studied medicine, visited the continent, obtained a diploma at Leyden, gained eminence in his profession, and finally devoted his time and talents to the infant science of vaccination, of which he remained the invariable friend, until death terminated his career of usefulness, and inscribed his reputation on the pedestal of fame. So far as his religious views were developed, he appears to have embraced the principles of the Quakers. Of this people he assumed the dress, and adopted the language, but was never received into their society. The reason assigned on their part seems to have arisen from some suspicions having been entertained, that he was not sound in the faith; and from various expressions found in his writings, gleaned from his conversation, and gathered from the known infidelity of many with whom he associated, the evidence of his scepticism is but too apparent. This fact his biographer does not attempt to deny; and the apology he finds for this theological aberration, is derived from Dr. Walker's mental eccentricities, his peculiar habits, originality of character, and the duplicity which he discovered in the conduct of many who professed to be guided by pure Christian principles. To the benevolence of his feelings, his universal philanthropy, and stern integrity of character on all occasions, Dr. Epps bears the most unequivocal testimony; and the instances which are adduced in favour of this amiable disposition, appear in almost every page of this volume. From these materials, taken in connexion with their various episodes and ramifications, enlivened by anecdote and illustrated by facts, the biographer has produced an intelligent and entertaining book. The talents of Dr. Walker appear in a very commanding light; and from the incidents recorded, we cannot but infer, that he was an acute observer of men and manners, and that his philosophic eye was ever open to watch passing events. We are not, however, left to derive this character of the deceased, from the friendship of his biographer. Numerous passages selected from Dr. Walker's writings furnish an evidence that cannot be suspected of partiality. These are scattered in pleasing profusion throughout the volume, and are so arranged that they at once relieve and illustrate the progress of detail. The following specimens are strictly characteristic of the people whom they describe. "An Englishman's soul seems generally to be Jocked up deeper within him than that of other people. I believe none excel him in generous acts, when his feelings are once stirred up; but he does not appear to possess that prompt sympathy, to feel that ready interest, which others seem to do, on seeing a new face, or even a new object. Of all people in the world, the French are, perhaps, the most ready in feeling an interest in every thing which presents itself to them. Ask two Frenchmen the road, and the answer shall be given by them both at once, with an earnestness that might induce one to suppose that the traveller passing them, had engaged all their thoughts, and that they had been watching for the opportunity of the gratification of speaking to him. I have made similar inquiries of an Irishman, his soul seemed to rush into his eye, and he made his answers with an eagerness and a joy, that one would be ready to think would put him out of breath. "Let a flower fall in the way of two French people, and they will take it up, turn it about, and be sure to discover peculiar beauties in it. The colonrs will be charming, the odour agreeable, the form elegant, the stem and leaves delicate, &c. Every thing that meets their eye seems to claim their attention or their sympathies. Passing hastily a print-shop in Amsterdam, I saw French soldiers, officers and privates, looking in at the window, but this did not content thein. They were in argument criticising the prints aloud, in the public street, "I once saw a French emigrant priest looking at the frontispiece of a book on cookery in a bookseller's window in London, and remarked to him, that in his country the greatest attention had been paid to the art of cookery. "Yes," said he," and that rabbit is not rightly skewered. You see how it is disfigured, by its forelimbs being forced back, and raised above its shoulders. They should have been put in this attitude," said he, gently raising his hands before his breast, and crossing them with the palms forward."