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النشر الإلكتروني

assured, that the grace of the Lord Jesus will be sufficient for them; and his strength be perfected in their weakness. " For I am persuaded that neither death,

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nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, " nor things, present, nor things to come; nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ. "Jesus our Lord."

Seeing we address ourselves to those only, who expect to be thought Christians; the exhortation may be applicable to every individual. Let a becoming conversation prove that you are Christians in reality. But alas, what gloomy reflections crowd into the mind, when this subject comes in our way! Do the generality of nominal Christians live as becomes the gospel? Is not the conversation of a vast majority diametrically opposite to the spirit and precepts of our holy religion? Who can imagine that Christ will own such men as his true disciples? Who can doubt, but that it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for them?


There are persons, who say, 'When you instruct us in our duty, we regard you: we are not infidels; ' we have always believed the doctrines of Christiani* ty. But let me ask you; have these doctrines properly influenced your heart and life? If they have not; then surely you have believed in vain! You would say to an antinomian professor of justification by faith alone, who lived an immoral life; "Know, O vain "man, that faith without works is dead." Beware then lest you slide into antinomianism of a more reputable kind. Faith and practice are not like grapes tied upon

a vine-branch; but like grapes growing upon a living vine. True faith receives the doctrines of the gospel into the heart, where they produce a change in the judgment, dispositions, and affections: thus the tree becomes good, and good fruit is the genuine consequence.

This is real Christianity; and all that comes short of this, however distinguished, is a mere name, notion, or form. But if we have thus received the gospel; we shall be conscious, that we have in many things fallen short of a becoming conversation. Let us then humbly seek forgiveness of the past; and beg to be enabled henceforth so to abide in Christ, " that we

may bring forth much fruit," "and walk worthy of "God, who hath called us to his kingdom and glory." Amen.



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