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النشر الإلكتروني

pidly formed as those in many parts of the state of New-York; of consequence require a greater number of years to grow to such maturity as to be able to

ties of York and Cumberland.Mr. Crosby labored several weeks in the new settlements of Kennebeck. His mission was for eighteen weeks, two of which he employed Mr. Samuel Se-provide for themselves the statwall to serve the Society in his stead. Mr. Strong's tour was fourteen weeks.

During their missions, Mr. Cooley preached 108 times; baptized 53 persons, of whom three were adults, and five times he administered the Lord's supper. Mr. Fish baptized six persons. The number of sermons he preached is not ascertained. Mr. Strong preached 60 times, administered the Lord's supper four times, baptized 15 persons, visited 8 sick persons and 4 schools. Mr. Crosby preached 84 sermons, baptized 28, children and 2 adults, and administered the Lord's supper to 7 churches. Mr. Sewall preached 17 sermons.

ed administrations of Christianity. This circumstance increases the danger of their becoming indifferent toward preaching and other divine ordinances, or divided into different denominations, so as never to unite in settling and supporting gospel ministers. But it is pleasing to notice that the first attempts of the Society, in that part of the great missionary field, encourage the hope of successfully counteracting the threatening tendency of their situation. Not only have the people in those settlements manifested an increased attention to the labors of our missionaries, on having a second or third opportunity to enjoy them; but in several instances they have been induced to maintain public worship re

was before neglected. Mr. Strong in concluding his Journal observes, "It is the general opinion of the better part, where I went, that the missionaries have done a great deal of good amongst them. In many places where religion was wholly neglected, and the Sabbath profan

The new settlements, under many different circumstances, invite the attention of missiona-gularly on the sabbath where it ries. Some are just commencing, having only here and there a lonely family, remote from neighborhood and society. Others have twenty, forty, sixty or an hundred families; or even a greater number; yet these so unconnected, so divided into different sects, the pious few among them so irresolute and dis-ed, they now meet together on couraged, and others so indiffer- the Lord's day, when they have ent, as to enjoying regular gospel no preaching, and read and pray worship, as to be in no hopeful and sing God's praise. The way to obtain it, without assist- conduct of their brethren in this ance to unite and quicken them, part of the state in sending misto make proper attempts to obsionaries and useful books atain the important privileges mongst them, is frequently which Christ has appointed for spoken of with great admiration and applause. They are astonished that the people here should exercise such care and

his church.

The new settlements in the District of Maine are not so ra

concern for their spiritual interest: The thought seems to put them upon consideration." And Mr. Crosby notices that in a number of places which he visited there appeared to be an unusual attention to religion.He says also of the people generally, "They receive and treat missionaries with tenderness and affection. Many appear to have a lively sense of their obligation to God for putting it into the hearts of their western brethren to send missionaries amongst them." A minister, respectable for his piety and zeal in the cause of Christ, who lives on the border of missionary ground, observes in a letter," With respect to those, whom I have had opportunity to converse with, both in this and the adjacent towns, all who appear to have a tender regard for the interest of Christ and religion in the world, speak with much approbation of your generous and pious designs. Sober people have appeared to me to be more animated, strengthened and encouraged in things of God and religion than what they were before; and their tongues and lips express the gladness and thankfulness of their hearts, for the mercy and goodness of God in sending such men among them to seek the welfare of Christ's kingdom."

The kind reception which our missionaries have received in the new settlements of NewYork, is no less encouraging. Mr. Cooley writes, "People have very affectionately expressed their gratitude to the Missionary Society, and to the benevolent people who have contributed to their good. They have generally received with a degree of kindness and


cordiality which scarcely admits of description They have taken great pains to get to meeting, and often travel several miles in bad roads to hear the words of life."

