HISTORY OF EUROPE FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION IN MDCCLXXXIX TO THE RESTORATION OF THE BOURBONS IN MDCCCXV BY SIR ARCHIBALD ALISON, BART. F. R. S. E. NINTH EDITION VOL. III. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLIV CONTENTS OF VOL. III. CHAPTER XIV.-REIGN OF TERROR-FROM THE FALL OF THE GIRONDISTS JUNE 2, 1793-MARCH 31, 1794. TO THE DEATH OF DANTON. Character of democracy, 1.-New government, 2.-The Committee of Public Salvation, 3.-Coalition against the Convention, 5.-Measures of the Jacobins, ib.-New constitution, 7.-Revolutionary Committees, 8.-New era, and decree against English commerce, 9.-The prisons of Paris, 11.-Trial of Custine, 12.-Treatment of the dauphin, 13.—Trial of the queen, 14.—Her execution, 16.-Death of Bailly, ib.-of Barnave and Condorcet, 18—of the Duke of Orleans, ib.-Violation of the tombs of St Denis, 19.-Abjuration of Christianity, 21.-Atheistical decrees, 23.-Dissoluteness of manners, 24.-Confiscation of the property of hospitals, ib. -Apotheosis of Marat, ib.-Measures of the Convention, ib.-Issue of assignats, 26.—Their rapid depreciation, 27. -Law of the maximum, ib.—Increase of disorders and gambling, 28.-Number of prisoners, 29.-Forced requisitions, 30.-Forced loans, 31.-Confusion of the debt, 32.-Laws against forestallers and public companies, 33.-Violence of the people, 34.-Renewed measures of severity, ib.-Oppression on the industrious classes, 35.-People put on reduced rations; fresh arbitrary taxation, 36.-Burke's description of France, ib.-Principles of the Dantonists, 38-of the Anarchists, ib.-The Vieux Cordelier, 39.-Culminating point of the Revolution, 40.-Danton's return to the Jacobins, 42.-Attacks of the Dantonists on the Anarchists, 43.-Purification of the Jacobin Club, 44.— Proscription of the Anarchists, 46.-Their death, 47.-Arrest of Danton and his party, 52.-Their execution, 53.-Alleged conspiracy and executions, 54. -The successive destruction of the Revolutionists, 56. CHAPTER XV.-REIGN OF TERROR-FROM THE DEATH OF DANTON TO THE FALL OF ROBESPIERRE. APRIL 5-JULY 27, 1794. The atrocities of the Reign of Terror, 57.-Principles of Robespierre's government, 59.-Object of the Decemvirs, 60.-Report on the state of the Republic, 61.-Closing of all clubs except the Jacobins, ib.-Character of St Just, &c., 62.-Purifications of the Jacobin Club, 63.-Picture of the prisons, 65.— Espionage, 67.-Robespierre's speech on the Supreme Being, 68.-Attempts to assassinate Robespierre and Collot d'Herbois, 70.-Decree against quarter to the British, 71.—Fête in honour of the Supreme Being, 72.-Powers conferred on the Revolutionary Tribunal, 73.-Violence of the government, 76. The Polytechnic School, 77.-Measures for relief of pauperism, ib.-Robespierre on the principles of his government, 78.-Increasing issue of assignats, 79.-Increased executions, ib.-Death of the Princess of Monaco, 82—Lavoisier, Roucher, &c., 83.-Execution of Malesherbes, 84-of the farmers-general, ib.-of Madame Elizabeth, 85-of Custine's son, Luckner, Biron, Dietrich and Madame du Barri, 86.-Execution of the young women from Verdun and Montmartre, 87.-Lebon at Arras, 88-Carrier at Nantes, 89.-St Just at Strassburg, and Tallien at Bordeaux, 90.-Horror excited by the executions, 91.-Affair of Catherine Theot, 92.-Measures of the Convention, 95.-Measures of the Committee of Public Salvation, 96.-Robespierre's last speech, 97.-Meeting at the Jacobins, 99.-Preparations during the night, ib.-Meeting of the 9th Thermidor, 100.-Robespierre is imprisoned, but liberated, 103.-Firmness of Tallien and his party, ib.-Arrest of Robespierre and all |