THE HOLY BIBLE, Containing the Old and New TESTAMENTS, Newly Translated our of the With Marginal Notes, SHEWING The Scripture to the best Interpreter DE LONDO Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Bayerische München To the Reader. Tis a Truth acknowledged by all, of all perfuafions, viz. THE SCRIT- I I. Such is the Fulners and Perfection of the holy Scripture, as it hath enough, and fufficiency in it felf for the explanation and opening the fence and meaning of it. II. That this Explanation and Opening of Scripture by Scripture,is attainabe; and (by Gods blessing) may be done, and with such fulness of matter, and clearness to the truth of the fence, as there will be little need for other Interpreters; much less for men to impose their private Interpretations and bold Glofles upon the Text. not know any way whereby the word of God (as to the Alajesty, Authority. I. I do be mor and fuenced, ore honored and held forth and the Adverfaries o to be it's Scripture more, the Scripture would have more honour, and as to have the Scripture to This I am sure did men in their Expofitions on the Scriptures speak Truth, Perfection, &c. of it) can b But here I must consess, to have a SCRIPTURE-INTERPRETER, I speak: Viz. the of that Sufficiency and Fulness as there should be no need to and meaning of the Text: There are many things first to be done: fence and meaning in the way fet down. 1. That the Original Text of Scripture be rightly tranflated, and as much as is Pollib'e, even word for word: without departing from L'or it t is necessary to to preserve the letter intire, foever and harsh it may seem to mens carnal wifer than men. the letter of Scripture in the leap. re, how inconvenient, vea bow ab urd Reajon: Because the foolishness of God is omitted, nor mistranslated one for another. and endeavour II. That Scripture Metaphors be not but rightly opened. III. Concerning the various Readings: here, ail care, ১ ought to be used, that nothing be taken but what is breathed by the Spirit of God in the Text. IV. That the genuine and proper fignification and explained: for this is of great ned, The doubts and seeming differences be care, ftudy, of the original words be truly opeuse and furtherance to the work, I mention. carefully beeded, and by Parallel Scriptranslasome may seem unfruitwifdom tures reconciled. ted, of God, in them. (and as the spiritual man judgeth) there is an excellent meanin, of the Spiric Lastly, The original particles are to be minded and special notice taken of them, as athing of great concernment, to shew the Connexion of the Text, other particulars befides the se, There are and Context. to have an exact and full SCRIPTURE. NTERPRETER, bu R, but I shall refer them to another time, and place more proper. I have done concerning this work, the thing it felf will shew when 1 What and therefore I I will say nothing of it more or it cometh forth: I have done what I could. less: but only as Chrift faid of the woman, Something I will speak of the Reasons and Grounds whereby I have been encouraged in this kind of labor. 1 The sweetness and great content which I have had all along in this Scripture. work, bath caused me to account other fludies and readings (which I formerly used very low in comparison of it. Is it faid of Jacob, Rachel, and they seemed but a few days for the love that he served seven years for it, I have ferved the Lord in this work more than thrice seven years, and the time hath he had to her. I can truly steak not seemed long, neither bath the work been any way a burden to me, for the love I have hath been a persuasion and good hope, bad to it. But I I. That which hath more encouraged me, that many will have much foul good, and spiritual comfort by it. For 1. Some people will be the more willing and forward to read and search the Scriptures; having by them a guide and help: as when they meet with any place which is dark and they understand it not, then by direction to framediately to be informed and satisfied, without looking into Commentaries which it to some other Text of Scripture they have not. 2. A Scripture Interpreter will encourage men to exercise the themman bath a light the dark, and groped for his truth will grow and or have out as when a may be in reafe: but the Scriptures will be usually were in may (ay) than they they were before of Books foon come, our own searching the Scriptures (the Lord giving a blessing to it) do abide and continue whereas fuch truths as are gotten by 4. Seeing it is the Spirit of God, that inlivens and breathes in the Scriptures, where of this good Spirit, if not in the search and meditation not to the derogation of Commentators and other works making our prayer to the only wife God, may expect the pouring out of the Spirit, as to be guided into the truth of the fence of the Scriptures in reading and studying them more than in reading other Books. 5. That the Scriptures every where, are so much neglected, them to have therefore this can not be (as I regarded amon men, one reason is, their ignorance of So little bonoured and ignorance removed, d, and the word of God loved and delighted in; there bumbly conceive) a better way and meanes than a Scripture self-Interpreter. 