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النشر الإلكتروني


for the purpose of celebrating the Jubilee according to the above plan, and transmit their Contributions to the Sunday School Union."

The Committee further resolved that "the money thus raised should be applied to encourage the erection of additional permanent buildings adapted for Sunday Schools, which may also be suitable for Infant or Day Schools, and for the promotion of Sunday School Missions."

According to the arrangements thus previously made, on Wednesday, September the 14th, the majority of children attached to the Sunday Schools throughout the metropolis, assembled at various places of worship, and were suitably addressed by their respective pastors, after which they returned to their destinations, and were plentifully supplied with suitable refreshments, and in most cases, we believe, with some apt memorial of the day. The principal meeting was that of the Western District of London, which took place at Exeter Hall, in the Strand, where they mustered to the number of nearly 5,000. A few minutes after ten o'clock, every part of the large room was crowded to excess; and several schools being excluded, from the want of space, the lower room was immediately filled; and as, even then, great numbers remained unaccommodated, the remainder were conducted to Orange-street Chapel. It is not easy to describe the scene which presented itself on this occasion. The extensive hall was completely filled in every corner by neatly dressed children, whose healthy looks, cheerful countenances, and decent order, as it must have been highly grateful to the teachers and supporters of the various schools, was a living, speaking commentary on the vast utility of Sunday School Institutions.

At half-past ten the religious services commenced. The children sang a hymn, which had been composed for the occasion by Mrs. Gilbert. An impressive prayer was then offered up by the venerable Dr. Winter, in which he earnestly invoked the Divine blessing on this embryo of the future church. The Rev. Dr. Morison, of Brompton, then delivered an address to the children, founded upon Jeremiah iii. 4. "Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth?" The majority of the children were very attentive. A hymn, composed by J. Montgomery, Esq. of Sheffield, was then sung, and the services closed by prayer.

In the evening, a public meeting of the teachers was held in the same hall. The chain was to be taken at six o'clock; but


as, long before that period, the great hall, and every avenue leading to it, was crowded to a dangerous excess, the lower room, as well as the chapel in Crown-court, Drury lane, were engaged, and also filled ; several ministers volunteering their services to ad dress the audiences collected. At six o'clock the chair was taken by Lord Henley, and, as soon as order could be established, the services were commenced. The 2d of the Jubilee Hymns was given out by the Rev. Mr. Belsher, of Chelsea, after which prayer was offered by the Rev. R. H. Shepherd of Pimlico. The assembly was then addressed by the chairman and various other speakers. The meeting continued until about nine o'clock, and, although crowded almost to suffocation, the utmost harmony and order prevailed.20

The speakers were heard with #deepo attention; and the heat was borne by the assembly, without any symptoms of a wish to see the meeting concluded. ***

It was stated by Mr. Lloyd, whose por. trait and memoir appear in this number of the Imperial Magazine, that one thousand pounds had been already raised in the me tropolis alone towards the great objects for! which the contributions were solicited, in dependently of collections to be made that! evening both in town and country. The same gentleman also observed, that American papers, lately received, had announced, that the Sunday School Union throughout the United States, had also resolved to celebrate this remarkable Jubilee.

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By J. I. Briscoe, Esq., M. D.,. it was stated, that 100,000 teachers were now engaged in instructing 1,000,000 of children, which could not fail to convince every un prejudiced person, that truth and order were likely to make great progress throughout the country.

It was remarked by Dr. Morison, that the 3,000 persons at that moment present, were engaged every week in teaching to 30,000 children in London and its vicinity, the great truths of our common christianity, and that the multitudes of children assembled in the morning would not have listened to what was delivered with the attention they manifested, if some serious impressions had not been made on their minds.

