In op i nate, a. not expected In or di nate, a. irregular In qui e tude, s. want of quiet In san i ble, a. incurable In si di ous, a. treacherous Mis ma nage ment, s. ill conduct Mo nar chi cal, a. having the power vested in a single person Mo nop o lize, v a. to engross the sale of any commodity In si nu ate, v a. to advance into no- Mo not o nous, a. haying the same tice, to hint In si pi ence, s. folly In so lu ble, a. not to be dissolved In te gri ty, s. honesty In tel li gent, a. knowing In tem pe rate, a. immoderate In ten tion al, a. designed In tol er ant, a. not enduring and meaning another sound Mora li ty, s. the doctrine of the duties of life. Mor da city, s. a biting quality Mu ni ci pal, a, belonging to a cof poration Mu nif i cence, s. liberality Mys te ri ous, a. beyond reason Na ti vi ty, s. birth O be dient, a. submissive Obtain a ble, a. that may be pro*cured Oe co no mist, s. a good manager K Phil bo to my, s. blood letting Pi ra ti cal, a. consisting in robbery Pos te ri ty, s. offspring [art Sim pli ci ty, s. plainness Sin ce ri ty, s. frankness So phis ti cal, a. fallacious Sub or di nate, a inferiour in order Prac ti tion er, s. one exercising an Sub stan ti al, a. real, solid Pre ca ri ous, a. dependant Pre ci pi tance, s. haste Pre ci pi tate, a. headlong Pre do mi nance, s. superiority Pre do mi nate, vn. to prevail Pro fes sion al, a. relating to a calling publick teacher Pro fun di ty, s. depth Pro gres sion al, a. advancing Pro pin qui ty, s. nearness Pro pi ti ate, v a. to conciliate Pro pi tious ly, ad. favourably Pro por tion ate, a. properly adjusted Pro vi sion al, a. providing for R Re an i mate, v a. to revive Re mu ne rate, v a. to reward Re pub li can, s. one who wishes to Super flu ous, a. exuberant Sup port a ble, a. tolerable Su pre ma cy, s. highest authority ting Sym bo li cal, a. typical Un cour te ous, a. uncivil Un cul pa ble, a. not blamable Un wit ting ly, ad. ignorantly Re spect a ble, a, deserving respect Ux o ri ous, a. over fond of a wife Re triev a ble, a. that may be re trieved V Va li di ty, s. efficacy Ve nality, s. prostitution Vicinity, s. neighborhood gin Vi ri li ty, s. manhood Vo lup tu ous, a. luxurious Vora ci ty, s. greediness... 1 TABLE XIII. Words of fonr Syllables accented upon the third. Ab o li tion, s. act of abolishing Con ju ga tion, s. act of uniting Ac ci den tal, a. happening by chance course ties of adamant Con vo ca tion, s. an assembly of Ad mi ra tion, s. wonder clergy A do les cence, s. youthfulness Cor res pon dent, a. suitable Ad van tage ous, a. profitable Coun ter bal lance, s. opposite Adu la tor, s. a flatterer [ing weight Af fir ma tion, s, the act of affirm- Counter te nor, s. a middle part of musick Al liga tor, s. the crocodile of A merica general D same time Có gì ta tion, s. thought Di mi nu-tion, s. act of lessening Com pen sa tion, s. recompense Dis af fect ed, a. ill disposed Com pli ca tion, s. a mixture the reigning Prince Com pli men tal, a. expressive of Dis a greement, s. difference Con for ma tion, s. the act of pro- Dis til la tion, s. act of falling in ducing suitableness drops ς Fall ing sick ness, s. epilepsy Fir ma men tal, a. celestial For ni ca tion, s. commerce with an Ma the ma ticks, s. the science that unmarried person M Ma chi na tion, s, artifice Ma cu la tion, s. a stain G comprehends whatever can be numbered or measured Gene ra tion, s. act of begetting, family Gra du a tion, s. regular progression Me di a tion, s. interposition Gra tu la tion, s. salutation of joy Me mo ran dom, s. a note to help the memory Gra vi ta tion, s. act of tending to Men su ra tion, s. the art of meas Im ma ture ly, ad, too soon Im mo la tion, s. act of sacrificing Im pre ca tion, s. a curse Im pu la tion, s. a censure In ca pa cious, a. narrow In cli na tion, s. affection In co he rent, a, inconsistent In con coc tion, s. not digested In con sistent, a. absurd In cor reçt ness, s. inaccuracy In cul ca tion, s. frequent admoni Me te mor phose, v a. to change the form Mis be ha viour, s. ill conduct Mis con cep tion, s. a wrong notion Mis re mem ber, v a. to mistake by: trusting to the memory Mo der ation, s. which consists free from extremes Mu ti la tion, s. deprivation of some essential parts N No men cla tor, s. one who calls the names No men clature, s. a list of names No mi na tion, s. act of appointing Non.con for mist, s. one who refuses to join in the established worship. Non re sis tance, s. the principal of Re pa ra tion, s. amends not opposing Ob jur ga tion, s. reproof Ob ser va tion, s. a remark Oe ci den tal, a. western Or cu pa tion, s. employment Re pre hen sion, s. reproof Re sur rec tion, s. return from the Om ni pre sent, a. present every Re tri bu tion, s. repayment where Read mis sion, s. the act of admitting again grave Re vo ca tion, s. recalling Re vo lu tion, s. a change in the state Un be got ten, a, eternal, not yet cre ated Un col lect ed, a. not colected powers Un de serv ing, a. not having merit Recol lec tion, s. revival of memory Ka C |