Who Am I?Xulon Press, 2002 - 240 من الصفحات |
Background of Study | 3 |
Conceptual Framework of Study | 9 |
Importance of the Study | 17 |
Definition of Leadership | 25 |
Leader and Manager | 31 |
Biblical Leadership | 47 |
Significance of Biblical Leadership | 62 |
Leadership Related with the Biblical Leader | 68 |
The Identity of the Pastoral Leadership | 97 |
The Elements of the Pastoral Leadership | 128 |
212 | |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
21st century ability according attitude authority Bennis Bible biblical leadership Christian leader Church Growth church members classified concerned cope David David Hocking decision develop disciples duty effective emphasized Engstrom evaluate faith follows glory God's church Gospel Gospel of Luke Grand Rapids group members headship heart Holy Spirit human humility Ibid important influence inspires Jesus Christ John Korean church Kwon leaders and church Leadership Seoul leadership skill leadership style Leroy Eims Lord means Michael Youssef minister mission Moses motivation Myung Nehemiah organization Pastoral Epistles pastoral leaders pastoral ministry Paul person Peter Drucker Peter Wagner Press principle problem professional Prov Qumran responsibility role-model Seminary servant Servant Leadership servanthood sheep shepherd situation Solomon says spiritual leader spiritual leadership spiritual vision Style Leadership Sung Hoon Testament things thou Titus tried true leader unto viewpoint Wan Sin Watchman Nee word Yonsei University