صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

trans late

un fold

trans plant

un gain

un glue

un hasp

un head

un hinge

sub mit

sup pose

un taught un teach

su preme

trans port

un tie

sur mount

trans pose

un truth

sur pass

tre pan

un twist

sur vey

sur vive

tran scribe

up on

un arm

un lock

Where as

sus pense there of

un band

un made

where by

un bend

thir teen

tra duce

un bolt
un clash

un man
un mask

where in

with al

trans act

un close

un paid
un apt


un dress

un seen

un say un ripe un bind

trans form

un fair

un sound


Words of one syllable explained.

Ache, s. a pain,

Act, v. a. to perform,

Act, s. something done,

Add, v. a. to join something to Bark, s. the rind of a tree,

Bar, s. a piece of wood, &c laid


Bard, s. a poet,

that which was before,

Barm, s. yeast,

Age, s. any period of time attri

Barn, s. a house for grain,

Aid, s. support.

buted to something, as the Bash, v. n. to be ashamed,

whole or part of its duration, Bawd, s. a procurer,

Aim, v. a. to direct..

Aim, s. a design.

Alms, s. what is given in relief

of the poor,

Ape, s. a kind of monkey,

Apt, a. ready, quick,

Ark, s. a kind of ship,

Arch, s. a part of a circle,

Arm, s. a limb, v. a. to take


Art, s. a trade. Awe, s. fear

Axe, s.


[blocks in formation]

Bent, s, a degree of flexure,

Bet, s. a wager,

Bide, v. n. to dwell,

Bite, s. a trick,

Blade, s. the sharp part of a

weapon the spire of grass,

Blain, s. a blister,

an instrument to cut Bleed, v. a. to let blood,

[blocks in formation]

to cry like a sheep..

Block, s. a heavy piece of wood

Babe, s. an infant,

Bloom, s. a blossom,

[blocks in formation]

Baa, s. the cry of a sheep, v. n. Bloat, v. a. to swell,

Back, s. the hinder part of the Boast, v. a. to display ones ac

[blocks in formation]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cab, s. a measure of three pints
Cage, s. an enclosure for birds,
Calm, a. quiet, v. a. to still,

Calve, v. n. to bring a calf.

Clax, s. powder made by burn


Cant, v. n. to talk in jargon,
Care, s. solicitude,

Carp, v. n. to censure,

Cart, s. a carriage,

Carve, v. a. to cut or engrave,

Cash, s. ready money,

Cask, s. a barrel,

Catch, v. a. to lay hold of,

Cave, s. cavern,

Cause, s. that which produces


Cease, v. n. to leave off,

Cede, v. a. to yield,

Cense, s. public rates,

Cense, v. a. to perfume,

Cent, s. a hundred,

Chafe, v. a. to heat,

Chain, s. a fetter,

Chance, s. fortune,
Change, v. a. to alter,
Chant, v. a. & n. to sing
Charge, v. a. to intrust,
Charm, s. inchantment,
Chart, s. a deliniation of coasts
Chase, v. a. to hunt,
Chasm, s. a clift,

Cheer, v. a. to incite,
Chess, s. a kind of game,
Chide, v. a. to reprove,
Chill, v. a. to make cold,
Chink, s. a small opening,
Choice, a. select,
Choose, v. a. to take by way of

Chop, v. n. to light upon a

Chouse, v. ato cheat,
Chrism, s. unction,
Churl, s. a nigard,
Chyle, s. juice in the stomachs
Clash, v. a. to strike one thing

against another,

Clasp, v. a. to shut with a clasp,
Clear, a light,
Class, s. an order of persons,
Clause, s. a sentence,

Claw, s. the foot of a beast,
Clean, a. free from dirt,

Cleave, v. a. to divide,

Climb, v. a. to ascend.

Cling, v. n. to twist round,


v. a. to cover with


Coal, s. fossil,

Close, v. a. to shut,

Clout, s. cloth for any mean use

Clown, s. a rustick,

Cloy, v. a. to surfeit,

Clump, s. a small cluster of


Coast, s. the shore,

Cool as somewhat cold,

Chalk, s. fossil, v. a to mark Coil, s. bustle,

with chalk,

Goif, s. a head dress.

Cope, v. n. to contend,

Core, s. the heart,

Corpse, s. a dead body,

Coy, a. modest,

Couch, s a seat of repose,

Craft, s. cunning,

Cramp, s. spasın,

[blocks in formation]

Cream, s. the unctious part of Debt, s. what one owes


Cress, s. an herb,

Crest, s. a plume,

Croak, s the cry of a raven,



s. a check,

v. τ. to restrain,

Death, s. mortality,

Deed, s. an action,

Deem, v. n. to judge,

Deep, s. the sea,

Deer, s. an animal

Delfe, } s. amine,

Den, s. a cavern,

Curd, s. the coagulation, of Delve, v. a. to dig,

Cure, v. a. to heal,

Cure, s. remedy,

Curse, v. a. to wish evil,

Curve, s. any thing bent,

Czar, s. the title of the empe

ror of Russia written tzar,


Dab, v. a. to strike with some

Dice, s. plural of die,

Dye, or die, v a. to colour

Dye, s. a colour,

Die, v. n. to lose life,

Dim, a. obscure,
Dent, s. a mark,
Dire, a. dreadful,
Dodge, v. n. to use craft.

thing soft, s. a lump of any Doll, s. a little girl's baby,


Dale, s. a vale,

Dame, s. a lady.

Damp, a. moist,

Dolt, s. a thick-skull,
Doom, v. a. to judge,

Door, s. the entrance of a

Damp, s. moisture,

Damp, v. a. to wet,

Dance, v. n, to move in measure

Dark, a. wanting light,

Dart, v. a. to throw, s. a missle

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dove, s. the pigeon, Down, s. soft feathers, Drab, s, a whore,

Draff, s. any thing thrown away

Drag, v. a. to pull along, v. 4.

to trail along the ground,

Drain, v. n. to draw off water, &c. s. a ditch,

Dram, s. the eight part of an ounce, a small quantity of spirits.

Draw, v. to pull along,

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