After the momentary tumult which marked its commencement, had subsided, this meeting was deeply interesting in all its proceedings and details. We are not aware of one individual having expressed any dissatisfaction; and many would rejoice to have an opportunity of witnessing, every year, the name of Robert Raikes inscribed on the tablet of immortality. "

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THE island of Corfu, the capital of which bears the same name, is situated at the mouth of the Adriatic. It is about 45 miles long, and 24 broad, and contains a population of about 50,000 souls. It was anciently known under the names Scheria, Phaacia, Corcyra, and Deprano. In the best days of Greece, the Corcyrians formed a powerful republic. In succeeding times this island belonged to the king of Naples; it was afterward sold to the Venetians for 30,000 ducats. These maintained a fleet of galleys in the port, and a strong garrison to defend this and the neighbouring islands. In 1797, it was ceded to the French republic, by the treaty of Campo Formio; but, in 1799, it was surrendered by capitulation, to the united forces of the Turks and Russians. At the treaty of Tilsit, in 1807, it was again ceded to France; but by the treaty of Vienna it was placed under the protection of Great Britain, and it now forms part of the republic of the Seven Islands. The air

is salubrious; the land in general fertile, though some mountainous parts are barren; and the fruit is excellent. Citrons, oranges, and grapes of a most delicious flavour, honey, wax, and oil, are abundant. Salt, however, forms a great source of its wealth, and of the employment of the people.

Yet with all these revolutions, this change of masters, and these natural advantages, the city had no water besides what was collected in tanks, or brought on the backs of asses, and, as a natural consequence, the supply was both scanty and bad. Not one of its mighty conquerors or negotiators attempted to avail himself of its natural and inviting facilities, for introducing a stream of this salubrious fluid, until it fell into the hands of the British. These, however, with true characteristic ingenuity, industry, and genuine patriotism, have lately surmounted every obstacle, and nobly supplied the deficiency.

On the 7th of August, 1831, the city of Corfu was one scene of rejoicing, on account of its being the first day that the water was introduced, in iron pipes, from a distance

cession, by the senate, the lord high commissioner, the military, and the principal inhabitants. In the evening, the city,

esplanade, &c. were splendidly illuminated; while from the windows were hung the "gilded tapestries," which rendered the whole spectacle exceedingly magnificent.7 To persons who have always been favoured with an abundance of pure water, this may appear an ostentatious parade; but the vast population of a city, whose ancestors, for all past generations, had been compelled to purchase a supply that was both scanty and bad, well knew how to estimate the value of this important acquisition. We have more reason to be amazed, that while "the mighty troublers of the earth" were alert to drench conquest_with blood, no efforts should be made to introduce this necessary article; and, to the honour of our country, from which the iron pipes were sent, it will be recorded in the archives of the island, that water was first brought to the city of Corfu by the English, through the application of their superior skill in the mechanic arts.


Tradition of the Red Sea.-The superstition of the neighbourhood (a point referred to in the Red Sea, remarkable for the furious gusts to which it is almost continually subject) ascribes it to a supernatural, and not to any physical cause; for this being, according to received tradition, the spot where the chosen people under Moses passed over, the ignorant imagine that, since it was also here that the host of Pharaoh was swallowed up, their restless spirits still remain at the bottom of the deep, and are continually busied in drawing down mariners to their destruction; a notion so received among all the seafaring people along that coast, that it would be quite in vain. to argue against it.-Adventures of Giovanni Finati.

A Thirsty People. According to a parliamentary return, just printed, there are 5,419 brewers in England, 182 in Scotland, and 207 in Ireland-total, 5,808. There are 47,898 licensed victuallers in England, and 16,750 in Scotland-no return respecting Ireland. There are in England 26,291 persons licensed for general sale of beer (namely, chiefly" beer shops," in addition to 48,000 pnblicans!) besides 23,682 vic tuallers who brew their own beer; and besides 11,432 persons licensed for the general sale, who brew their own beer; making upwards of 130,000 licensed manufacturers and venders of beer!

Cathedral Service.-The choral service now used in our Cathedrals was first introduced into England at Canterbury, to which place it was for many years confined. Johannes Damascenus says, that at the funeral of the Virgin Mary, the apostles, assisted by angels, continued singing her requiem for three whole days incessantly.