Four missionaries are again employed. Rev. Vinson Gould and Rev. Thomas H. Wood went the last week in May and early in June to the District of Maine. Their missions are for twenty weeks, and are directed to the counties of York and Cumberland, with liberty on a special call to go beyond those limits. Mr. Wood to be in a condition to perform all ministerial duties, received ordination from the northern association of ministers in this county, acting in council with Rev. John Em erson and Rev. Jonathan Grout.

In June, Rev. Joel Hayes went into the state of New York, and in July was followed by Rev. Theodore Hinsdale.They are to labor principally in the counties of Chenango and Onondago, and are expected to continue in the service of the Society eighteen weeks. The large extent of the missionary fields white already to harvest,. the fewness of laborers at liberty to go into the new settlements, and the exertions of different Societies to employ them, render it difficult to obtain a sufficient number of suitable characters for the work. Our wish has been to send, on each mission, one minister settled in the county with one not connected with a parish. And we bless God that he has succeeded our

exertions to engage gentlemen, who, we are confident, will do worthily in their important ministry.

The glory of Christ in con

verting and saving sinful men, is an object vast and interesting. It demands the employment of every mean which the wisdom of God has pointed out as conducive to its success. Much is to be hoped from the faithful preaching of the word; but this is. not to be relied on alone, to the neglect of other ordinances of instruction. The natural heart, unfriendly to gospel truth, and eager to follow the world, too often exposes the momentary impression made by hearing a sermon to be lost. Much seed falls by the way side, where the fowls of the air devour it up.To guard as far as possible against this evil, and give every aid in our power to the preaching of our missionaries, they are instructed not only to encourage and urge the faithful use of family instruction and religion, with attendance on public worship on the Lord's day; but by a liberal distribution of pious books, among the people who are but little furnished with them, to invite their attention to religious reading, that they may revive and reprint on their memories and hearts, the solemn and interesting truths, which they but rarely hear from the lips of those that preach the word of life.

The books selected for this purpose, in former years, have been noticed in preceding reports. Those added the present year are specified in a document accompanying this report.

The state of the treasury is exhibited in the certificate of your committee appointed the last year to audit the treasurer's accounts; which shows that $1406 67 belong to the Society. To this sum are to be ad

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ded the annuities subscribed for. seven years, of which four annual payments are yet to be made in the month of January of 436 42.

A document accompanying, this Report contains a statement of the expenditures of the Soci-, ety since the last annual meeting, and of the monies which have been received.

It having been judged expedient to be concerned in a new impression of Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, 330 copies were taken for the use of the Society, the greater part of which are on hand for future distribution. Sixty have been sent into the new settlements, and thirty are due to Rev. Dr. Morse, to repay a loan, received of him the last year.

The sum expended the last year is $924 904, the sum received 1403 24, making an increase of the Society's funds of $478 334 which encourages. the prospect of enlarging its future operations.

Of the sum received, the annuities and public contributions. with donations of individuals, including those made in the new settlements to our missionaries and the sale of books, produced $1141 2, the remaining part of $262 22 was contributed by the Charitable Female Association in the county. It is about a year since this Association began to be formed. Its payments are to be made semiannually, and the monies which it contributes are appropriated to the purchase of Bibles and other pious writings to be dispersed in the new settlements. Payments have been made, from twelve towns and parishes amounting to the abovenamed,

sum of $ 262 22, which gives a flattering prospect of the aid which the Charitable Female Association will give to the operations of the Hampshire Missionary Society.

Bibles have not been purchased the last year; those that remained of a former purchase being sufficient for distribution the present season. The other books purchased are stated in a document accompanying the report. For these $218 81 have been paid out of the monies contributed by the Charitable Female Association, and $5 by a donation of Deac. Ware. $43 41 given by the Female Association are now in the treasury.

