the A. C. as precluding the necessity of any other; for unless an undue deference is to be paid to authority, it must be evident to every plain understanding, that both those explanations are inapplicable, and rather evasive than satisfactory. With regard to the first, a re-translation, and a very proper one, is given of the passage in the Apoc. Rev. on which the translator simply observes, that he conceives the difficulty will now disappear; but as no remark whatever follows to reconcile or explain the difficulty, it is evident the difficulty remains just where it was, that is, the difference in the spiritual interpretation between the Arcana and the Apoc. Revealed, is wholly unaccounted for. 1 As to the second question; the reply of the translator of the A. C. appears to turn upon this point, viz. that by the external from the mother in that passage, is to be understood, an external received by means of or through that of the mother; because the corporiety received from the mother is supposed to be the ground or medium wherein that external was formed. If this is not the sense meant to be insinuated, then it must be confessed, that the following remark, "that the external might be said to be received from the mother, and yet all of the mother might nevertheless be separated from it," and also what succeeds to the end of the reply, cannot be comprehended. To L. P. highly as he respects the character and abilities of the writer of that reply, in, this this instance he appears to have lighted on a mere quibble upon words, which amounts in his own terms to this, that "what is received from the mother, is not received from the mother; and what is said to be received from the mother, has still nothing of the mother belonging to it." This, to L. P. is unintelligible; and, what is of far more consequence, it does not appear capable, on such ground, of being reconciled with the writings, because no such meaning is discoverable therein, where the expressions ex matre, or a matre, from the mother, are used. Had the passage quoted from the Arc. Col. been a solitary passage in contradiction to many others, alluded to by L. P. in his reply, it might be set down for a mistake, or a possible error of the press, but there is also a similar passage still stronger in deviation; it occurs in Arc. Col. n. 2159, where it is said, speaking of the Human from the mother, " before the Lord put it off and made it divine." 1 The objection to this latter passage was first started in the 2d vol. of the Magazine of Knowledge, p. 266. It is in vain to deny that both the above passages stand in direct opposition to a multitude of others on the subject in the Arc. Cœl. and furthermore, it seems necessary in some way to reconcile or account for the contradiction, and there does not appear to be any likelihood of so doing, unless the question be fairly met without evasion. Apologizing Apologizing for this intrusion, L. P. at present, begs to conclude with observing, that if the readers of the Aurora cannot comprehend what the Editors are pleased to admit therein; it surely, is not unreasonable to require, either a clear explanation from the Editors of what they insert and are supposed to understand, or, that they will leave the question open to the efforts of others; who may haply prove more successful in re-moving the difficulty. SPIRITUAL OBSERVATIONS. "ALL ye shall be offended because of me this night." Matt.. xvi. 31. Night in it's spiritual sense signifieth the desolation or obscurity of Divine Truth in the soul. This desolation or obscurity may arrise from several causes-as 1st. from the will or inclination, which being under the dominion of evil affections, arising from self love or love of the world, refuseth the admittance of Divine Truth, and loveth rather to sit in the darkness of it's own understanding.-2d. From the mind's natural * This correspondent may be assured that the Editors have not the least objection to the full and free discussion of this or any other subject contained in the writings, and that no communication was ever refused insertion merely because the sentiments it contained were different from those of the Editors. ignorance ignorance of truth, when nevertheless it is willing to be instructed, and would rejoice to receive the light, if it was presented before it. 3dly. From the powers of temptation, when the soul hath once seen and received the truth with willingness and rejoicing; but in it's further progress towards the clear day, by the influence and agency of evil spirits, which are permitted to assault it and darken it's light, it experienceth a withdrawing thereof, or a desolation of truth, whereby it is reduced into a state of grievous darkness and sorrow, just as when a traveller who hath travelled long by the light of the sun, is overtaken suddenly with the night, which is more painful and grievous, because it succeedeth so pleasant and delightful a light.-It is this night whereof our Lord spake in the spiritual sense of the words, when he said, "All ye shall be offended because of me this night"-because in such states of obscurity and desolation, the soul is most especially liable to be offended with Christ and his doctrine, and the things which it hath been told, and which it hath even experienced, concerning his kingdom, and power and glory, as displayed in itself and his creatures. When the light of the Divine Truth, through the operation of evil spirits, is thus darkened, the soul is then reduced to a state of strange perplexity, and so much the stranger in proportion as it's illumination hath before been brighter and more extensive.-It beginneth then to be offended through it's ignorance of the methods of it's Lord's gracious gracious dealing with it in this dispensation; not knowing as yet, that it is his intention hereby to bring it to a purer and fuller illustration, by trying and purifying it's faith in this desolation of darkness, and reducing it thereby to a greater humiliation, sincerity, diligence, distrust of itself, and repose in the Divine love, grace and mercy. (To be continued.) REVIEW OF BOOKS. The Duty of Repentance, and Conversion to God enforced. Two Sermons preached at the New Jerusalem Temple, in Cross-street, Hatton-Garden, on the 10th, and 17th of August, 1800, from Isaiah i. 16, 17. By M. Silly, Minister of the said. Temple. Published by request. 15. WE wish to recommend these discourses to the serious attention of our readers, and especially to all those who have not yet entered into states of true penitence and conversion to the Lord, as also to such persons as may not have yet conceived just and spiritualideas of those great essential duties. In these sermons the nature and importance of each duty is clearly and spiritually defined, and in a way so plain and easy of comprehension-so consistent withi the holy Word and sound reason, as to convince every considerate |