A LITURGY FOR THE USE OF THE CHURCH AT KING'S CHAPEL IN BOSTON; COLLECTED PRINCIPALLY FROM THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. FIFTH EDITION; WITH FAMILY PRAYERS AND SERVICES, AND OTHER ADDITIONS. BY F. W. P. GREENWOOD, D. D. BOSTON: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. MDCCC XLI. BX 5943 • At B6 1841 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1831, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. CAMBRIDGE PRESS: METCALF, TORRY, AND BALLOU. 2504 PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. In consequence of repeated calls for copies of the last edition of the Chapel Liturgy, which has been for some time out of print, the present edition has been prepared on the same plan, to "serve as a Manual of both Public and Domestic Worship." In the Common Prayer for Morning and Evening, this edition follows the two last, except in one single instance; and the alteration, which has been made in this instance, is a restoration of some sentences in that imperishable hymn of the Church, the Te Deum. These verses, "Thine honorable, true, and only Son; Also the holy Ghost, the Comforter," have been brought back to their former place, as a sequel to the verse, "The Father of an infinite majesty." The verses, which were introduced in the room of these in the edition of 1811, and have been retained till now, are the following; "The Creator and Preserver of the universe; The God and Father of Jesus Christ our Saviour; The |