissolution of frost
Theft, s. the act of stealing
Theme, s. a subject
Thence, ad. from that place

Thick, a. dense, gross
Thief, s. one that steals

Thieve, v n. to steal
Thin, a. slender

n. to feel want of

Thirst, v

[blocks in formation]

Tight a. tense, close

Sun, v a. to make dizzy with a Tin, s. white metal

[blocks in formation]

Tinct, s. a colour
Tint, s. dye stain

Tithe, s. a tenth part
Ton, s. fatigue, anet
Tope, v n. to drink to excess
Touch, s. the sense of feeling

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