صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Whenever the Hymns are used at the celebration of divine service, a certain portion or portions of the Psalms of David in metre shall also be sung.


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A wake, ye saints, awake,

Before Jehovah's awful throne

Begin, my soul, the exalted lay,

Be joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth, Be still my heart! these anxious cares, Bless'd be thou, the God of Israel,

Bless'd is the man whose soft'ning heart

Bless'd is the tie that binds
Behold the Saviour of mankind
Children of the heavenly King,
Christ from the dead is rais'd, and made
Christ the Lord is ris'n to-day,
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come,
Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dové,
Come, let our voices join,

13 How short the race our friend has run, 28

28 How wondrous and great

86 I love thy kingdom, Lord,




9 Inspirer and hearer of prayer,


39 In loud exalted strains,

34 I would not live alway: lask not to stay 41

4 Jesus! and shall it ever be,

34 Jesus, my strength, my hope,

34 Jesus, Saviour of my soul,

44 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun 26 Joy is a fruit that will not grow

8 Let heaven arise, let earth appear, 16 Let worldly minds the world pursue, 32 Like Noah's weary dove,









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17 Lord! dismiss us with thy blessing, 17 Lord! for the just thou dost provide, 18 Lord, how delightful 'tis to see 18 Lord, my God, I long to know, 25 Lord of life, all praise excelling, Lord! unafflicted, undismay'd, 43 Lo! what a cloud of witnesses,








Come, ye that love the Lord,

32 Lord, with glowing heart I'd praise

Deluded souls! that dream of heaven, 31 thee
Disown'd of heaven, by man oppress'd, 24 Mercy, descending from above,



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Father of mercies! in thy word
Father of all, whose love profound,
Father of mercies! bow thine ear,
Father, to thee my soul I lift,
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
Few are thy days, and full of wo,
Fountain of mercy, God of love,
From all that dwell below the skies,
From Greenland's icy mountains,
From whence these direful omens round
Glory to thee, my God, this night,
Glory to the Father give,

God moves in a mysterious way,
God of the seas! thine awful voice
God of our Fathers! by whose hand
Go forth, ye heralds, in my name,

23 Oh for a closer walk with God,

37 O let triumphant faith dispel,

25 On Zion, and on Lebanon,

5 O Spirit of the living God,

26 O that my load of sin were gone! 44 O thou that hear'st when sinners cry, 30 22 O thou, to whose all-searching sight 22 Our Lord is risen from the dead,

46, 48 My God, and is thy table spread?
19 My God, permit me not to be



4 My God, since thou hast rais'd me up, 27 31 My grateful soul, for ever praise,


My op'ning eyes with rapture see 10 My Saviour hanging on the tree, 3 Not to the terrors of the Lord, 18 Now from the altar of our hearts, 23 Now may the God of grace and pow'r 7 Now the shades of night are gone; 34 O'er mountain tops the mount of God 14 41 O happy day, that stays my choice 20 O happy is the man who hears










24 O Holy, holy, holy Lord,


16 O, in the morn of life, when youth



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Great God! with wonder and with praise 3 Rich are the joys which cannot die,

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Hark! from the tombs a mournful sound, 41 Rise, O my soul, the hours review, 31

Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes, 11 Rock of ages! cleft for me,


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Showing where to find each Psalm by its beginning.


Against all those that strive with me
As pants the hart for cooling streams
At length, by certain proofs, 'tis plain
Behold, O God, how heathen hosts
Bless God, my soul; thou, Lord, alone
Bless God, ye servants, that attend
Defend me, Lord, from shame
Deliver me, O Lord, my God
Do thou, O God, in mercy help
For ever bless'd be God the Lord
For thee, O God, our constant praise
From lowest depths of wo





Have mercy, Lord, on me
Hear, O my people, to my law



He's blest whose sins have pardongain'd
He that has God his guardian made
Hold not thy peace, O Lord our God
How blest are they whe always keep
How blest is he, who ne'er consents
How good and pleasant must it be
How long wilt thou forget me, Lord
How many, Lord, of late are grown
How vast must their advantage be
I'll celebrate thy praises, Lord,
In deep distress I oft have cry'd
In Judah the Almighty's known

334 Speak, O ye judges of the earth
360 Sure wicked fools must needs suppose 325
344 That man is blest who stands in awe
378 Thee I will bless, my God and King
321 The heavens declare thy glory, Lord 328
365 The king, O Lord, with songs of praise 329
325 The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God 348
321 The Lord himself, the mighty Lord
387 The Lord, the only God, is great
333 The Lord to thy request attend








In vain, O man of lawless might
I waited meekly for the Lord
Jehovah reigns; let all the earth
Jehovah reigns, let therefore all



339 Though wicked men grow rich or great 337

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331 Through all the changing scenes of life 335

Just Judge of heaven, against my foes 340 Thy chastening wrath, O Lord, restrain 338

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Lord, hear the voice of my complaint
Lord, hear my cry, regard my prayer
Lord, hear my prayer, and to my cry
Lord, hear the voice of my complaint
Lord, let thy just decrees the king

Lord, not to us, we claim no share

Lord, save me, for thy glorious name
Lord, thou hast granted to thy land
Lord, who's the happy man that may
My crafty foe with flattering heart
My God, my God, why leav'st thou me
My soul for help on God relies

My soul inspired with sacred love
My soul with grateful thoughts of love
No change of time shall ever shock
O all ye people clap your hands

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To find Psalms suited to particular Subjects and Occasions.

