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النشر الإلكتروني

will not have this man to reign over us." chooses, in ways and for ends determined by Moreover, that kingdom cannot rest upon the his own infinitely free and self-active will. worldly and defective basis of this present order Especially do they repudiate all idea of God, of things. This would be to repeat the experi- the Cross-bearer, the Incarnate Sufferer, the ment, which, if we may so speak, failed in the Sacrifice and Propitiation for sin, and yet to case of the Jews. The Gospel of the kingdom be King of all the earth. The cross, like the is not now preached to the Gentiles for their kingdom of Christ, is supernatural; it descends conversion as nations, but to gather a chosen from God out of heaven. Its power is not of generation out of them all, to be the royal this world, but of God. No natural connection priesthood of the future. is discoverable between it and the end it God hath concluded both Jews and Gentiles achieves,-the glory of God in the redemption in unbelief, that, in the revelation of this divine of man. Naturalistic philosophies do not comkingdom which is to come, he might have pass it. Therefore do the philosophers of this S. C. B. mercy upon all.


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world spurn it, and the race, as a whole, turn away from it with scorn. They seek glorification without humiliation, the crown without the cross, deliverance from sin without confession It is the great sin of our race and age, that and renunciation of sin. They would insure a they are attempting to unfold and perfect them- transfiguration of the flesh without a crucifixion selves by the aid of merely natural powers and of the flesh, and the redemption of the world resources. They would move forward to the before God's judgment of the world. They goal of perfection, upon the plane of mere natu- would demonstrate the perfectibility of man, but ralism. They virtually recognize no being or without the aid of God's grace. power above nature. Nature is their father Hence the nations have always betaken and mother, their god, their judge, their re- themselves to their civilizations, their philosodeemer. They pride themselves in being the phies, and their culture. In their inventions, subjects only of the kingdom of nature. The arts, and sciences, they have sought develophighest loyalty they acknowledge is a loyalty to ment and perfection. Upon these they have nature. The highest virtue they praise is obe- relied. Here they have reposed their hopes of dience to nature. The only rewards they ex- the world's progress, and the world's ultimate pect to share are the rewards of nature. The redemption. And whenever they have made only punishments they expect to suffer are the rapid advances in these, they have vaunted punishments of nature. The only restorative themselves of their inherent capabilities, and power for either a diseased body or a sinful shouted with elation their steady approach to soul they acknowledge, is the self-rectifying the goal of glory. Thus have they ever evinced power of nature. the latent conviction of their heart, that civiliGod is thus excluded. They may, indeed, as zation is greater than the cross, and culture they do, especially in these latter days, make mightier than grace. Thus are they attempting familiar use of the term God, and loud acclaim to demonstrate that the grace of God is a superabout religion in general. They may claim to fluity, and that the cross is only a revered relic believe in God, and to worship God, but it is a of a rude and barbarian age. God mixed up with and inseparable from na- And in none of the past ages of the world's ture. It is a nature-god, and their worship is history, we fear, has this insane falsehood, this nature-worship. It is not a God who, in the intoxicating delusion, been more potent than anguage of inspiration, "is over all, blessed in our own. We fancy we are making a rapid orevermore,”—a God who made universal na- advance towards perfection; and undeniably ture, who infused into it and executes its laws, there has been progress, amazing progress. In who comes down upon, revolutionizes, and re-art, in science, in civilization and enlightenmoulds nature, however and whenever he'ment, in our political institutions, in our indus

tries and our social economies, in our discoveries | distinct and devout recognition of God, but and inventions, we have doubtless made an quite the contrary. His supernatural interpoimmense advance on all preceding generations. sitions in the gift of a Revelation, in InspiraBy philosophical research, we have discovered tion, in the Atonement, in Regeneration, and the hidden laws and secret springs of nature; in the predicted Coming and Kingdom of God, by chemical analysis, we have dissolved her our Savior,-these are virtually denied; they material forms, and obtained command of her were never before so generally disbelieved by forces; by appliances of art, we mould all the masses. This progress is, therefore, essenmatter to our will, and evoke the subtlest tially towards Atheism. It is an exclusion of agencies lurking beneath its exterior, to do our God from his own world. H. N. B.



