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النشر الإلكتروني

and, as might be expected, the parishioners had, in a great measure, attached themselves to Dissent. But a stirring Incumbent (the Rev. F. Bennett) had lately come into possession, and things-to use a Yankee phrase-had begun to go ahead.

"It was determined that the old church should come down, with the exception of the tower, and that a new building should be erected in its place. It was resolved to dispense with a Church-rate, and to rely on voluntary contributions. The villagers subscribed a number of small sums, amounting to £400: equivalent to the produce of a fourand-sixpenny rate. The Incorporated and the Diocesan Church Building Societies, granted £200 and £120 respectively; and about £400 was promised by various friends. Although £500 was still required to complete the nave, it was determined to commence the work without further delay. The walls were taken down, and at the same time an evidence of the extreme antiquity of the building was brought to light. Two very small openings, with semicircular heads, were discovered, one on each side of the sacrarium, exhibiting no traces of glazing, and internally deeply splayed. The extreme antiquity of these windows is proved, by the jamb of that on the south side having been cut away to make room for a Piscina, of Early Decorated character, by which it was completely blocked up. The existence of these openings, and also of two. Decorated lancet windows, in the church, was previously unknown. They were walled up, and thickly covered with plaster.

"Plans for the new edifice were prepared by Mr. Wyatt, the Diocesan architect. The original style of the body of the church was Early English the nave is to be in the same style. The chancel will be Early Decorated, and the side aisles Perpendicular, to correspond with the ancient tower, which still remains. The 5th of September was a bright and warm day, and the villagers of Shrewton were in a high state of excitement, watching the carriages which entered in rapid succession, with the families of the neighbouring Clergy and gentry, and clustering round the arch of evergreens erected in front of the solitary tower, the bells of which were pealing merrily. The Bishop arrived from Salisbury about three o'clock, and was received by the Incumbent, the churchwardens, and about thirty of the Clergy. The procession formed at the Vicarage, and passed through the tower to the site of the future altar, near which the massive foundationstone was suspended by stout ropes from the centre of a triangle. A poor man in the village had designed to construct a crown of flowers for the Bishop, but, at the suggestion of friends, had been induced to substitute for it an exceedingly gay and lively-looking mitre, which now occupied a conspicuous position above the triangle. A large assemblage, consisting of the parishioners, the school children, and visitors, filled the churchyard and site of the church. The service used for laying the foundation-stone was that published by Mr. Masters. At the conclusion of the 127th Psalm, the stone was lowered into its place, and the Bishop assisted the architect and builder in placing it, saying, 'In the faith of JESUS CHRIST we place this foundation-stone, in the Name of GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY GHOST.' The ceremony being concluded, the Hun

dredth Psalm was sung, and the Bishop, mounting upon a stone, commenced an extemporaneous address, which was delivered with great clearness, and must have been audible at a considerable distance.

"His lordship addressed himself successively to the several classes of which the congregation was composed. The children were reminded that they were specially interested in the new building, since, in the course of nature, they would enjoy its advantages longer than others. The donors were commended for their laudable undertaking, and exhorted to complete this house of GOD in a manner worthy the objects for which it was designed. The workmen were reminded of their duty to Him for whom they were working, and admonished to avoid all unholy words and actions. The parishioners in general were advised to make use of their new church, not only on Sunday, but on week days, agreeably with the intentions of their minister. They should preserve it in good order, as well as the surrounding churchyard in which reposed the bodies of those who had been temples of the HOLY GHOST. Brotherly love ought to be diligently cultivated. The parishioners must not expect perfection in the minister, nor the pastor in his flock. The foundation stone ought to remind them that CHRIST is the only sure foundation of hope and belief. The Bishop concluded by expressing a hope that he should have the happiness of meeting the congregation on a still more joyful occasion, namely, at the consecration. A collection was taken at the churchyard gate as the people separated, the amount of which was £26. 16s. 6d., raising the entire sum contributed to about £1,200. After the service, the Bishop, clergy, and a large number of ladies and gentlemen proceeded to the vicarage, at the adjoining village of Maddington, (also a part of Mr. Bennett's charge), where a supper was provided for the workmen, and a school-feast for the children. The present number of school-children in the two parishes is 185. The village band volunteered its services, and added greatly to the general hilarity. The church in Maddington was restored in 1846, under the auspices of Mr. Bennett, then curate of that parish; the chancel has been lately re-built; the Shrewton services have been transferred to Maddington while the building at Shrewton is progressing. The Bishop left, on his return homewards, about six o'clock, and his departure was announced by loud cheers, which his lordship in vain attempted to repress; altogether, the proceedings of the day were truly interesting and encouraging. It is important to note that the old parish church contained accommodation for only 168 persons, though the population is full 700; the new church will contain 370, in uniform open seats, all of which are to be free, and assigned from year to year by the churchwardens to the inhabitants of the parish. The entire cost will amount to nearly £2,000. The vicar and churchwardens earnestly entreat the sympathy and alms of those who have at heart the efficiency of the Church, to enable them to complete this holy and most important work."