Rules of the Protestant Methodists relating to Insolventu Debtors.-1st. If any of our members become ine solvent, and make an assignment, or become baukrupts, or take the benefit of any legislative act, by which they shall not pay their creditors their full de

of about six miles. In a square, a temple mands, the leaders' meeting shall depute two from

their own body, or, if deemed more proper, two other persons who are members of the society, to inquire into such cases, in order that the character of an up

right, but unfortunate, member, may be satisfactorily

was erected, from the centre of which, to the astonishment of the inhabitants, a large column of pure water, fifteen feet high, suddenly issued forth. The burst of joy, which the appearance of the stream excited, cannot easily be described. The bishop, at the head of his clergy, solemnly blessed it. These were accompanied in the pro- Magazine the god v hudio bus 20

established, and that those who are guilty of dishonesty may be expelled from us. 2d. If any of our members who have failed in business shall, by the blessing of God, afterwards acquire sufficient property to enable them to pay off their former deficiencies, they shall, in order to prove their integrity, be required, on pain of expulsion, to do so as soon as possible; because no man ought to withhold that which is another's, when it is in his power to repay it.-Protestant Methodis


Division of Land.+In Peru, under the Incas, all the lands capable of cultivation were divided into three unequal shares. One was consecrated to the Sun, and its produce applied to religious purposes; another to the Inca, and was set apart as the provision made by the community for the support of government; the third, and largest, for the maintenance of the people, among whom it was parcelled out. No person, however, had an exclusive property in his portion, but possessed it only for a year, when a new division was made in proportion to the increase and exigencies of each family.

Largest Diamonds.-One of the largest of undoubted diamonds is that mentioned by Tavernier, in the possession of the Great Mogul. It is of a fine rosecolour, somewhat resembles a half hen's egg in form and size, and, being weighed by Tavernier, was found to be 297 nine-sixteenths carats, or about 860 grains, (156 carats form about an ounce troy.) It has been valued at 624,9627, according to Mr. Jefferies' rule. and was discovered about the year 1550, in the mine of Colore, in Bengal, not far to the east of Golconda, It has been stated that the handle of the sabre of the Dey of Algiers is resplendant with diamonds, and his turban adorned with the most magnificent brilliants. The rajah of Mattan, in the island of Borneo, possesses a diamond, which was found there upwards of fifty years ago. It is shaped like an egg, with an indented hollow near the smaller end, said to be of the finest water, and weighs 367 carats; and, allowing 156 carats to the ounce troy, is two ounces 169.87 grains troy. Many years ago, the governor of Batavia tried to effect its purchase, and sent Mr. Stewart to the rajah, offering 150,000 dollars, two large war brigs, with their guns and ammunition, and a considerable quantity of powder and shot. The rajah, however, it appears, refused to despoil his family of so rich an inheritance, to which the Malays, indeed, superstitionsly attach the miraculous power of curing all kinds of diseases by means of the water in which the diamond is dipped, and with it they believe the fortune of the family is connected. The history of the diamond which studs the sceptre of Russia is not a little remarkable. It formed, for a long time, the solitary eye of an Indian idol, and was ultimately dislodged from its socket by an Irish soldier, by whom it was sold for a trifle; and, after passing through the hands of several masters, it was sent to England to be cut; and seems to have been finally sold to the empress Catherine of Russia, in 1775, at Amsterdam, for 90,000, an annuity of 40007., and a patent of nobility. It is of the size of a pigeon's egg, and of a flattened oval form; it is a faultless and perfect gem, and without a flaw of any kind its weight is stated at 179 carats.