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Advent, psalms proper for, 18, verse 8, &c.
50, 89, 96, 97, 98, and 146, verse 6, &c.
Afflicted, prayer of, psalms 13, 42, 91, 102,
119, verse 81, &c. and psalm 143.


-, comfort of, psalm 119, verse 49,
-, complaint of, psalms 42, 77, 102,
114, verse 81, &c. and psalm 143.
-, psalm proper for, 119.

Afflictions, benefits of, psalm 94, verses 12,
13 and 14, psalm 119, verses 65, 66, 67, 68,
71, and 75.
deliverance from them cele-

brated, psalms 34 and 107.

Aged Saint, prayer of, psalm 71, verses 17
and 18.

Alms-giving, psalm 41, verses 1,2, and 3, and
psaim 112.

Angels guard the righteous, psalm 34, verse
7, and psalm 91, verses 11 and 12.

- called on to praise the Lord, psalm
103, verses 19, 20, and 21.
Ascension, psalms 24, 47, and 68, verse 18,


Christ, his resurrection predicted, psalm 2,
psalm 16, verse 9, &c. psalm 69, verse 29,
&c. psalm 118, verse 22, &c.

his ascension celebrated, psalms 24,
47, 68, &c.

-, his exaltation in his human nature
to his Mediatorial Kingdom, psalm 2, verse
7 to the end, psalms 8, 21, 72, 89, 110, 118
and 132.

-, his glorification in his human na
ture, psalm 8.

his love to his Church celebrated,

psalm 45.

-, his love to his enemies, psalm 35,
verse 11, &c.
-, his glory and power, psalm 45, verse

2, &c.
his kingdom among the Gentiles,
psalms 72, 87, 110 and 132.
-, a Priest and King, psalm 110.

our strength and righteousness,
psalm 71, verses 14, 15 and 16.

-, his first and second coming, psalms
50, 96, 97 and 98.
Christmas day, psalm 45, psalm 85, three
last verses, psalm 89, 110 and 132.
Church, established by God, psalm 44.

verse 22, &c.

built on Jesus Christ, psalm 118,
gathered and settled, psalm 132.
its beauty, worship and order, psalms

Ash-Wednesday, psalms proper for, 51 and
130. (See Penitential.)
Assistance from God, psalms 188 and 144.
Atheism, practical, punishment denounced 48 and 122.
against, psalm 14.

, prevalence of, lamented, psalms 10

and 12.

Attributes of God, psalm 36, verse 5, &c.

psalms 111, 145, 146, and 147.

on temporal business and

Blessing of God on temp
comforts, psalm 127.

Blessings of a family, psalm 128.

--, temporal, promised, psalm 144,

Verse 12 to the end.

promised to the righteous, psalms

1, 32, 122, and 128.

Blood of Christ, cleansing from sin, prefi-
gured by the ceremonies of the law,
psalm 51.

Brotherly love, psalm 133.
Care of God over his Saints, psalm 34.
Charity to the poor. (See Aims-giving.)
Charitable man, blessings promised to, psahn

41, verses 1, 2, and 3.
Children, comforts of, psalm 127, verses 3,
4, and 5.

, instructed in God's law, psalm
78, verse 6, &c, psalm 119, verse 9, &c.
Christ, the true David, psalms 35 and 89.
(See David.)

covenant made with him typified
by David, psalm 89.
divinity of, psalm 45, verse 6, &c.
psalm 47 and 110.

-, his incarnation, psalm 40, verse 6, &c.
- David in the person of, describes his
sorrows and the malice and persecution
of his enemies, and prays for deliver-
ance, psalms 22, 35, 41 and 55.

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his death and sufferings set forth in
the person of David, psalms 22, 35, 40, 41,
and 60

the birth place of Saints, psalm 37.
safety and joy in it, psalm 27, verse

4, &c. psalms 48 and 84.

destruction of its enemies, psalm 76.
Gentiles gathered into it, psalms 45

and 47.

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psalm 48.


ita festivals joyfully attended, psalm
Comfort and support in God, psalm 4, psalm
16, verse 5, &c. psalms 32, 34, 46, and 94,
verse 12, &c.

and support in God from a view of
his past mercies, psalm 77, verse 10, &c.
and support in sadness, prayed
for, psalıns 102 and 142.

of God's spirit pray.

ed for, psalms 42, 43 and 51.
Communion of Saints, psalm 16, verses 4 and
5, psalm 133.

Complaint of absence from public worship,
psalm 42.
Complaint of

sickness, psalm 6.

of temptation and spiritual af

fliction, psalm 42.

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