College of Bishops, who shall have all the powers of the presiding Bishop. 4309. If the Committee of Appeals decide that the appellant be expelled from the membership of the Church or from the ministry, he shall not be restored to the communion of the Church until he gives satisfactory evidence of repentance of the offense for which he was expelled, unless the Annual Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case he may be restored to his former standing by a two-thirds vote of the Conference. (¶¶703, 715.) 9310. The Committee of Appeals may reverse the decision of a committee of trial, or remand the case for a new trial, or affirm the decision. In all cases the secretary of the Committee of Appeals shall notify the Annual Conference concerned (¶791) of its decision, and if a written decision be filed, shall send a copy. (9715.) In case of reversal the appellant is restored to the position he held prior to the trial. If the case be remanded, the secretary shall send to the Annual Conference concerned all records and documents sent with the appeal to be used, if needed, in the new trial. ¶311. Whenever cases of conflict in authority or administration arising in any of the General Boards or with any other Church authority, or between the Boards themselves, in the conduct of affairs either at home or on the foreign fields, shall be brought to the attention of the president in a written statement signed by at least one Bishop, two preachers, and three laymen, the Committee of Appeals shall sit as the Board of Conflict at the call of its president or at other times to consider or decide such cases. In these cases the committee shall take testimony according to the law of our Church (¶¶761-797, 800-802), shall hear representatives of the parties in interest, and decide the cause at issue. Its decision shall be final. 9312. On the written request of one-third of a Board, attested by its Chairman and Secretary, the Committee of Appeals shall sit as a Judiciary Committee to decide questions of law which may arise in the administration of the affairs of our General Boards and Committees, either at home or in the foreign fields. ¶313. The necessary expense of the committee shall be paid from the General Conference fund. SECTION II OF THE APPEAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER ¶314. When a local preacher appeals from the decision of a committee of trial, the president of the Annual Conference shall appoint a committee of not less than nine nor more than thirteen, who shall try the case. Its decision shall be final. (¶¶773, 776, 781, 784, 786-794, 800, 802.) 4315. No member of the committee of trial shall be appointed on this committee. (¶783.) 9316. The records of the trial shall be the only evidence considered by the committee. The decision rendered, together with the whole record of the case, shall be delivered to the secretary of the Conference. The ¶317. The appellant, in person or by representative (who shall be a member of the Annual Conference) (¶782), shall state the grounds of his appeal, and shall be permitted to make his argument without interruption, so long as his defense is within the record of the case. representative of the committee of trial shall then be permitted to respond, and the appellant may reply. At the conclusion of the argument, the committee shall consider the case privately and announce its decision to the respective parties. ¶318. No local preacher, after trial and expulsion, shall be restored until he give satisfactory evidence of repentance of the offense for which he was expelled, unless the District Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case the Conference may restore him to his previous standing. (¶703.) SECTION III OF THE APPEAL OF A MEMBER ¶319. Any suspended or expelled member may appeal to the next Quarterly Conference. If appeal be made, the preacher in charge shall present to the Conference the record of the trial, from which record the case shall finally be determined. (¶¶706, 773, 776, 782, 784, 786794, 800, 802.) ¶320. No member of the committee of trial shall vote on the appeal. (¶¶783, 797.) ¶321. The appellant, in person or by his representative (who shall be a member of the Church) (¶782), shall state the grounds of his appeal, and shall be permitted to make his argument without interruption, so long as his defense is within the record of the case. The representative of the committee of trial shall then be permitted to respond, and the appellant may reply. The appellant and the representative of the committee shall then withdraw, and the majority of the members of the Quarterly Conference present shall finally determine the case. ¶322. No member, after trial and expulsion, shall be restored until he give satisfactory evdence of repentance of the offense for which he was expelled, unless the Quarterly Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case he may be restored. (¶¶703, 715.) CHAPTER VIII THE DEPRIVATION AND RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS SECTION I OF THE CREDENTIALS OF TRAVELING DEACONS OR ELDERS ¶323. When a traveling deacon or elder is deprived of his credentials of ordination, by expulsion or otherwise, they shall be filed with the papers of his Annual Conference. (¶¶694, 715, 804-808.) $324. When a minister of our Church desires to surrender his credentials and retain his membership, he shall be permitted to do so, and to designate the Church in which he will hold membership; and the secretary of the Conference to which he surrenders his credentials shall issue to him a certificate of membership in the Church: provided, that no minister shall be permitted to take such action when charges involving his character have been made and sustained or are pending. (¶¶694, 715, 803-808.) However, when his character is involved in cases where the law permits final adjustment by the surrender of credentials, this shall be also |