Colours of Diamonds. Of a light yellow, passing into wine colour, and thence through cinnamon brown, into almost black; also, pale green, passing into yellowish green; bluish gray, passing into Prussian blue; and pink, passing into rose red. Sometimes ferruginous specks are found in the diamond. Occasionally, though rarely, the diamond may possess more than one tint, as partly blue, partly yellow, and partly opalescent; and I am informed there are partycoloured diamonds among the jewels in the treasury of the Brazils. The value of the diamond is much enhanced if pink, blue, or green, and eagerly sought after; on the other hand, yellow-coloured diamonds are of inferior value. I am informed that his late royal highness the Duke of York possessed a diamond almost approaching to jet black, of peculiar beauty and brilliancy. It was valued at about 80007. I have seen brown diamonds of different shades of intensity. -Murray's Memoir.

New Stage Coach Bill.-This bill repeals so much of the 50th Geo. III, as relates to luggage on the roof, and enacts, that it shall not be lawful to carry luggage, which, including the height of the stage coach from the ground, shall reach higher than ten feet. That every stage coach shall have a bolt or fastening inside the door, and the driver shall lock or drag the wheel, when required to do so by any passenger, or forfeit not more than 5., nor less than 40s.

Lottery. The first Lottery in England was drawn in the year 1569. It consisted of 40,000 lots, at 10s. a lot; the prizes were plate, and the profits were to go towards repairing the havens of the kingdom. It was drawn at the west door of St. Paul's Cathedral, drawing began on the 11th of January, and continued night and day till the 6th of May following.


Brazilian Morality and Benevolence. It is highly creditable to the citizens of Rio, that no native beggars are ever seen in their streets. The only persons of that class I ever was accosted by, were foreign sailors, particularly English and North Americans, who often attacked me, complaining rudely that they were out of employment; they had all the appearance of being worthless, intemperate fellows, whose poverty was their own fault. All the natives in distress are fed and clothed by the different irmandades of citi


zens, or by the convents; and it is a pleasing sight to see the steps of religious edifices filled, at stated times, with poor people, disabled by age or infirmity, and the good Samaritans walking among them, distributing food and raiment as they require them. It is also much to be commended, that no women of bad character are ever seen in the streets, either by day or night, so as to be known as such. The decency and decorum of this large town, in this respect, is parti cularly striking to those who have been accustomed to the awful display of licentiousness which besets them in the streets and public places of Paris and London. Dr. Walsh's Notices of Brazil.

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Locke's Monument.-On Wednesday, February 15,! 1831, a meeting of the subscribers to a fund for the erection of a monument to John Locke, the author of the Essay on the Human Understanding, &c. was held at the Freemason's Tavern. The subscription for the undertaking commenced in the year 1808, when a small sum was collected. In 1816 the amount in hand was 4551. 8s. 6d., which was invested in the funds, and, with the accumulations, now amounted to 8461. 6s. 3d. In consequence of the large sums demanded for fees, the monument conld not be erected in St. Paul's Cathedral or Westminster Abbey; and it was therefore proposed, that it should be placed in the Hall of the London University, to which, it was stated, there would be no objection. The monument is to be similar to that of Lord Erskine, in Lincoln'sInn Hall, the expense of which was 12007.

Curious Epitaph.-In an ancient manuscript deposited: in the British Museum, is the following copy of a curious epitaph, said to be inscribed on a plain marble stone, in memory of an eccentric being, who filled the office of postmaster to the town of Salzwedel, in the parish church of which place he was buried: "Traveller! hurry not, as if you were going posthaste; in the most rapid journey, you must stop at the post-house! Here repose the bones of Mathias Schulzen, the most humble and most faithful postmaster, for upwards of twenty-five years, of his majesty Frederick, King of Prussia. He arrived, 1655; by, holy baptism, he was marked on the post-map for the celestial land of Canaan. He afterwards travelled with distinction in life's pilgrimage, by walking courses in the schools and universities. He carefully performed his duties as a Christian, and when the

letter of divine consolation, His body, however, ulof misfortune came, he behaved according to the timately, being enfeebled, he was prepared to attend the signal given by the post of death, when his soul f set off on her pleasing journey for paradise, the 2d of June, 1711, and his body afterwards was committed to this silent tomb. Reader, in thy pilgrimage be mindful of the prophetic post of death

An English Pope.-Nicholas Breakspear, the only Englishman that ever sat in St. Peter's chair, was born near St. Albans. He was anxious to become a monk, but was rejected on account of his ignorance. He went to Paris, and there applied diligently to his studies. After being chosen Abbot of St. Rufus, in Provence, he was advanced to the bishopric of Alba, in the year 1146, and soon after to the dignity of cardinal in the year 1154 he was elected Pope. It is a 2 remarkable circumstance, that it was from this man that Henry II. obtained a grant of the kingdom of Ireland.


