the surrender of membership in the Church. (4803.) ¶325. Should he later give satisfactory evidence to the Conference of his amendment or innocence, and procure a certificate of the Quarterly Conference of the charge in which he resides, or of the Annual Conference that admitted him on trial, recommending their restoration by the Annual Conference to which he surrendered his credentials, the Conference may restore them. (¶¶694, 806-808.) SECTION II OF THE CREDENTIALS OF LOCAL DEACONS OR ELDERS 4326. When a local deacon or elder is deprived of his credentials of ordination, by expulsion or otherwise, the Presiding Elder shall require them of him, and file them with the Annual Conference in the bounds of which the local preacher resides. (¶¶694, 715, 803-808.) ¶327. Should he later produce to the Annual Conference a recommendation from the District Conference for the restoration of his credentials, signed by its president and secretary, they may be restored to him. (¶¶694, 806808.) 146 CHAPTER IX COMMISSION ON BUDGET SECTION I GENERAL COMMISSION ON BUDGET $328. Provision for the incomes from assessments of the various Church Boards, General and Conference, for the support of the Bishops, superannuated preachers, the widows and orphan children of preachers, the expense of the General Conference, and for meeting the needs of other interests calling for financial support, shall be made according to the following plan: ¶329. There shall be a Commission on Budget constituted as follows: Six ministers and seven lay members, none of whom shall be a member of any Connectional Board, to be nominated by the College of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. Vacancies occurring during the quadrennium shall be filled by the Commission. The General Secretary of each of the Boards having charge of interests for which assessments are made or some one appointed by the Board to represent the Board and one Publishing Agent shall appear before the Commission to represent the interest for which they are responsible. The Commission elected at each General Conference may meet annually on call of the President, and shall serve until the adjournment of the next succeeding quadrennial General Conference. Eight members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The expenses of this Commission shall be paid by the Treasurer of the General Conference Expense Fund. ¶330. The assessments upon the Church for all the various general interests, including Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Church Extension, Education, American Bible Society, Bishops, General Conference expenses, Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, and any other benevolent interests which may be indorsed by the General Conference, shall be aggregated and assessed in a single sum. 4331. The Commission on Budget, after making diligent effort to secure full information regarding all the general interests of the Church, that none may be neglected or jeopardized, shall recommend to the General Conference, for its action and determination, the total amount to be assessed for all these connectional interests. This amount shall be apportioned to the several Conferences by the Commission on Budget, according to such plan as the General Conference shall adopt (4336), or as the Commission may adopt in case the General Confer ence fails to act. The apportionment to an Annual Conference or a Mission shall be distributed to the several Districts as that Conference or Mission may decide, and the District Stewards shall distribute to the pastoral charges the amounts asked of their respective Districts. ¶332. The Commission on Budget shall determine what percentage of the total sum assessed and of the receipts therefrom shall be allotted to each of the interests included in the assessments: provided, that any pastoral charge which has paid its assessment in full shall have the privilege of directing any surplus paid by it to any of the benevolences it may choose. All amounts collected on the total assessments shall be sent to the Conference Treasurer, who shall make monthly distribution, according to the allotment made by the Commission on Budget, to the Treasurers of the various Boards and for the various causes. The Treasurer of each of the several Conference Boards, as well as each of the Conference Treasurers, before entering upon the discharge of his official duties, shall execute and deliver (with some security company authorized to do business in the State in which such Treasurer-elect is a resident as surety thereto) a bond conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties as such Treasurer; the amount of the bond and the custodian thereof to be determined, and the premium thereof to be paid, by the Board or Conference he is to serve. SECTION II CONFERENCE COMMISSION ON BUDGET 4333. There shall be in each Annual Confe.ence a Commission on Budget, composed of five ministers and six lay members, none of whom shall be a member of any Conference Board, who shall be elected at the first Annual Conference following the General Conference. The Chairman of each Conference Board or Commission or some other person appointed by the Board or Commission shall have opportunity to represent the claims of his Board or Commission before the Budget Commission. This Conference Commission on Budget shall serve for a quadrennium. (¶¶681, 682.) 9334. The Conference Commission on Budget, after making diligent effort to secure full information regarding all the Conference interests that none may be neglected or jeopardized, shall recommend to the Annual Conference, for its action and determination, the total amount to be assessed for all these interests. This amount shall be apportioned to the several Districts according to such plan as the Conference may adopt, or as the Commission may adopt in case the Conference fails to act. The District |