in the east part of the church, appropriated to their use, and in which are several handsome monuments, built in honour of their ancestors. In the north window, in the cross aisle, is a perfect painting on the glass of King Athelstone in his regal, and of John of Beverly in his pastoral, robes, holding a handsome crosier in his hand; the back ground represents a prospect of part of the adjacent country, to which the King is pointing, and from his mouth a scroll, inclosing a poetical decree in four lines of old German Text. All's free Make I thee As hearte can wishe Or eye can see. The whole minster is kept in so excellent a state of preservation, that one one might suppose the mason had just taken his tools away, or that the doors had been opened to day to gratify the eye of the spectator with what seems to have been only finished yesterday. This minster, very unlike that at York, stands at the extremity of the south part of the town, in an extensive close, with gravelled walks, arched over with stately-trees, divested of the disgraceful incumbrances of paltry houses and ragged tenements which invest the latter stately fabric, and its beautiful Chapter-House. Mr. Ward has also forgot to mention, that the model of Mr. Thornton's engine, that drew up the stupendous wall of the north aisle of Beverly minster, which had swerved so far out of the perpendicular, is deposited in the mansion-house of York, well executed in wood, and worthy the attention of every mechanist. TYNMOUTH. This watering place lies eight miles to the north east of Newcastle, in Northumberland; it is only a small village, composed of little more than one tolerable street of lowly houses; being in a plentiful country, a visitor may indulge himself and enjoy the advantage of bathing here more reasonable than at any other place of the kind. The inhabitants, who possess the lodging houses and let them to the visitors, are humble, and seldom extortionate; tortionate; it is said that there are sharks upon this coast, but there are noné so ravenous as the great shark on the parade at Margate in Kent, who extends his wide and avaricious jaws with rapacious, eagerness whenever he hears of a hoy coming into harbour, freighted with London gudgeons, who have fattened their sides while they have been gliding about, and busying themselves for eight or nine months on the muddy banks of the river Thames, between Westminster and London Bridges; this land-shark employs himself for three or four months in the summer with gutting the gudgeons in question, and, after depriving them of all the substance of their well-clad ribs, spurns them with contempt, and sends them home again in as pitiable a state, as so many shotten herrings. The The bathing at Tynmouth is comfortable and convenient, being sheltered by an amphitheatre of lofty rocks, divided at the distance of about two hundred yards from each other, and about three hundred yards to the extremity of the rocks, which run parallel and open to the great German ocean. You are never anuoyed by the wind but when it sets in from the east, being defended from all the other points by the rocks; the sands are delectable to the feet, being more divested of pebbles or rubbish than any other bathing place. On the point of one of the rocks are the beautiful and extensive ruins of Tynmouth-Abbey, built in the reign of King Athelstone, near to which stands the castle, both commanding an ex tensive |