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the 'Catholic' church of Smyrna (as above) means the orthodox church; that which continued in the true faith of CHRIST. 'Catholics' were those who upheld that faith against the attacks of those who wished to undermine it. S. Athanasius, for instance, writes of the Catholics' and Arians; S. Augustine of the 'Catholics' and Donatists, or the 'Catholics' and Pelagians; S. Jerome of the Catholics' and Luciferians. In every case some heresy or schism is contrasted with the name of Catholic.' And the whole church was, we are told by S. Cyril of Jerusalem, styled by that name, both because it taught the whole truth, without either exaggerating or concealing any part of it, and because it was intended, unlike the Jewish covenant, to be dispersed everywhere, and gather all men into its bosom."

The history of the term Protestant is traced in like manner. But to see the whole bearing of the question, the argument should be read entire; and we trust it will be by those who are in the habit of thinking that they distinguish themselves sufficiently, or with any degree of clearness, when they only call themselves Protestants.

Tractarianism no Novelty is the title which a warmhearted Manchester merchant has given to Dean Stanley's Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man. We are very glad to find laymen turning their attention to the theological stores of other days, and not being ashamed to avow their resolve to "seek the old paths." The notes that are added are worthy of high commendation; and if, in another edition, the preface is altered, Mr. Mandley will have the satisfaction of having edited. a very good book in a very creditable manner. It is neatly got up, and should be had by all those who wish for a copy of Dean Stanley's book.

Mr. BIDEN's Truths Maintained would have been more properly named, "Truths Assailed, and Error Defended;" for we have rarely met with a book so replete with erroneous and false doctrine. Mr. Biden, we doubt not, is a very honest, good man; but if he lives until he sees

the reformation he contemplates accomplished, we should not have the slightest objection to have an annuity terminable with his life. We hope none of our readers will buy the book, or be induced by the title to think that the faith of the Catholic Church will be there found.

Far different is a volume of sermons by Mr. COMPER, which we welcome from Scotland, published by desire of the Bishop of S. Andrew's, Dunkeld, and Dunblane. It is a long time since we have read a volume of sermons so well adapted to set forth the true doctrines of the Church, and to prove an admirable guide to those who wish to know what those doctrines really are.

War: a Few Words to Soldiers and Sailors, by the Rev. M. W. MAYOW, should be put into the hand of every soldier and sailor who is now going out.

Some Account of the Church, by the Rev. W. GRESLEY, bears the character of all this reverend gentleman's works. Mr. Gresley is well known as a practical man, and people always expect common-sense views from him; and in the present instance they will not be disappointed.

We welcome with sincere pleasure Dr. MOBERLY'S able work, the Law of the Love of GOD, (D. Nutt,) written in simple and attractive language, breathing in every line loyal attachment to our Church, and refuting the various antagonists that impugn her teaching. We can cordially recommend it to our readers. Never, perhaps, has an exposition of the First Table of the Decalogue been given in words so comprehensive and forcible as the following summary :

"The First Law teaches man the true philosophy of heaven and earth, the real secret of contentment and peace in the midst of all the troubles and inequalities of the world. It gives him an anchor of the soul, out of himself, on which it rides, safe and steadfast.

"The Second Law comes in to strengthen him in his weak

ness. It warns him that GOD wills him to be brave in His worship, not to crave more light or sensible help than He has given. It shows him the One Mediator between GOD and man, and bids him be content and faithful.

"The Third Law shows him how GOD, the invisible and heavenly, has placed Himself in various sacred ways amid men: first, and mainly, by becoming GOD with us in the Incarnation, then by taking the Church, His Body, into Himself; and then, by imparting in that Church the sanctity of inspired words, guarded creeds, delegated powers, methods of sacred communion, and all the other ways, before described, of planting His Name upon the earth.

"The Fourth Law, covering in its commemorations, past and future, the whole ground of the all-merciful dealings of GOD to man, and covering, in like manner, the whole ground of man's yearly, monthly, weekly living, with all its details of observance, order, and obedient duty, completes the great quadruple law, the cube of Divine love."-pp. 216-8.

Some time ago a small work was published, entitled Things to be Remembered, a small yet valuable repertorium of good and healthy doctrine, very "necessary for these times." But, as might be fairly expected, weak stomachs could hardly endure strong meats; and so some of our Guernsey friends have found great fault with it. This is really too bad, for the book is as innocent as TRUTH itself. We have examined it with very careful eyes, and tried to detect any latent heresy that it might contain, the more so as it was penned by a contributor of our own; but all in vain for it really seems a very plain statement of truths which a Catholic would readily admit. We are not surprised, therefore, to find that, when this unpretending little work (which we recommend to all our readers) was attacked as it has been, a defence should be put forth, entitled, The Truth of Things to be Remembered, in which a layman has collected a vast body of evidence

to show that truth is truth, and that the Anglican divines have not shrunk from maintaining it. It is really a most excellent tract, and the clerical teacher must be much obliged to the lay Ajax, who has thus come to throw his shield over him.

Several books must stand over for want of room.

Notices to Correspondents.

VARIOUS poetical contributions are declined with thanks.

F. T.-The subject to which he alludes cannot be answered in a few words, but shall have attention in a separate article. We certainly cannot recommend the paper in question from the specimens that have fallen in our way.

The "Waste Land" has been received and is under consideration. A "Subscriber from the beginning" will find an admirable sermon by Professor Blunt in his first series of University Sermons on the Bible, and also on the Prayer Book as its commentary. His second question is somewhat difficult, but Dr. Pusey's "Parochial Sermons" would be suggestive of ideas: and Mr. Comper's, noticed in our present number, are we think models of their class. Bishop Mant's "Religio Quotidiana" is plain, sensible, and devout, like all his works. Mr. Chamberlain, in his Theory of Christian Worship, has a good sermon on the same. The congregation has nothing to do with the subject. The prayers are intercessory. As to family prayers, we use the Prime and Compline services, to be had of Mr. Masters. They are liked by our servants and such friends or parishioners as may have joined from time to time in our devotions. Dean Chandler's Horæ Sacræ is a very good book for private devotion.

PRESBYTER. We will give some attention to his first question before we answer it, as it breaks new ground. To his second, we answer, most assuredly. To his third, we do not know of any work bearing on the points, but will make inquiries. As to the latter part of this question, we have found what may be called Pictorial Catechizing, most useful.

ERRATUM. In page 220, lines 20 and 21, for "irreconcileable" read "reconcileable."

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"This gives you warning that within few days

Death needs must marry you: these short lines, minutes,
That dribble out your life."

DECKER'S Fortunatus.

THE rising sun showed a position of affairs fearfully altered for the worse, so far as regarded the devoted city. Eighty Turkish galleys and brigantines rode proudly in the upper part of the harbour; the Crescent at their heads glowed in the morning brightness; crowds of horse and foot were forming in lines and squares on the archery ground, and where the Crimson Mosque now stands: the Bosporus was comparatively deserted; even the north. of the city and the Tower of S. Romanus by no means presented the same active spectacle of attack and defence as up to that time had been the case. Slowly and painfully from all quarters, west, north, and south, oxen were to be seen dragging forward timber and stone to one point on the eastern side of the Horn. There, again and again, in the course of the day might Mahomet be found on his white horse; there the principal Pashas and officers were

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