bidding; we yoke the whirlwinds to our car, and flash our thoughts with the lightning from continent to continent; by our inventions, both time and space are well-nigh annihilated; by A LETTER-WRITER from this city, in giving an our metaphysical acumen, we have even invaded account of the sermon of the Rev. Dr. George the silent and unseen realms of the soul, pene- Duffield, the retiring Moderator, delivered at trated its mysterious depths and recesses, read the opening of the General Assembly of the its thoughts, analyzed its affections, instincts, Presbyterian Church, says, for the benefit of the and sensibilities, classified its powers and mea- New York Independent, and its readers, some sured its capacities, and upon the basis of this things complimentary of the speaker, and the wondrous knowledge, by our political sagacity, power displayed in the discourse, &c., but laments we have erected social, civil, and religious in- that the author's views of the world presented stitutions superior, as we fancy, to those of all therein, and of its prospects, were too gloomy previous ages. and discouraging, and the same ability bestowed As a consequence of all this, society has shot on a theme more cheering, would have been forward beyond all precedent in every depart-productive of much greater good. He does not ment of a visible and material progress. It pretend to affirm or deny whether the last times has put on an unsurpassed beauty of form, and were faithfully sketched by the speaker, nor an elegance and refinement most exquisite. whether the times predicted in the Sacred ScripEvery circle feels the new impulse. The entire tures as characteristic of the last days, are not body politic is fired by the unwonted inspira- rapidly developing themselves in the state of tion. Not a power lies dormant. Not a man society here and in Europe, &c., but as best but is making the most of himself, which it is suited to the tastes and temper of the readers possible for him to make in the exercise of his of that flippant periodical, he passes the whole merely natural powers. The world is evidently matter off as unworthy of serious consideration rushing with lightning speed to some con- by the sneering solution, that the gloomy hue summation, the velocity is already frightful, of the discourse is justly attributable to the in-but is it to glory or to shame, to God or fluence of "the Millenarian fancies," which it Satan? This is the question. This is the is well known the author has long entertained. problem which can be solved only in the light Millenarian fancies! That is equally a sneer of God's word, unless, indeed, his providences at "The Prophetic Times," and some of the as at present seen among the nations are aiding most learned men and ablest writers of former in its solution. ages. If the letter-writer had ever made him

The believers in a natural human goodness, self acquainted with the names that emblazon in a natural development towards perfection, the long catalogue, from the days of Polycarp, say it is to honor and glory. But we think far Papias, Justin Martyr, and Irenæus, down to otherwise, since it is an exaltation of humanity the present day, or examined carefully the writwithout God. We do not discover that this ings of the learned Mede and Daubuz, and progress involves or results in an increasingly hosts of others of a former century, or of many

of the present, both in Europe and the United decencies of their exhibitions, may raise the States, then the sneer is the very height of im- laugh and gratify the vanity of such letter-wripudence. We cannot think that it was any ters. But the apostle Peter says, "in the last minister of the Gospel, or pastor in this city. days there shall come scoffers walking after If so, it is only a pregnant proof that the author their own lusts, and saying, 'Where is the proof the discourse had not sketched, in too strong mise of his coming?' for since the fathers fell colors, the perils of the last times. If sneers asleep, all things continue as they were from the are to be substituted for argument,―laughter beginning of the creation." The profane and for sober investigation, on the subject of the impious scoffings in these last days, help to second coming of Christ, the pleasure-lovers, swell the general tide of corruptions increasing sensation seekers, and self-conceited ignora- daily in the church and world. muses that know not enough to restrain the in



THE HARMONIES OF GENESIS AND place of punishment. The usurped and bestial

No. 2.