Saintly Patronage. From an advertisement in a Spanish newspaper, I took the following singular! heading, in relation to the religious ceremonies of the day. To-morrow, being Friday, will be celebrated the feast of the glorious martyr, San Poncio, advocated and protector against bed-bugs (abogado contra las chinches.) There will be mass all the morning, and at seven o'clock will take place the blessing of branches and flowers, in honour of the aforesaid saint." The branches and flowers thus blessed are doubtless found efficacious in preserving houses from these irksome tenants, and so form a convenient substitute for the troublesome care of cleanliness.-A Year in Spain. § |

Spectre of Brighton Cliff, and those walking on it, seen in the air.-"Walking on the cliff," says Dr. Buchan, "about a mile to the east of Brighton, on the morning of the 18th of November, 1804, while watching the rising of the sun, I turned my eyes directly towards li the sea, just as the solar disc emerged from the surface of the water, and saw the face of the cliff on which I was standing represented precisely opposite to me, at some distance on the ocean. Calling the attention of my companion to this appearance, we soon also discovered our own figures standing on the sum, mit of the opposite apparent cliff, as well as the representation of a windmill, near at hand. The reflected images were most distinct precisely opposite to where we stood; and the false cliff seemed to fade away, and to draw near to the real one, in proportion as it re ceded towards the west. This phenomenon lasted about ten minutes, till the sun had risen nearly his own f diameter above the sea. The whole then seemed to be elevated into the air, and successively disappeared,

like the drawing up of a drop-scene in a theatre. The surface of the sea was covered with a dense fog, of many yards in height, and which gradually receded before the rays of the sun."-Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, Vol. XIX. Treatise on Optics, by Dr. Brewster.

Fata Morgana.-The celebrated "fata morgana," which is seen in the straits of Messina, and which for many centuries astonished the vulgar, and perplexed philosophers, is obviously a phenomenon of this kind. A spectator on an eminence in the city of Reggio, with his back to the sun, and his face to the sea, and when the rising suu shines from that point whence its incident ray forms an angle of about 45° on the sea of Reggio, sees upon the water numberless series of pilasters, arches, castles, well-delineated regular columns, lofty towers, superb palaces, with balconies and windows, villages and trees, plains with herds and flocks, armies of men on foot and on horseback, all passing rapidly in succession on the surface of the sea. These same objects are, in particular states of the atmosphere, seen in the air, though less vividly; and when the air is hazy and dewy, they are seen on the surface of the sea, vividly coloured, or fringed with all the prismatic colours.-Ibid.

The French Coast seen quite perfectly at Hastings, as if through a Telescope.-On the 26th of July, 1798, at Hastings, at five, P. M., Mr. Latham saw the French coast, which is about forty or fifty miles distant, as distinctly as through the best glasses. The sailors and fishermen could not at first he persuaded of the reality of the appearance; but as the cliffs gradually appeared more elevated, they were so convinced, that they pointed out and named to Mr. Latham the dif ferent places they had been accustomed to visit: such as the bay, the windmill at Boulogne, St. Vallery, and other places on the coast of Picardy. All these places appeared to them as if they were sailing at a small distance into the harbour. From the eastern cliff, or hill, Mr. Latham saw at once Dungeness, Dover cliffs, and the French coast, all the way from Calais, Boulogne, on to St. Vallery, and, as some of the fishermen affirmed, as far as Dieppe. The day was extremely hot, without a breath of wind, and objects at some distance appeared greatly magnified.-Ibid.

Literary Notices.

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