6. It is not the Scripture that leadeth men into trrours and by-wayes, but the misInterpretations, and falfe Gloffes imposed upon it, as when men by perverting the To the Reader. Seripture to their own principles and purposes will make them speak their fence, and private înterpretation. Laying therefore aside mens interpretations, and only following the Scripture interpreting it felf, it must needs be the best way. and freeft from is, But III. That which bath most encouraged me the honour and glory of God: which I hope and defire will redound to bis boly Name by it. • And therefore whosoever hall reap any benefit either by this, or what followeth, I beg of bim for Chrifts fake that be give praise unto God alone. For conclusion. These Scripture-References, they are FEW to these I could have Produced. But I have made it a great a great part of my work to comprise much in a little room, and therefore have viewed over all all my larger Notes, es, and with my own hand from the beginning to the end, verse after verse, have chosen the most principal and proper Texts, fo far as the margin could contain. Besides I have used what care and diligence I could, to avojd all mistakes in the Notes, and to have them placed in a right and due order. Moreover (Reader) I intend God affifting with health and life, to set forth an (a work I an Edition have been of the Bible in a large and fair character, w withlarge annotations many years upon) and to make what speed I can. But the work will be heavy and require care and time. For I purpose therein to set forth all that I have done concerning a Scripture Inter. preter: Whether I shall live to see it finished, God only knows howsoever it is ready Lord take me away before it be published, (I doubt not) as and prepared for the press: so that if the what the t Copy unprinted I shall leave in bands be both carfull and faithfull in accomplishing my intentions; which that it may be to the glory of God, and good of his people every where is my earnest prayer. JOHN CANNE. THE and #1 Joh. 1-70 Prov. 16.4. b Col. 1.16. 17. THE FIRST BOOK OF MOSES called + GENESIS. 1 The creation of heaven and earth, &c.and And God created great whales, creature moveth, 6.c.and every living 26 Of man in the image of God.29 The which the waters brought forth abun- m Gen. 8.17. PC128. dantly after their kind, and every P created heaven, & faw that it was good. 10. 22. and the earth was fruitful God blessed them aying, Be wijo. and rers in the feas, and let fowl multiply falah , without form Job deep and the Spirit of God moved were the fifth day. 26.13. upon the face of the waters. be light: forth the living creature after his kind, 3 And d God faid, Let there 1 Tim. and there was light. d Pfal 4 And God faw the light, that it was the earth after his kind and it was fo. 3.10. 6.16. cattel and creeping thing, and beast of 25 And God made the beast of the James earth after his kind, and cattel after And God called the light, Day, and their kind, and every thing that creepthe darkness he called, Night and the eth upon the earth after his kind and + evening and the morning were the God faw that it was good. the light first day. the dark nes. † Heb. And the eve ning the 210712 26 And God said, n Let us make 3.9. 4. 6 And God said, e Let there be a fir-man in our image, after our likeness, Ephef. 2. were above the firmament: & it was fo. So God created man in his own And God called the firmament, image, in the image of God created he 9 Mat. 8 19.4. Mat. z. Heaven and the evening and the him, male & female created he them. ing was morning were the fecond day. 28 And God bleffed them, and God &c. 9 And God faid, Let the waters under faid unto them, Be fruitful, & multi-Gen. eJob the heaven be gathered together unto ply, and replenish the earth, and fub- 8.16. 37.18. f one place, & let the dry-land appear: due it, and have dominion over the 1 Cor. and it was fo. Heb. Expan fion. Job 38.8. Prov. 8.29. fish of the fea, and over the fowl of the 72,30 creep 10 And God called the g dry-land, air, and over every very living thing that + Heb. Earth, and the gathering together off moverh upon the earth. the waters called he Seas and God 29 And God faid, Behold, I have eth. faw that it was good. given you every herb + bearing feed, Heb. forth grafs, the herb yielding feed, every fall hearth 11 And God laid, Let the earth bring which is upon the face of all the earth, feeding 82 Pet. the fruit-tree yielding fruit after his of a tree yielding feed; Sto you it shall Gen. 9.3. 30 And to every beaft of the carth, Pral kind, whose feed is in it felf upon the be for mett. bud 74.16. i lights in the firmament of the heaven, 16 And God made two great lights; had ma the greater light to † rule the day, and thar is, the leficr light to rule the night: he b refted on the seventh day from all his made the stars also. work, which he had made. a Pfal. 119. and he b Exo. 20.21. 17 And God k fet them in the firma- 3 And God c bleffed the feventh day, ment of the heaven to in the 5.17 give light upon and fanctified it, because that in it he John had refted from all his work, which N Neh. of itas 18 And to I rule over the day, and over God + created and made. the day. darkness: & God faw that it was good. the heavens and of the earth, 13: 19 And the evening and the morning they were created, in the day that the kJob 38.12. Pial. 8. 3 LORD God made the earth and the 5 58. Heb. created to make were the fourth day. for the Job LORD 28 38. 8.28. Plal.104.14. Jer. A 3 |