صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Smell, sense and organs of, in the lower
animals, 176, 182.
Smith, Adam, on sympathy, 346.

Mr, of Deanston, on the influ-
ence of education on workmen, 369.
Dr John A., on the functions of
the nervous system, 96.
Solly, Samuel, cases illustrative of the

pathology of the brain by, 364.
Soul and body, 137.-See Mind.
South Shields, Mr Dodd's lecture at,

Southampton, Mr Stebbing's lecture
at, 198.

Spectator on the diffusion of phreno-
logy, 295.

Spectral illusions, case of, 78.
Speranza, Prof., his objections to phre-
nology, 238.

Spurzheim, his Life in the Encyclopæ-
dia Britannica, 95.- On Imitation,
142.-Instances of phrenological de-
ductions by, 159.-Anecdote of, 181.
Staneck, Dr, his sketch of phrenology,

Stebbing, J. R., his lecture at South-
ampton, 198.

Steward, Mrs, review of her novel
"The Interdict," 247.

Stocks, J. E., his translation of part of
a dialogue of Erasmus, 134.
Strathaven, Mr Goyder's lectures in,

Street, Mary, case of, 33.
Suicidal mania, 319.

Suicide, notice of Winslow's Anatomy
of, 253. Tendency to, when and
where greatest, 378.

Suicides, Mr Noel on the heads of, 155.


- Proposed asylum for intending,

Swansea, Nichol's lectures in, 291.
Symes, Mr, 288.

Sympathy, 345, et seq.

Tait's Magazine on phrenology, 276.
Teachers, status of, 52.

Temperaments, relation between, and
cerebral development, 132. -How far
indicative of the quality of the brain,
273.-Dr Caldwell on, 285.-Their in-
fluence on the character, 303.-Here-
ditary, 317.

Theatrical representations beneficial to
lunatics, 294.

Thoughts on Phrenology, by a Bar-
rister, 280.

Thun, Counts F. & L., phrenologists, 70.
Tiedemann, Professor, 102.-On the ce-

rebral convolutions of animals, 244.
"Timon but not of Athens," notice of,
81, 295.

Titicaca, Lake, curious skulls found
near, 90, 388.
Toleration, 168.

Torquay, Mr Vernon's lectures at, 198.
Tott, Dr, on phrenology, 68, 69.
Travellers, hints to, on the observation
of heads, 295.

Trevelyan, W. C., case of derangement
of Language by, 55.

Tune, organ of, 84, 113, 331.
Turcoman skulls, 219.

Uccelli, Professor, his work on phreno-
logy, 128.-Persecution of, ib.
United States, phrenology in the, 14, 15
283-4, 292. Mr Combe's Notes on
the, 190.

Valentin's work on the nerves, 376.
Veneration strong in King David, 330.
Vernon, W. J., his lectures, 102, 197,
198, 290.-His visit to the Exeter
Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 80.-Cases
reported by, 287.

Vienna, phrenology in, 71.
Vimont, Dr, on the application of phre

nology to different species, 181.-On
the cerebellum, 185-7.-On Destruc-
tiveness in animals, 265.-His mode
of observation, ib.-Skulls figured
by, 266.

Vinning, Louisa, musical child, case of,

Wakefield, Lunatic Asylum, Report of,
Warrington Phrenological Society, 194.
Watson, Dr, on the brain and nerves,

H. C., 17.

Weber, Dr M. J., his work on the human
skull, &c., 93.

Weight, organ of. 285.-Mr Hytche on
its functions, 109.

Weir, Dr Wm., his lectures in Glasgow,

Westminster, Mr Donovan's lecture in,

Westminster Review on phrenology,

Whewell, Professor, his description of
a natural group, 351.
Whitney, Mr, his lecture on appari-
tions, 102.

Wilde, W. A., skulls discovered by him
near Jerusalem, 217.

Winslow's Anatomy of Suicide, 253.
Wit, organ of, 291.

Wolverhampton, Mr Lowe's lectures at,
195, 291, 387.-Literary and philoso-
phical society of, 291.
Wood, an American murderer, 41.

York, retreat for the insane at 163,-
Lecture and discussions at, 198.

Zarlenga, Dr, on insanity, 133.


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