صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Ve ge ta tion, s. growth
Ve ne ra tion, s. awful respect

Ven ti la tion, s. fanning
Vin di ca tion, s. defence
Vi si ta tion, s. act of visiting


Words of five syllables having the principal accent upon the. second and the secondary upon the fourth.

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Ex cla ma to ry, a. relating to exclamation

Ex pla na to ry, a. containing explanation

Com mu ni ca tive, a. ready to Ex tem po ra ry, a. without pre


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same age


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Con tempt i ble ness, s. vileness Ge ner i cal ly, ad. relating to

Con ven tion a ry, a. acting upon




Co or di nate ly, ad. acting in He re di ta ry, a. descending by

the same rank


Con si de ra ble, a. valuable

Co par ce nary, s. a joint claim

Il lim i ta ble, a. that cannot be bounded

to an inheritance


Im meas u ra ble, a. immense
Im meas u ra bly, ad. immensely
Im me di ate ly, ad. without

De clam a to ry, a. relating to the practice of declaiming De fam a to ry, a. calumnious Im me di ca ble, a. incurable De ge ne ra cy, s. departure Im mo de rate ly, ad. in an ex from virtue cessive degree. [gance De li ber a tive, a, pertaining Im pe ri ous ly, ad. with arroto deliberation Im prac ti ca ble, a. impossible De ter mi na ble, a. that may be In ac cu ra cy, s. want of exactdetermined


In ad e quately, ad. defectively La ci vi ous ly, ad. wantonly In cal cu la ble, a. not to be com- Le git i ma cy, s. lawfulness of



In cen di a ry, s. who inflames In com pa ra ble, a. above comparison

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In com pe ten cy, s. inability

Me mori al ist, s. who presents

In cor ri gi ble, a. beyond correction

a memorial


In du bi ta ble, a. undoubted
In dus tri ous ly, ad. diligently
In flam ma to ry, a. having the
power of inflaming

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In for mi da ble, a. not to be

O be di ent ly, ad. with obe




In hos pi ta ble, a. unkind to strangers Per pe tu al ly, ad. continually In im it a ble, a. not to be copied Per spi cu ous ly, ad, clearly In ju ri ous ly, ad. wrongfully Po lit i cal ly, ad. with policy In na vi ga ble, a. not to be Pre li mi na ry, a. previous, something introductory

passed by sailing

In so ci a ble, a. averse to con- Pre mo ni to ry, a. previous

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In ter mi na ble, a. unbounded.
In to le ra ble, a. insufferable

Pro mis cu ous ly, ad. indiscri

Pro por tion a ble, a, adjusted by comparitive relation


In tu i tive ly, ad. by immediate Re ci pro cal ly, ad. mutually

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Ir re ve rent ly, ad. without due Sti pen dia ry, a. receiving stats



ed salaries


La bo ri ous ly, ad. with labour Un cha ri ta ble, a. wanting

La con i cal ly, ad. concisely,



Une qui ta ble, a. not just



Un fash ion a ble, a. not mo- Un ne ces sa ry, a. needless
[ous Un pa la ta ble, a, nauseous
Un fa vour a bles, a. unpropiti- Un par do na ble, a. not to be
Un gen tle man ly, ad. illiberal
Un mea su ra ble, a. boundless Un cer vice a ble, a, useless

Un mer chant a ble, a. not sale-


Vic to riously, ad. triumphantly
Vo ca bu la ry, s. a dictionary.


Un mit i gated, a, not softened
Un na tu ral ly ad. against na--Vo lup tu a ry, s. one given to


[navigated. Un na vi ga ble, a. not to be


Words of five syllables having the principal accent upon the third' and the secondary upon the first.

Ad van tage ous ly, ad. pro- Cir cum am bi ent, a. encom




Al i men ta ry, a. having the Circum am bu late, vn. to walk

power of nourishment

Al le go ri cal, a. having the*
form of an allegory

Al pha bet i cal, a. according to
the series of letters

round [ble Com pre hen si ble, a. intelligiCon san guin i ty, s. relation by blood.