-pp. 172-4. Of the low estimate in which human life is held among the Turks, the reader may judge from the following incidents. "It lately happened, in a little dispute at the camp, that a Turk stabbed an Arab; on which occasion the British commander-in-chief remonstrated to the Captain Paeha, who ordered the soldier to be taken to the village to be beheaded. The British general proposed to wait the issue of the wound of the Arab, who eventually recovered, and the life of the Turk was spared. "What horror and detestation were excited in a young officer of cavalry of my acquaintance, who was stationed at the Vizier's encampment near Boulah. He sees from his tent one Turk lead out another into an open space, and deliberately draw one of his long pistols from his belt, present it to the other's side, and immediately fire it: the man drops, struggles, and kicks in great agony for some time, when his executioner, or assassin, without discomposing himself, or being at all in a hurry, with another pistol, very deliberately shoots him through the head, and leaves him. While this was going on, Turkish soldiers were lying about on the ground, smoking their pipes, and just turned their heads to see what was passing, but without getting up, or giving over smoking. The body lay exposed, till it became offensive in the sun, but had the effect of making the groups of Turkish soldiers who passed that way, to stop and make some sort of remarks in their beautiful musical language, but which the officer did not understand."-p. 178. On occurrences, persons, and national characteristics, similar incidents and observations might be selected in great variety, and extended to an almost indefinite length; but for these we must refer to the volume, which the reader will peruse with a considerable degree of interest. "The biography will show the characteristics of an original mind, the methods of its working, CELESTIAL PHENOMENA. GLEANINGS. the victories gained by perseverance, the envies of the narrow-minded, the presumptions of ignorance, and the power of moral principle." In Dr. Epps the deceased has found an able biographer, whom we can strongly recommend to the reader, as an entertaining and intelligent author. To the interest which the simple narrative is calculated to excite, the incidents adduced to elucidate sentiment and principle, make a considerable addition. The language is sometimes distinguished by a pleasing quaintness, and a peculiar combination of words, which strongly indicate that it is the production of an original mind, recording the enterprising movements of a congenial spirit. CELESTIAL PHENOMENA. May, 1831. THE Sun enters Gemini on the 21st, at 6 minutes past 9 in the evening; his semidiameter on the 1st, is 15 minutes, 53 seconds, and 5 tenths; and on the 25th, 15 minutes, 48 seconds, and 7-tenths. The Moon enters her last quarter on the 5th, at 35 minutes past 3 in the morning. She is new on the 11th, at 1 minute past 12 at night; enters her first quarter on the 18th, at 12 minutes past 4 in the afternoon; and is full on the 26th, at 4 in the afternoon. She passes near Jupiter on the 5th, about 4 in the afternoon. On the 21st, at 45 minutes, 20 seconds, past 9 in the evening, she is in conjunction with the star 1 y Virginis, which will prove an occultation in London. The planet Mercury arrives at his greatest elongation on the 3d, and passes his inferior conjunction on the 26th, at 30 minutes past 12 at noon. Venus is a beautiful object in the western hemisphere, her path lies above Aldebaran and the Hyades, between the Bull's horns, and to the north of the feet of Gemini. Mars is also observed in the western hemisphere, and to the east of Venus; he is overtaken by her on the 31st, about 4 in the afternoon it will be highly interesting for the observer to notice the progress of these planets through the constellations Taurus and Gemini, and the difference of velocity between the two. The noble planet Jupiter is situated in the constellation Capricornus; he is in quadrature with the Sun on the 12th; at 30 minutes past 11 in the morning there is a visible immersion of his 3d Satellite, which takes places on the 30th, at 31 minutes 6 seconds past 1 in the morning. Saturn is situated in the constellation Leo; he is in quadrature with the Sun on the 16th, at 30 minutes past 11 in the evening. The Geor 247 gian planet' is situated in the Goat, and is in quadrature with the Sun on the 5th, at 45 minutes past 4 in the afternoon. (GLEANINGS. Magna Charta.-Sir Robert Cotton, happening to call at his tailor's, discovered that the man held in his hand the identical Magna Charta, with all its seals and appendages, which he was just going to cut into measures for his customers. The baronet redeemed this valuable curiosity at the price of old parchment, and thus recovered what had long been supposed to have been irretrievably lost. It is now preserved in the British Museum. Temperance.-A much greater number of diseases originate from irregularities in eating than in drinking; and we commit more errors with regard to the quantity than in the quality of our aliment. * * There is no instance on record, of any person having injured his health or endangered his life by drinking water with his meals; but wine, beer, and spirits, have generated a much greater number and diversity of patients than would fill all the hospitals in the world. Dr. Willich on Diet and Regimen. Smoking.-The saliva serves the important purpose of mixing and preparing the food for the stomach; hence it ought not to be unnecessarily squandered by frequent spitting. The strange custom of smoking tobacco is on that account extremely hurtful, as it weakens the organs of digestion, deprives the body of many useful fluids, and has a direct tendency to emaciate it, particularly in young persons, and those of lean and dry fibres. To these it is the more detrimental, that it promotes not only the spitting of saliva, but likewise other evacuations. The practice not only vitiates the digestion, but impairs the understanding, and stupifies the powers of the mind.Dr. Willich. Mode of destroying Docks.