The propagation of the gospel of our beloved Jesus is an object universally interesting.Every individual person should have opportunity to evidence friendship to it, by contributing to its success. To subscribe their names as friends of missionary exertions suits the circumstances and feelings of some. Others are better pleased with giving in a public contribution, where the sum advanced by an individual is not known. Both these modes of collecting for the service of the Lord have been tried with success, and much is further hoped from

them. There are also benevolent and pious women who rejoice in the opportunity of associating as members of a charitable institution, to express their friendship to the cause of Jesus and the souls of men. And it is pleasing to think, that while their generous and holy affections are thus excited, the Society has an increased interest in their prayers for its success, in offering the blessings of the

gospel to our needy fellow sinners, many of whose souls are in danger of eternally perishing for want of saving knowledge. When our blessed Lord became poor for our sake, and had not where to lay his head, godly women ministered to him of their substance. His example and instructions while he went about doing good, and was pre-" paring to lay down his life to redeem sinners from death, taught them lessons of kindness and compassion to the needy and destitute. How benevolent is his religion! With what power his precepts, institutions and divine pattern of love, move kindred souls to obey and imitate him in acts of beneficence. If we look back to the institutions of the Old Testament we see not only men but women and even children encouraged to make vows and to bring their free will offerings to the Lord. The New Testament tho' less expensive in its religious rites is not less benevolent in its doctrines and requirements. On the contrary as a new and glorious manifestation of the love of God is exhibited in the death of his Son, so the duty of brotherly love is taught as a new commandment. So important is charity that God's people have always the poor with them that opportunity may not be wanting to evidence in practice that the law of love is in their hearts.There is no bestowment of goods more like the love of Christ, than that which procures gospel blessings for his spiritu-1 al poor, and aids them in obtaining salvation. He, who gave his life to redeem lost men, is pleased with the fruits of love which promote the cause for which

he died. And God, who gave his Son to be the ransom for sinners, kindly accepts the offerings which are made to induce them to believe to eternal life.

him and to man, which, in subordination to his glory, employs all its exertions to promote human happiness and save immor tal souls. God spake of providing for his religion when he said by his Prophet, "Prove me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."


To send the gospel to heathen is exceedingly to be desired. And as soon as the funds of the Society will admit, and the means can be obtained to encourage the hope of success, the attempt will be made. ready have fifty dollars been advanced, to be expended with larger sums contributed by other Societies in educating two Indian youths in the hopeful pros


Infinitely important to creatures is the approving notice of the Lord of Providence. He gives to men little or much as he pleases, in absolute sovereignty ordering their whole state of being. Instead of indulging anxious care to provide earthly things, Christ directs to seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God, and all these shall be added. He makes men stewards of his goods that they may apply them to the advancement of his cause. The employment is honorable; it is gratifying to a benevolent and pious heart.It conduces to the securing of our own salvation, while it offers to others the means of obtain-pect of their being usefully eming eternal life. And has not ployed at a future day in teachGod, by the out pourings of his ing Christianity to their heathen spirit, manifested his approba- brethren. tion of the aids given and exertions made by missionary insti- | tutions, to propagate the gos-ciety we feel it to be our duty to pel? In a number of places both in the United States and in other parts of the world, the spirit of God has not only accompanied and followed the labors of missionaries, but has visited people with special tokens of grace, who have liberally contributed to the furtherance of this glorious work. The blessing of God insures both temporal and spiritual good, and true wisdom dictates and the everlasting gospel directs to seek fruitful seasons, health and success in the things of the present and future life, by walking humbly with God, in obedience to his laws and in that love to

Having given a view of the operations, and state of the So

call on the friends of God and men, to continue and increase their liberality, to enable further exertions to be made to carry the gospel to our perishing fellow sinners. We strongly urge it upon the ministers of Jesus as they love immortal souls, and on all whose influence with their neighbors gives them special opportunity to do good, to be diligent and unwearied in their endeavors, to obtain subscrip tions and donations to the Society's funds. And in particular we recommend, that on the day of the annual thanksgiving, or on a Lord's day as shall be thought most expedient, there

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