Con tra dic to ry, a. inconsistent with


Cre di bili ty, s. claim to credit
Dic ta to ri al, a, authoritative:

An a lyt i cal, a. that which re-
solves into first principles
An ni ver sa ry, s. a day cele-
brated every year

An a to mi cal, a. relating to Diabolical, a. devilish, cursed.
Di a me tri cal, a. belonging to
A po plec ti cal, a. relating to
a diameter

A ris to cracy, s. government Di u

in the hands of the nobles As tro no mi cal, a. belonging to astronomy

Dis con gru i ty, s. disagreement tur ni ty, s. length of duration


El e men ta ry, a. uncompounded A the is ti cal, a. belonging to Epidem i cal, a. existing at once like a plague


A vo ri cious ly, a. covetously. E qua ni mi ty, s. evenness of

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Ir re mis si ble, a. not to be par

Ir re trive a ble, a. irrecoverable
Ju vi ni li ty, s. youthfulness


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Per pe tu i ty, s. duration to all

Per spe cu i ty, s. clearness
Plau si bil i ty, s. speciousness

Il le gi ti mate, a. unlawfully be- Poly syl la ble, a. a word of


Im be ci li ty, s. weakness
Im ma te ri al, a. unimportant

Im ma tu rity, s. unripeness
Im per sua si ble, a. not to be

In ar ti cu late, a. not uttered with distinctness

many syllables

Po pu lar i ty, s. favour of the

Pos si bil ity, s. power.
Primo geni ture, s. seniority
Punc tu al i ty, s. exactness
Pu si lan i mous, a. cowardly


In ci vi li ty, s. want of courtesy Sen su al i ty, s. corporeal płeaIn con si de rate, a. thoughtless- sures

In con sis ten cy, s, absurdity Si mi lar i ty, s. likeness

In con spi cuous, a. indiscerna- Sin gular i ty, s. some remark

In cre du lity, s. hardness of Superna tu ral, a. above nature


able quality


Sup ple men ta ry, a. additional

In de fen si ble, a. that cannot


be maintained

Ta ci tur ni ty, s. habitual si

In dis cri mi nate, a. without distinction


In di vi du al, a. single

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In ef feč tu al, a. without effect

Tes ti mo ni al, a. a written evi-,

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U ni ver si ty, s. where all the Vo lu bili ty, s.. fluency of

U ni for mi ty, s. of one form

arts and sciences are taught



Words of six syllables, accented variously.

Anti mo nớt chical, a. against the In de ter mi ná tion, s. want of de


government by one person An ti par a lýt ick, a, efficacious In dis crí mi nate ly, ad. without

against the palsy


Anti pes ti lén tial, a. efficacious In dis pén sa ble ness, s. necessity:

against the plague

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Cir cum vi gable, a. which may be sailed round

In dis pú ta ble ness, s. certainty In dís so lu ble ness, s. indissolubility.

Dis in ni ous ness, s. low craft
Dis pro pór tion a ble, a. unsuitable

In di vi du á tion, s. which makes an individual

in equality

Dis qua li fi cá tion, s. that disqualifies

Ec cle si as ti cal, a. relating to the church

In ef fa bal i ty, s. unspeakableness
In ef féc tu al ly, ad, without effect
In ef féc tu al ness, s. inefficacy
In er ra bí li ty, s. exemption from


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In con si der á tion, s. want of at- Person i fi tion, s. the change of *tention:


In con trọ vér ti ble, a. indisputa

In corpóre al ly, ad. immaterially
In dem ni fi tion, s. rebursement So ci a bíl í ty, s. tendency to the

In de tér mi na ble, a. not to be sociable

things to persons Re vo tion a ry, a. changing Se mi diámeter, s. half the diam



Su pe ri óri ty, s. pre-eminence

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