-It is but little known that there is no occasion to draw docks out by the root; if the crowns are cut off, an inch or two below the surface, in the same way as you would cut the tops of carrots and parsnips to keep them from sprouting, they will not grow again. The best tool for the purpose is a turnip-hoe, one made something like a carpenter's adze-with which it may be done much faster than with a dock-spud. Primroses. It is a curious fact, that no primroses grow at Cockfield, Suffolk; the oldest villagers say not a root has been seen since the dreadful massacre of the Danes!-others, maintain that a plague occasioned the phenomenon! The hedgerows in the extreme boundaries of other contiguous parishes appear decorated in the proper season with primroses like "so many stars in the canopy of heaven,' but, in the fatal soil of Cockfield, the "modest primrose" sickens and dies. " Economy.-Live not in the country without corn and cattle about thee; for he that putteth his hand to the purse for every expense of household, is like him that keepeth water in a sieve: and what provision thou shalt want, learn to buy it at the best hand, for there is one penny saved in four, betwixt buying in thy need, and when the markets and seasons serve fittest for it.-Lord Burghley. Pandora's Box.-The Prince of Piedmont was not quite seven years old, when his preceptor, Cardinal (then Father) Glendel, explained to him the fable of Pandora's Box. He told him that all the evils which afflict the human race were shut up in that fatal box, which Pandora, tempted by curiosity, opened, when they immediately flew out, and spread themselves over the surface of the earth. "What, father!" said the young Prince, "were all the evils shut up in that box?" "Yes," answered the preceptor. "That cannot be," replied the Prince, "since curiosity tempted Pandora; and that evil, which could not have been in it, was not the least, since it was the origin of all." Russia.-The state of intellect must be somewhat of the most abject, in an empire where it is necessary to issue official injunctions for the observance of a law enacting, that "no persons who cannot read or write shall be appointed to civil offices." Such injunctions were positively promulgated at Petersburgh on the 2d ult. Kidley Wink.-One hundred and forty public houses are opened within three miles of Stroud, under the New Beer Act. They are called "Kidley Winks." It was a gentleman in the neighbourhood of London who suggested to the Chancellor of the Exchequer the idea of small breweries; his name is Kidley Wink: hence the term "Kidley Wink," applied to the new beer shops. Hours of Labour Bill.-The bill for regulating the hours of working, in cotton and other factories and mills, has been printed. All the former acts are repealed, and, by the present it is provided, that after the first of August next, no person under eighteen years of age shall be allowed to work, between the hours of seven in the evening and six in the morning, in any mill or factory where steam or water power is used at any description of work whatsoever. No person under eighteen years of age to be employed in working more than eleven and a half hours a day, and only eight hours and a half on Saturday, having, at least, half an hour to breakfast, and an hour to dinner. No child below nine years of age is to be employed in any description of work in such factories. In cases of mills being destroyed by fire, leave is given, for eighteen months hereafter, to employ the persons previously employed in such mills for ten hours during the night in any other mill. Justices being proprietors of mills, or the fathers or sons of proprietors, are not qualified to act. Factories, &c. are to be washed inside once a year with quick lime and water. Informations are to be given within two months, and the summons may be served on the manager or clerk of the mill; and two justices are empowered to convict parties who are proved to have had their engines or water wheels in operation more than eleven hours and a half a day. No appeal is allowed. All factories are to be registered yearly. Attendance of witnesses can be compelled under the penalty of three months' imprisonment; and the penalties for a breach of the act are from £10 to £20, one half being payable to the complainer. Food.