PREFAСЕ. AS the general tendency of the Magazine now offered to the public is meant, by the Editors, to promote a more universal knowledge of the writings of BARON SWEDENBORG; which, considered as a divine mission, may thus acquire a new channel whereby to diffuse their genuine light; they are at the same time, aware of the innumerable obstacles they have to encounter from prejudice, in its various forms, arising from tenets long established, in opposition to this brighter manifestation of gospel truth; by which its fundamental document of love to God and man is set forth with new lustre, in attractions so powerful, that they are content to leave them to the force of their own operation; satisfied, that of those who seek truth for the sake of acquiring a more perfect form of life, numbers will peruse, with a mixture 1 of delight and veneration, those sacred volumes, for, which thousands, in almost every country in Europe, have by this time abuhdant cause to be thankful. In avowing the principal and leading feature of the following work, the Editors wish to apprize their readers, that it will be interspersed with a variety of subjects, literary, moral, and entertaining; they will gladly receive from their correspondents every acceptable aid, that may tend to promote useful information, and at the same time to harmonize with their general design. |