dominion is finished, and Man, in the person of the great Redeemer, assumes his original V. THE history, in the last two days of Crea- and long-forfeited supremacy: "For as the tion, exhibits three main events, the creation of Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the moving things of the sea, of the beasts of the Son to have life in himself; and hath given the earth, and, lastly, of man himself, as their him authority to execute judgment also, becommon lord and governor, to whom dominion cause he is THE SON OF MAN." The empire, is given over all these lower creatures. first of brutal force, the Leviathan of the deep, Now, when we turn to the Apocalypse, it-and then of fraud and deception, the wily and exhibits an exact and complete analogy to this lamb-like pretences of false religion and subtle primitive succession. In the thirteenth chapter priestcraft, shall perish forever, and be suca monster is presented to our view, which has the sea for his birthplace, and exercises, for a time, a mighty and cruel dominion. We have next a second beast, rising from the earth or VI. According to the history, after the six dry land, which shares in this bestial dominion, days of creation were finished, there ensued a and exercises all the power of the first beast in sabbath of rest. "On the seventh day God his presence. Then succeeds a vision of one ended his work which he had made: and he like unto the Son of man, sitting on a cloud, rested on the seventh day from all his work who appears to execute judgment. A later which he had made. And God blessed the vision (chap. xix.) presents the relation between seventh day and sanctified it, because that in it them in a clearer light. The Son of man, who he had rested from all his work which God is also the Word of God, appears clothed with created and made."

ceeded by the everlasting supremacy of reason, love, and holiness, in the person of Jesus Christ our Lord.

the vesture of Divine authority, and claims to The prophecy in the close of the Apocalypse himself the supreme dominion, for "on his exhibits an evident antitype of this primitive vesture and thigh a name is written, King of history. At a time which is evidently future, kings and Lord of lords." The beast from the and probably near at hand, and when six thousea, and the beast from the earth, or the false sand, or nearly six thousand, years of the world's prophet, are taken captive by the armies of the history are finished, a glorious vision of hope celestial Horseman, and are cast alive into the and peace is presented to our view. "I saw

thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment|ledge, and lost access to the tree of life; and was given unto them: and I saw the souls of hence began the long, weary course of sin and them that were beheaded for the witness of sorrow. Jesus, and for the Word of God, and which had In the prophecy, the record of redemption, not worshipped the beast, neither his image, no mention is made of the tree of knowledge, neither had received his mark upon their fore- though the effects resulting from its bitter taste heads or their hands; and they lived and reigned are conspicuous in every part of the visions. with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of But, on the other hand, the tree of life appears the dead lived not again until the thousand years in it, from first to last, with added features of were finished. This is the first resurrection. dignity and spiritual glory. Its place is the Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the heavenly Paradise, along the banks of the river first resurrection: on such the second death of life. The single tree is now replaced by a hath no power, but they shall be priests of God prolific grove, yielding every month its celestial and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thou- fruitage, and even its very leaves are endued sand years." with a medicinal virtue. The type of the history passes into a symbol in the prophecy, and is transfigured and glorified in the change. The first mention of it occurs in the opening

Here only a few remarks appear needful, to illustrate and confirm the intimate relation between the type in the history and the antitype in the prophecy. And first, St. Peter tells us vision, in the message of our Lord to the first that, in the sight of the Lord, a thousand years of the seven Churches: "He that hath an ear, are as one day. Six thousand years, the past let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the duration of the world from the time of Adam, Churches. To him that overcometh will I give will thus answer to a period of six days, the to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst time of creation. The space of a thousand of the Paradise of God." It is thus made to years, here predicted, and evidently future, will usher that galaxy of delightful promises by answer to the seventh day, which followed the which our Lord has provided comfort to his work of creation, the first sabbath of rest. And people to the end of time, and introduced the this resemblance is confirmed by the immediate solemn revelation of coming judgments. antecedent in either case. In the history it is After these warning visions have run their the dominion of man, constituted lord over all course, and the vessel, through stormy seas of the lower creatures, whether in earth or sea. In change, has reached its haven of rest, the tree the prophecy it is the victory of the Son of man of life comes once again into view, and closes over all his enemies, and especially over the the whole Divine message. "In the midst of beasts from the earth and from the sea, with the street, and on either side of the river, was the first commencement of his visible reign of there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner peace and righteousness. Those also who share of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; this dominion are called blessed and holy, terms and the leaves of the tree were for the healing which apply most fitly to the first great sabbath of the nations." Blessed contrast, between the of a ransomed universe, and to the character of sin and misery of Eve, in tasting the tree of all those who partake of its holy blessedness.

knowledge, and the happy privilege of the heavenly Bride, feasting on the love of God, which is life and peace, forever and ever!