-The following statement shows the proportion of nutriment contained in various articles of food: Greens and turnips contain eight pounds in the 100; carrots 14lbs. in the 100; potatoes, 25lbs. in the 100; butchers' meat, sorted, about 55lbs. in the 100; wheaten bread 80lbs. in the 100; broad beans, 89lbs. in the 100; peas, 93lbs. in the 100; lentils, 94lbs. in the 100; French beans in grain, from 92lbs. to 94lbs. Neglected Merit-Strange as it may seem, "Robinson Crusoe" was hawked about through the trade as a work of neither mark nor likelihood, and at last accepted, as a proof of especial condescension, by an obscure retail bookseller. It is singular, but not less true--and we leave our readers to draw their own inference from the fact---that almost every book of any pretensions to originality has been similarly neglected. "Paradise Lost" with difficulty found a publisher, while the whole trade vied with each other in their eagerness to procure the works of such dull mechanical writers as Blackmore and Glover; "Gulliver's Travels" lay ten years in MS. for want of due encouragement from the booksellers; and in our own times, and in a lighter branch of literature, the Miseries of Human Life," and the still more ingenious" Rejected Addresses," were refused by the trade with indifference, if not contempt. To crown the list of works thus misunderstood, Sir Walter Scott has left it on record, that "Waverley" was actually declined three several times by the acutest publisher of his day; and at last ushered into the world, after it had lain twelve years unnoticed in its author's desk, with doubt, hesitation, and indifference.-Credite posteri! Monthly Magazine. Literary Notices. Just Published. Part III. of Baines's History of Lancashire. Part XXV. Portrait Gallery-The Duke of Sussex; Marquis Cornwallis; and Right Hon. John Philpot Curran. Part IX. of Views in the East. Fourteen Sermons, on various subjects, chiefly by celebrated Divines of the 16th century. Anti-Slavery Reporter, Nos. 78 and 79. Familiar Summary of the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, with an Appendix, containing Forms and Tables of Stamp-Duties, &c. &c. 18mo. The Laws Relating to Benefit Societies and Saving Banks; being a familiar Summary of the Two Consolidating Acts on these Subjects, with Notes. The Freemason's Pocket Companion, royal 32mo. The Life and Diary of the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, of Stirling, Father of the Secession Church. By the Rev. Donald Fraser, 12mo. with Portrait. Journal of a Voyage round the World; during the years 1821 to 1829, inclusive. By the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet, Esq. Compiled by James Montgomery, Esq. 2 Vols. 8vo. with numerous Engravings. Sketches of Irish Character. By Mrs. S. C. 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A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Dr. Andrew Thomson. By Dr. Chalmers. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, Vol. XVII.-Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Omnipotence, a Poem. By Richard Jarman. Temperance Society Record, No. Jan., Feb., March, April. The Deliverance of Switzerland, a Dramatic Poem. By H. C. Deaknis. Miss Turner's Life and Diary. By her Father. A Brief Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Charles. By the Rev. Edward Morgan, M.A. The Casket-Romance-History, &c. Part 1-3. The Music of the Church. By J. A. La Trobe, M.A. Universal Instruction. By Joseph Payne. The History of the Church of Christ in continuation of Milner. By John Scott, M.A. Letters to a Mother on the Care of her Infant. Epitome of English Literature, superintended by A. J. Valpy, M.A. Free Thoughts on the Spiritual interests of the Church of England. By a Layman. Portraits of the Royal Family, in Penmanship. By J. P. Hemm. In the Press. In One Volume 12mo., ornamented with a beautiful Portrait, engraved by Dean from a Picture by J. Jackson, Esq. R.A., The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., including Notices of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A. By the Rev. Richard Watson. A New Edition, in 1 Vol. small 8vo. of No Fiction. By the Rev. Andrew Reed. The System. A Tale of the West Indies. By Charlotte Elizabeth. A New Edition in 18mo. A New and Instructive Reader for Children. By Rev. Ingram Cobbin, A.M. By the same Author. Fables for Children; with numerous Engravings. A Picturesque Companion to Margate, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, and the parts adjacent. Letters on Prophetic Subjects, Part 1, by James H. Frere, Esq. Preparing for the Press. Ecclesiastical History of the first Eight Centuries, a Course of Lectures, by W. Jones, M.A. Vol. 1. Vol. 2, comprising a second Course, in continuation, will be published during the next winter. Gospel Truth, accurately stated and illustrated, by the Rev. James Hog, Thomas Boston, Ebenezer and Ralph Erskine, and others. Collected by John Brown, Minister of the Gospel, Whitburn. The Bridal Night; The First Poet; and other Poems. By Dugald Moore. A Second Edition of the Parson's Horn-Book. A System of Endowments for the Provident Classes in every Station of Life, exemplified by the Rules of the Southwell Endowment Society. By the Rev. John Thomas Becher, M.A. By J. F. Pennie, Author of the "Royal Minstrel," and other meritorious Works an Historical Drama, founded on the early periods of English history. Anniversary of the Protestant Society.-The Annual Meeting of the Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty, will be held at the City of London Tavern, on Saturday, May 14th, at eleven o'clock precisely: some distinguished Peer will preside. LONDON: PRINTED AT THE CAXTON PRESS, BY HI. FISHER, SON, AND CO. |