In London, one more effort—and that on no ordinary scale is to be made to render church accommodation co-extensive with the needs of the population. The Bishop

of London, as usual, is a prominent mover in this laudable undertaking, and gives most liberal contributions. Three new churches are to be built in Paddington; one in Coventry Street, Haymarket; three in Clerkenwell; one in the parish of S. Andrew's, Holborn, at the expense of J. G. Hubbard, Esq., Governor of the Bank of England; whilst a former Governor, W. Cotton, Esq., is about to build one at his own expense in Limehouse. A committee has also been formed to consider how to meet the requirements of such overgrown parishes as S. Pancras, Whitechapel, Shoreditch, &c. All this is full of cheer, and our readers will no doubt pray that works, such as these, may in due time be carried out throughout the length and breadth of the land, that so the wilderness may blossom like a rose, and she that is now barren may become the mother of many children.

The work of church restoration is going on most satisfactorily. A fresh appeal is made for the completion of the parish church of S. Marychurch, Torquay, and we trust Mr. Watson will not appeal in vain. Mr. Hugall is doing his part in a most masterly manner, and from a careful examination of the already completed part, we are of opinion that Devonshire will have no parish church superior, and few equal, to the restored church of S. Marychurch.

The following account of a marriage celebrated according to rule, and for which we are indebted to the Guar dian, will be perused with interest by all our readers :


"On Tuesday, the 8th instant, the parishes of Farlington and Wymering, Hants, were the scene of much happy festivity on the occasion of the marriage of the Rev. Andrew Nugée, Rector of Widley-cumWymering, with the daughter of the Rev. E. T. Richards, Rector of Farlington. The unusual ringing of the simple little bells of Wymering, Widley, and Purbrook churches announced at an early hour the interest of the villagers in the event of the day. At Farlington the morning service was said at nine o'clock, after which, the doors of the church were obliged to be closed in consequence of the numbers of persons assembled from the above and neighbouring villages, anxious to witness the solemnity, of which they had been previously made aware by the publication of the banns. The fact that the marriage was about to connect the families of the pastors of two contiguous parishes heightened the interest of the day. At half-past ten the church doors were thrown open, when not more than half those

assembled in the road were enabled to find room in the church. By eleven the procession passed from the rectory on foot, followed by the bride, in a carriage attended by her father, who, after meeting the bridegroom at the church door, conducted her to the appointed place in the nave. The bride and bridegroom knelt in front, attended by Mrs. Richards, the Rev. George Nugée, and the train of bridemaids, all of whom duly knelt behind, awaiting with them the appearance of the clergy from the vestry. The Rev. C. B. Dalton, late rector of Lambeth, and chaplain to the Bishop of London, then read the Exhortation. The remainder of the service was performed by the Rev. G. W. Huntingford, Vicar of Littlemore, Oxford. Immediately after the blessing, which was given with imposition of hands, the whole bridal party proceeded to the altar, chanting the 128th Psalm. The marriage ceremony was immediately followed by the administration of Holy Communion to nearly a hundred persons; the sermon, after the Nicene Creed, being preached by the Rev. G. W. Huntingford from Eph. v. 32- This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning CHRIST and the Church.' The offertory, which amounted to £121 2s. 3d., was applied, according to notice from the altar, in aid of the funds of the school-house, which the rector is building close to the new, and, we lament to say, still unconsecrated, church of Purbrook. On leaving the church the path was strewed with flowers by twelve schoolgirls, tastefully dressed, from baskets made for the occasion. A large party, consisting of friends of both families, assembled at the wedding breakfast; a substantial repast was also prepared for the poor of both parishes. Under a booth erected near the rectory, and decorated with banners, flowers, &c., the parishioners of Farlington were entertained with the good old English fare of roast beef and plum pudding, to which succeeded cricket and various other games and pastimes, while the Wymering and Widley parishioners were regaled in the schoolroom in Cosham; the children in the afternoon, and the tradespeople, parents, &c., to the amount of a hundred, with a hot supper in the evening, portions being sent, as in the case of Farlington, to those who from old age or other causes could not attend. The Rev. Thos. Bagley, curate of Wymering, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom, which was responded to at some length, with most happy effect, by the Rev. George Nugée. On the following day prepara

tions were commenced for laying the foundation-stone of the new school at Purbrook, and the ceremony itself was performed by Mrs. Richards on Thursday, the service being said by Mr. Richards and Mr. Huntingford, the choir and whole company joining in the choral parts, and the meeting being addressed by the Rev. George Nugée and Henry Stevens, Esq. The weather was fair throughout-an omen, we may hope, of God's blessing on what called forth so much sympathy and kindly feeling, and was conducted in all respects in such a religious spirit.”

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THUS again Manuel Chrysolaras found himself on his way towards the harbour wall; but, the aspect of affairs was indeed changed. There was no longer the struggle to plant the scaling ladders on the one side, nor the almost superhuman efforts to throw them down on the other; the walls were comparatively deserted both by assailants and defenders; and the whole efforts of the Mahometan troops were directed against the Fanar gate, that very gate concerning which Sir Edward de Rushton had expressed so much anxiety on the preceding night. The woodwork of this gate, originally very strong, was now much decayed through its great age: it had been erected in the time of Latin domination, and had, occasionally since, been clamped and pieced, patched and plated, joined and riveted, till the original work was almost gone. But such a mass of junctions and patchings was ill calculated to resist a vigorous and persevering onset. This gate could not, of course, be attacked, till the Horn was in the hands of the invaders, and therefore, till the

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