VII. The history next exhibits to us the earthly Paradise, with the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge And here the relation is the more striking, of good and evil. Amidst all the variety of because no mention of the tree of life occurs that beautiful and fertile landscape, our eyes elsewhere in the New Testament. It is reare fixed on these only; one of them the occa- served for this latest message, that it may serve sion of the first entrance of evil, and the other a to clasp together the volume of inspiration, and divine and healing remedy. Man, however, illustrate the marvellous unity of design which perversely tasted the forbidden tree of know- pervades the whole.

VIII. Another feature of the history is the Daniel's latest prophecy, which has the closest mention of the rivers which watered Paradise and most varied relation to the visions of the at the beginning. Its fertility was maintained Apocalypse. It was on the banks of the Hidby the confluence of four different streams. dekel that the prophet had that revelation of The first of these compassed the land of Havi- our Lord, which minutely resembles his later lah, where there was gold and bdellium, and appearance to the beloved Apostle. It was on the onyx stone. The second had its source in the banks of the Hiddekel that the heavenly the land of Cush. The third was Hiddekel, querists obtained the answer, which finds its where Daniel afterwards received his latest exact counterpart in the voice of the sun-bright prophecy; and the fourth river was Euphrates. Angel. "I heard the man, clothed with linen, Now here also the prophecy exhibits features which was upon the waters of the river, when of resemblance, varied by contrast, but only he held up his right hand and his left hand to the more expressive of their mutual harmony. heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever, The four streams watering Paradise, fitly re- that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; present the confluence of all the variety of crea- and when he shall have accomplished scattering ture happiness. But the higher blessedness of the power of the holy people, all these things the redeemed flows direct from the uncreated shall be finished." Here the substance of the source of all goodness. God himself is their whole Apocalypse, and almost the very words portion. With him is the fountain of life, and of that oath which forms its central message, in his light they shall see light. And thus the are linked with the revived mention of the third heavenly Paradise is watered by one single river of Paradise. river, with this significant description, that "it But in the case of the fourth river, the relaproceedeth from the throne of God and of the tion between the history and the prophecy is Lamb." The type, in passing into a symbol, still more apparent. The Euphrates is first is modified, to express a deeper happiness and named in this description of the earthly Paraa higher glory. It is not all the varieties of dise. After the fall and banishment of man, created beings on which the blessedness of the its name is linked with a mournful record of saints will depend, but on God the Creator, human pride and ungodliness, the confusion of and the co-equal Son of God, their Divine Re- Babel, and every evil work. In Isaiah it is deemer. It is not the land of Cush or Asshur, contrasted with the gentle stream of Siloah, with all its resources of worldly greatness, that and represents the old Assyrian Empire, in the will supply the fountains which refresh their height of its worldly pride and ambition, under spirits; but peace, like a river, flows to them the fierce Sennacherib, who perished suddenly from the God of peace, and love blesses them by a Divine judgment. In the New Testament forever, from the very Fountain of uncreated the only mention of the Euphrates is in this and eternal love. prophecy. Here it meets us in the second But this does not exhaust the beautiful har- woe, and under the sixth vial, and is placed in mony between the historical type and the pro- evident contrast to the river of life, which waters phetical antitype in these rivers of Paradise. the Paradise of God. From the border of its The gold, the bdellium, and the onyx stone, streams issues forth the severest woe upon a carry our thoughts at once to the further de- corrupt and worldly Church, and those streams scription, in the same vision, of the city through are afterwards dried, upon the approach of which the celestial river is seen to flow. There, judgment, to prepare the full triumph of the under the name of chalcedony, the onyx is seen true Cyrus, the king of righteousness and of among the foundations of the city, but is joined peace. The river which once watered the with a rich variety of "all manner of precious earthly Paradise, after being defiled and destones," while the street itself is "pure gold, as graded by scenes of violence and pride, which it were transparent glass." Again, the River had revelled and triumphed for long ages in old Hiddekel is mentioned elsewhere only in Babylon, disappears, at least in figure, under

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