صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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po-e-tryprod-i-gy righ-te-ous po-li-cy pro-fli-gate riv-u-let po-li-tic pro-per-ly roy-al-ty pro-vi-ded pro-per-ty roy-al-ly pro-phe-y plen-ti-ful roy-al-ist prac-ti-cal punc-tu-al ru-di-ment pros-e-cute pu-ri-tyru-mi-nate pros-e-lyte pu-tre-fy Sac-ri-fice pros-ti-tute py-ra-mid sal-a-ry pre-ci-ous Qua-li-ty sa-tis-fy pre-ci-pice qual-i-fy sar-a-band pre-la-cy quan-ti-ty sa-vo-ry pre-vi-ous ques-ti-on sar-ce-net pre-va-lent quo-ti-ent sa-tan-ic pre-si-dent Ra-di-cal sa-ti-ate

prim-i-tive ra-ven-ous sa-vi-our

prin-ci-pal re-me-dy scar-ci-ty

prin-ci-ple re-pro-bate se-cu-lar

pri-son-er re-fu-gee se-cre-cy

priv-i-lege rev-er-end sen-su-al

priv-i-ly re-pro-ver sep-a-rate pro-mis-ed re-pub-lic ser-vi-tor pro-per-ly re-si-dent se-ver-al prob-a-ble rib-al-dry sin-is-ter

scrip-tu-ral sub-til-ty va-ri-ous


suc-ces-sor va-cu-umf

slip-pe-ry sup-pli-ant va-ga-bond soph-is-ter syl-la-ble va-li-ant sor-ce-ry syc-a-more va-ni-ty

sol-di-er Tal-ly-man ven-tur-ed

span-i-el te-di-ous vic-to-ry

spe-ci-al teach-a-ble vi-ne-gar

spe-ci-fy ten-den-cy vi-vid-ly

spu-ri-ous ter-ri-ble vi-tir-ol

spe-ci-men ter-ti-an


spec-ta-cle tes-ta-mentUn-law-ful

stu-pi-fy tes-ti-fy


stren-u-ous the-o-ry


sta-ti-on ti-tu-lar u-su-al

stu-di-ous ti-mo-rous u-su-rer suf-fo-cate to-le-rate u-s-ury

suf-fra-gan to-bac-co ul-ti-mate. sum-ma-ry trac-ta-ble un-co-ver


sup-pli-ant tri-ni-ty sur-cin-gle tri-bu-nal un-god-ly sur-ro-gate tur-pi-tude un-der-go sub-si-dy Va-can-cy un-der-sell

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hush, my Babe, lie still and slumber,

Holy Angels guard thy bed,

Heavenly Blessings, without number,

Gently fall upon thy head.

Sleep, my babe, thy Food and raiment,

[graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small]

All thy wants are well supplied.
How much better thou'rt attended,

Than the

of God could be,

When from

he descended

House and home thy friends provide
All without thy care and Payment
All thy wants are well supplied.

How much better thou'rt attended,
'Than the Son of God could be,

When from Heaven he decended,

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And his softest bed was Hay. Blessed babe, what glorious features,

And became a Child like thee?
Soft and easy is thy, Cradle,
Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay,
When his birth place was a Stable,
And his softest bed was hay.

Blessed babe, what glorious features,

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