THE MISSIONARY REGISTER FOR THE YEAR 1814: CONTAINING AN ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE PRINCIPAL Missionary and Bible Societies THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed by Ellerton and Henderson, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street; AND PUBLISHED BY L. B. SEELEY, 169, FLEET STREET: BY ALL BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSMEN. CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHY. Brief Memoir of Rev. David Brown.................................................................. Death of Rev. Dr. C. S. John........................................................... Page 129 Life of Rev. John Eliot, the Apostle of the North American Indians 305 HOME PROCEEDINGS. 345, 385, 425 Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews 180 Naval and Military Bible Society ..................................................................... ib. 181 Religious Tract Society 182 Designation of Mr. Rowe to Jamaica Appointment of Mr. Enstace Carey to India ............................................. ib. Appointment of Mr. Yates to India Publication of No. 26 of Periodical Accounts A Convict Ship become a Christian School Hint for a Prison and Convict Society Bible Society in the British Army ................................................................. Rev. John Owen's History of the Society Deputations to the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia 288 352 Communication from King of Persia relative to New Testament 43% |