صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

That the ignorant Minds may be taught thy Truth, and learn the Way to Everlasting Happiness.

That the guilty Consciences may accuse their Crimes, and be absolv'd on Earth to be pardon'd in Heaven;

That the Love prepared Souls may approach thy Table, and feast their Hopes with that delicious Banquet.

That all may speak to Thee by Prayer, and hear thy Voice by the Mouth of thy Pastors:

blessed Lord, what excellent Arts has thy Wisdom invented to bring us unto thy Self?

Thou takest our Eyes by the Beauty of thy House, and the decent Splendors of thy folemn Offices.

Thou quickenest our Affections by our mutual Devotions, and meltest our Hearts with the Sweetness of thy Musick.

Thou strengthenest our Faithby thy publick Assemblies, and improvest our Love both to Thee, and one another.

Whilft we all meet for the same blest End, and by mutual Reflections encrease our Fervours :

Happy, thrice happy they, O merciful God, whom thy Providence has favour'd with all these Blessings,

Who freely may enter thy holy Sanctu ary, and fing aloud their Praises to thy Name:


Who every Day may wait on thy Altars, and there securely praise, and adore Thee. But where thou art pleased to deny these Mercies, refuse not, O Lord, to extend (the greater Measure of) thy Grace; And to all, that live in such Spiritual Destitutions grant them extraordinary Supplies from thy Self.

That at least they may build a little Chappel in their Hearts, and confecrate themselves entirely unto Thee.

Grant that the more they want of other Helps, they may find the greater Assistances from Thee:

Make them sensible of the blessed Oppor tunities they have had, and now want to wait upon Thee.

Forgive them the Neglect, and ill Improvement they have made of them, and where-ever they meet in thy Name, be thou in the midst of them.

Bring to their Remembrance those saving Truths they have learned, and fill their Souls with thy chaste Love.


No farther Motives shall they need to draw them, nor other Temple to address their Prayers.

Since every Place, where thou art not graciously present, is miferable; but where thou art, is Joy and Peace.

Glory be to the Father, &c.

As it was in the Beginning, &c.


Thou haft created all Things, O Lord, for the Use of Man, and Man for the Enjoyment of thy Self.

Ant. Has the Almighty Goodness made all Things for us, and shall we do nothing for Him, nothing for our selves?



Ome let us lay aside the Cares of this
World, and take into our Minds the

Joys of Heaven.

Let us empty our Heads of all other Thoughts, and prepare that upper Room to entertain our God.

Retiring from the many Distractions of this Life, and closely recollecting all the Forces of our Souls.

So to pursue in earnest that one necefsary Work, the securing to our selves the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why should we thus neglect that Sacred Science, and be busie in every thing but our own Salvation?

Why should we forsake the real Sube stance, to embrace an empty Fancy?

Miserable are they, O Lord, who study all Things else, and never feek to taste thy Sweetness.

Miserable, tho' their Skill can number the Stars, and trace out the Ways of the Pla



To know Thee, O Lord, is to be truly Wife, and to contemplate Thee, the highest Learning.

But, O thou glorious God of Truth, in whomthe Treasures of Knowledge are all laid up!

Unless thou draw the Curtain from before our Eyes, and drive away the Clouds that intercept our Sight,

Never shall we see those Heavenly Mysteries, nor ever difcern the Beauty of thy Providence.

Send forth thy Light, O thou MorningStar! and lead us to thy holy Hill.

Send forth thy Truth, O Increated Wifdom, and bring us to thy blessed Tabernacle.

Shew us thy Self, O glorious Jesus! and in Thee we shall behold all that we can wish.

Only so much we beg to conceive of thy Majesty, as may move our Hearts to feek Thee.

Only so much of thy unapproachable Deity, as may guide our Souls to find Thee.

If we may not know Thee clearly, let us know fo far, that we may long to know farther.

If we cannot love Thee perfectly in this Life, let us love Thee so much, as to defire to love Thee more.

So let us know and love Thee here, O thou Sovereign Bliss of our Souls !




That hereafter we may know Thee bet

ter, and love and enjoy Thee for ever. Glory be to the Father, &c.

As it was in the Beginning, &c.

Ant. Has the Almighty Goodness made all Things for us; and shall we do nothing for Him? Nothing for our selves?

Our Father, &c.

First Lesson, 1 Cor. 14. 20. and Col. 3. UT now Christ is risen from the Dead, and become the First-Fruits of them


that flept.

For fince by Man came Death, by Man came also the Refurrection from the Dead. For as in Adam all died, even so in Chrift shall all be made alive.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those Things that are above, where Chrift fitteth on the Right-Hand of God.

Set your Affections on Things above, not on Things on the Earth.

For you are dead, and your Life is hid with Chrift in God.

When Chrift, who is your Life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in Glory.

Mortifie therefore your Members that are upon the Earth; Fornication, Uncleanness, inordinate Affection, evil Concupi scence and Covetousness, which is Idolatry:


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